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發布時間: 2021-02-21 21:38:45

Ⅰ 求英語演講稿,300字左右,帶翻譯,急用!!

我很感謝大家早安,大家!今天,我非常感謝,我給這個機會,使這個講話名為「我很感謝。 」 1620年,朝聖者誰上五月花號收於普利茅斯,美國,尋求更好的生活和逃避宗教迫害。他們的第一個冬季是災難性的。他們生病了。他們感冒。他們飢餓。感謝您的幫助下,當地人誰教他們如何建造房屋,如何捕魚,如何種植玉米。的幫助下,土著美國人,倖存下來的朝聖者最嚴厲的冬天。在1621年,朝聖者進行了豐收。為了顯示他們的感謝印第安人誰幫助他們生存下去的第一年,朝聖者決定慶祝的節日。這是這個故事的第一次感恩節。今天感恩節是一年一度的為期一天的假期表示感謝。男孩和女孩,我要告訴你,感謝的人是一個令人高興的perosn 。我感謝我的生活提供。我感謝有機會研究這個可愛的學校。我感謝綠樹,蜿蜒的河流,高大的山脈,美麗的花卉,鳥類的歌聲。我感謝太陽,月亮和stars.The世界是美麗的,因為所有這些。男孩和女孩,讓我們熱愛地球,讓我們照顧她。現在我要結束我的講話中引用這首詩命名。感恩節是一個時刻記住感恩節是一個時刻記住多少我們可以做的動議星級。所有我們和我們必須投降,也不是高深莫測地少比火星。知道了這一點,我們知道需要的朋友分享我們的快樂和我們的痛苦,從而,盡管它可能不是他們的目的,在歡樂的愛,將我們的愛情維持。很像水湖,總之,我們作為鏡子向天空。沒有人能夠單獨天堂的圖片考慮。鑒於朋友們,我們知道原因。感謝,大家!

Ⅱ 英語演講稿三百字左右

Good morning /Good afternoon, everyone,
Today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of How to succeed in college.College is a time unlike any other in our life. we have gained independence, we are in a new place, and our alt life is graally staring us in the face. we have choices to make, and we know it. There is no secret recipe for succeeding in college.I think there are three ways maybe succeed in college.
First,Studying is very important to succeed in the college,through studying,we can get a lot of knowledge,each career need get skills on it.if we want to get a good job in the future,we must study hard.
second,Socializing is the way to succeed.Establish as many friendships as possible, go to parties,without communication there will be no cooperation, there will be no development, there will be no success. Therefore, communication is the link between the feelings of the cause of the success of the foundation.
After that ,Eat healthy, exercise, and get enough rest are also important.Remember,without health,others are only zero.
Thank you.

Ⅲ 一篇積極對待生活的英文演講稿300字左右

Learn to Face Our Life Actively
Life is not easy for us.Everyday we have to face a series of problems.Students have to go to school for ecation,alts have to go to work for money.We all have to care for our family,or even the whole society.As a student,we feel great stress on our shoulders,many subjects and mountains of homework on backs.High school entrance examination and college entrance examination are in our hearts all the time.
Hard though it is,we should learn to face it actively,for that's the way it is.As an old Chinese saying goes,there is nothing hard for a willing heart.As long as we face all the problems and trouble bravely,we can overcome them one after one.
Friends,don't give up when faced with difficulties,let's face them actively.

Ⅳ 急求一篇300字以上的英語演講稿

world long, the year like shuttle, innumerable today turned yesterday. yesterday had us happy, the anger, the sorrow, cheerful panic-stricken, had our glory and depressed, as soon as went is not coming, perhaps we yesterday once had excessively magnificently, but "the real man did not raise the same year to be brave", only had the person which dared to tear to pieces yesterday glory, can create today the magnificence; perhaps yesterday once remained for us the innumerable lessons and the grief, although "forgot the past was equal to the betrayal", but betrayed and put behind not the happy past, was brave goes out from yesterday shadow, was precisely today hope is at.small holland make also may submit a piece of writing for publication.
innumerable yesterday put up arrived today the steps and ladders, have picked up today sun. today for us the new hope, yesterday all dreams all has the possibility to realize in today. today is most important, only has grasps today, will be able to greet tomorrow; today is happiest, if does not have today, tomorrow all also do not exist. "10,000 years too are long, only struggle from morning until evening." let us treasure today each minute, diligently will realize tomorrow dream today by us.small holland makes also may submit a piece of writing for publication.
tomorrow, tomorrow is today hope, is today dream. the blind tomorrow person, the life path will be overshadowed. treasures today, will yearn for tomorrow, the life daily will harvest the hope. idly spends today, will give tomorrow hope reposing the person, the harvest forever will be disappointed.

Ⅳ 求 英語演講稿 中西方文化 300詞

1.Western students enjoy a seemingly relaxed ecational experience. This, however, is not the case for students in Asia, who face crushing workloads and are often very disciplined. In the first part of her Globalist.

China has a long history of standardized tests, beginning with the ancient imperial exams initiated ring the Sui Dynasty.Shelly Chen is at the top of the class at the Shanghai foreign language school, one of the city』s best middle schools. Already near fluent in English, she is studying German and ranks among the highest in her grade in physics. Her goal is to get a full scholarship to Harvard to study biochemistry. It is not only Western expatriates that grow anxious when hearing about students like Shelly.

Throughout England, politicians, parents and pundits worry that the instriousness and discipline of kids in the East are leaving relatively relaxed Westerners trailing behind. Though there is some debate surrounding the statistics, it is widely believed that North America is failing to proce sufficient graates in sciences and engineering.
Chinese students are taught that all questions have but one right answer and there is little room for debate.North American ecation needs to move away from an emphasis on fun, flexibility and indivial learning styles.Instead, it has to shift towards a more strict, disciplined teaching environment that math and science, in particular, seem to demand.This shift can be discerned even in Canada, where there are no college entrance exams, and where, standardized testing, memorization and rote learning have long been frowned upon.
2.Comparisons between Chinese and Western Culture

China dates its civilization back to five thousand years ago. Through these centuries, Chinese people have developed as a hard-working, brave, warm-hearted and neutral nationality. While most of the western people built up their countries several hundred years ago, they are characterized by liberty, opening, enterprising and risk-taking. Some detailed comparisons between Chinese culture and western one will be discussed as follows.

Wushu, known in the West as Kongfu, is a traditional folk sport. It's Chinese martial arts and is characteristic of various barehand and armed combat techniques. People practice it to build up body and protect themselves. Qigong and Taijiquan are also popular sports widely spread in China. On the other hand, the western are more interested in such sports as baseball, softball, tennis ball, golf, etc. Some need a team spirit, some need speed, and others need patience and luck.

Chinese opera, Beijing Opera for instance, is a comprehensive performing art. It combines music, singing, dialogues, acrobatics and martial arts. You must be fascinated by peculiar costumes, colored facial painting and excellent fighting scenes. The performers must spend many years practicing to guarantee the proficiency. However, the western opera doesn』t include much action and facial painting, most of the opera are music, singing, dialogues and the usual life performance, just telling the viewers what happen in a story.

Chinese traditional medicine is based on the theory of Yin (negative) and Yang (positive). If the balance in a person between Yin and Yang is disturbed, he is sure to become ill. Observing, listening and smelling, inquiring and palpating are four diagnostic methods. The medicine is mainly made from herbs, animals and minerals that are directly collected from nature. It must be boiled with water before the sick person takes it. On the contrary, the western doctors use high-tech equipment to diagnose the exact ill parts, prescript troches which can be directly swallowed with warm water, and maybe give an injection if necessary.

The celebration of Spring Festival, Chinese Lunar New Year, has a history of two thousand years. Before the day, people working in other places will go home for the reunion supper, "Tuanyuanfan". After the midnight, people set off firecrackers and fireworks, believing that they will drive away the evil spirit. During the holiday, people will visit their relatives and friends. Qingming, Dragon boat, Mid-Autumn festival are also Chinese popular festivals. On the other hand, in the West, Christmas Day is the most important festival. Before the day, they buy Christmas trees decorated with colored flash lamps, and spend the day with their family; the children will wait all night for Santa Claus to send them presents. Valentine's Day, Easter, April fool's Day, Thanks-giving Day are western popular festivals.

Ⅵ 英語演講稿300字

world long, the year like shuttle, innumerable today turned yesterday. yesterday had us happy, the anger, the sorrow, cheerful panic-stricken, had our glory and depressed, as soon as went is not coming, perhaps we yesterday once had excessively magnificently, but "the real man did not raise the same year to be brave", only had the person which dared to tear to pieces yesterday glory, can create today the magnificence; perhaps yesterday once remained for us the innumerable lessons and the grief, although "forgot the past was equal to the betrayal", but betrayed and put behind not the happy past, was brave goes out from yesterday shadow, was precisely today hope is at.small holland make also may submit a piece of writing for publication.
innumerable yesterday put up arrived today the steps and ladders, have picked up today sun. today for us the new hope, yesterday all dreams all has the possibility to realize in today. today is most important, only has grasps today, will be able to greet tomorrow; today is happiest, if does not have today, tomorrow all also do not exist. "10,000 years too are long, only struggle from morning until evening." let us treasure today each minute, diligently will realize tomorrow dream today by us.small holland makes also may submit a piece of writing for publication.
tomorrow, tomorrow is today hope, is today dream. the blind tomorrow person, the life path will be overshadowed. treasures today, will yearn for tomorrow, the life daily will harvest the hope. idly spends today, will give tomorrow hope reposing the person, the harvest forever will be disappointed.


Ⅶ 求英文演講稿,300詞

Ladies and Gentlemen ,
Good afternoon! I』m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Today,my topic is 「」. I hope you will like it .
I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up. And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well.
I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because there』s an old saying 「where there is a will,there is a way

Ⅷ 英語演講稿 300個左右

The time is the life, Mr. Lu Xun said that, "Wastes own time to be equal to the chronic suicide, wastes others time to be equal to murders for money." This explained treasures the time the importance.
The time says regarding the scholar: "An inch time inch gold, inch Jin Nan buys an inch time." The scholar only then treasures the time to be able to create own value, is humanity's civilized development, develops the new knowledge world. The science and technology can further develop, soars for the motherland offers own talent. Otherwise, does not treasure the time, unsuccessfully living, tomorrow plicate tomorrow, not only has destroyed own future, returns to give back to the country to bring in the economical the loss.
The time says regarding the military scientist, treasures the time is the victory. Red Army must fly crosses Yangtze River, day and night marches, its goal strives for the time, strives for the victory. Obviously treasures the time is how important, this is relating the motherland life and death.
The time regarding the economical scholar is the money, is the efficiency. Along with the reform and open policy flood tide, the time is more and more taken by the people, former days worked disperses negligently, lives hand to mouth, has the mess the phenomenon more and more to be few, presents at present in is grasps the time creation benefit, the creation wealth.
Treasures the time is treasures the life, the life very is all important regarding each people, our each people all should treasure the time well, creates own life value. 中文翻譯: 時間就是生命,魯迅先生說:「浪費自己的時間等於慢性自殺,浪費別人的時間等於謀財害命。」這就說明了珍惜時間的重要性。

Ⅸ 英語演講稿300字 關於綠色環保的

Protection of the Environment
Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.
Today things are different. The world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human on earth will not survive.
We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught.We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear. Yet, we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees. We see that if rivers are polluted with waste procts, we will die. Yet, waste procts are
still put into rivers.
We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there won』t be enough food.What can we do to solve these problems?
If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available. Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept.
Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them.
The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.
Finally, if we ecate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future.

過去,人們不必擔心保護環境的問題。 因為那時地球上人口稀少,自然資源似乎取之不盡。

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