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發布時間: 2021-02-17 03:11:46


Hello everybody, my name is ***, the title of my speech today is "**** is my Top concen ". I have twenty years old this year, for the future work of the heart should be going, to work as a necessary part of life, it is very important part of life. To get a good job, and now must work hard, and started to pay attention some information related to their professional and do some preparation. Today's society is a competitive society, and only continue to improve their work skills, adaptability to the fore. Today's world is a material world, only to find a good job to live a stable life。

❷ 翻譯300多字的演講稿,中譯英,高手進,高分


My dream,my way

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,

今天我演講的題目是My way,有關夢想
My topic today is My dream, My way

I have always felt that dreams are part of our indispensable life. It supports us along with our life, gives us courage, hope, to face the future, the unknown and the ups and downs.

Actually, I am not a brave person. I have many fears. I'm afraid of being disliked, of being disappointed, not doing things well enough, afraid of being giving up. The biggest fear I have is where my path will lead me to, will it lead to my dream? Or, our dream will just lead us to the future. Once you set your foot on it, you will not give up, and just go all the way to the end.

Or maybe this road is not smooth at all. One of my favorite authors once said, every day, every minute, every second, a dream dies in your heart. On your path there will be all kinds of thorny roses. It's unknown how many have stepped on them and left their dream behind, dyeing their dream bloody red, like never-withering flowers.

But we have to continue your dream steadfast. You will become stronger, stronger than yesterday, stronger than what you were before. Until you have all the power to guard your dreams, until you turn your dream into your path to success.

My dream is my path of my life.

Thank you all!

❸ 急求一篇演講稿中譯英!

If there is a cup of mellow wine, and you did not take it; if the ear is a touching song, you did not take Headset, worse, when you the right girl asked: if I and your mother and fell into the water, which one would you ", you are not ready to a perfect answer, but lost the chance to win. A lot of opportunities, like all stars; little chance, if you do not save, it will be as fleeting meteor, eastward River, gone for ever. So I always believe a word: "chance favors the prepared mind. "When you commit, for every morning, afternoon, evening work, will enjoy the opportunity to bring you the sweet smell of success. A few months ago, I attended a lecture, when the speaker made a profound question, the audience silent. I itch for a try, but because there is no ready, but did not dare to raise their hands, at this time, a classmate of confidence to stand up, fluent answer. So the speaker gave her praise and expensive gifts. Then she said to me, it is to advance the understanding of the topic, refer to the material, just let her catch the chance to express yourself.

❹ 【高分】英翻中演講稿翻譯

先譯一部分 請審核 下部分會馬上跟進 不求最快 但求最好~


逐句翻譯~ 力求准確~
堅持手譯~ 助人利己~
如有不足~ 接受改進~
不求最快~ 但求最好

樓上朋友 還有些瑕疵需改進



❺ 幫忙翻譯一個演講稿(中譯英)

My Dream
I have chosen journalism as my major, and I like it very much, so, my dream is to become a excellent journalist in the future. Although journalist is a profession with some kind of dangers, it can bring my excitement which means adventures to me. Also, the profession of journalist enjoys some certain social position, which is one of the reasons why I have chosen journalism as my major. With persistent effort, I hope I can be a excellent and outstanding journalist one day.

❻ 英語演講稿(三分鍾帶翻譯)


❼ 演講稿的英文怎麼說

I rerwote my speech draft just yesterday.

speech script 通常指演講提綱,因為演講者為了效果生動,經常會脫稿發揮,因此 speech script 提供內了大概段落,容論據等,但又有一定的自由發揮空間。
完整的演講稿則用 speech draft,通常在演講完成後傳發給媒體的稿件就是用 speech draft。

❽ 「演講稿」 英文翻譯


❾ 翻譯個英文演講稿~


❿ 請幫忙翻譯一篇演講稿。中譯英。

Today I am going to talk about Korea, this is the flag of Korea, the pattern in the middle represents universe, and these four each represents sky, earth, water and fire, the background of the flag is white which represents the Korean people's love towards immaculacy and peace. The offical language of Korea is Korean. As we all know, the capital of Korea is Seoul, it is the seventh largest city in the world, Seoul is a city that has more than ten million population, the buildings over there are very modern.

In Korea, the best travelling season is spring, the spring of Korea is from March to May. after winter, the weather gets warm, you can see flowers everywhere, indeed, very beautiful, at this time, many places in Korea are having cherry blossom festival, mention of cherry blossom, many of you will think of Japan, although the opening of cherry blossom in Korea is later than Japan, but the quantity and beauty all exceed Japan.

The autumn of Korea is also a very good travelling season, in autumn, maple leaves will all fall off, large amount of travellers will go to every famous mountain of Korea to view and admire the maple leaves, at this time the scenes of Korea are just as beautiful as in the paintings.

Everyone here knows that the Kimchi is the most famous thing in Korea, it has an ancient history, Korean people put fresh cabbage and radish into jars, and then put in seasoning, seal up the jar, it is then ready to eat after three to five days. It is extremely dilicious, as long as you taste it, you'll never forget it in the rest of your life.

After all this, let's talk out the costume of Korea---Hanbok, Hanbok is the traditional costume of Korea, it has a decent style. The design of Hanbok is special, the basic colour is white, and e to different seasons, the materials and colour are all different. Wearing a hanbok is quite a difficult thing to do, Korean people often wear them in offical occasions.


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