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發布時間: 2021-02-11 18:47:53

1. 英語演講稿300字

world long, the year like shuttle, innumerable today turned yesterday. yesterday had us happy, the anger, the sorrow, cheerful panic-stricken, had our glory and depressed, as soon as went is not coming, perhaps we yesterday once had excessively magnificently, but "the real man did not raise the same year to be brave", only had the person which dared to tear to pieces yesterday glory, can create today the magnificence; perhaps yesterday once remained for us the innumerable lessons and the grief, although "forgot the past was equal to the betrayal", but betrayed and put behind not the happy past, was brave goes out from yesterday shadow, was precisely today hope is at.small holland make also may submit a piece of writing for publication.
innumerable yesterday put up arrived today the steps and ladders, have picked up today sun. today for us the new hope, yesterday all dreams all has the possibility to realize in today. today is most important, only has grasps today, will be able to greet tomorrow; today is happiest, if does not have today, tomorrow all also do not exist. "10,000 years too are long, only struggle from morning until evening." let us treasure today each minute, diligently will realize tomorrow dream today by us.small holland makes also may submit a piece of writing for publication.
tomorrow, tomorrow is today hope, is today dream. the blind tomorrow person, the life path will be overshadowed. treasures today, will yearn for tomorrow, the life daily will harvest the hope. idly spends today, will give tomorrow hope reposing the person, the harvest forever will be disappointed.


2. 我的夢想演講稿300字英文

my dream
hello everyone! it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.
my dream is to become a teacher.
you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting. i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day. and if i am a teacher, i can teach my students a lot of knowledge. they might become stronger and cleverer because of me. that is a very contented feeling.
china is a developing country. chinese are not that excellent in their intellegent. so teachers in china might be very very important. they can provide the society with a lot of successful people, and make china a better place.
do you think that i have a good dream? i will work hard to make my dream become true!


3. 英語演講稿範文300字

world long, the year like shuttle, innumerable today turned
yesterday. yesterday had us happy, the anger, the sorrow, cheerful
panic-stricken, had our glory and depressed, as soon as went is not
coming, perhaps we yesterday once had excessively magnificently, but
"the real man did not raise the same year to be brave", only had the
person which dared to tear to pieces yesterday glory, can create today
the magnificence; perhaps yesterday once remained for us the innumerable
lessons and the grief, although "forgot the past was equal to the
betrayal", but betrayed and put behind not the happy past, was brave
goes out from yesterday shadow, was precisely today hope is at.small
holland make also may submit a piece of writing for publication.
yesterday put up arrived today the steps and ladders, have picked up
today sun. today for us the new hope, yesterday all dreams all has the
possibility to realize in today. today is most important, only has
grasps today, will be able to greet tomorrow; today is happiest, if does
not have today, tomorrow all also do not exist. "10,000 years too are
long, only struggle from morning until evening." let us treasure today
each minute, diligently will realize tomorrow dream today by us.small
holland makes also may submit a piece of writing for publication.
tomorrow is today hope, is today dream. the blind tomorrow person, the
life path will be overshadowed. treasures today, will yearn for
tomorrow, the life daily will harvest the hope. idly spends today, will
give tomorrow hope reposing the person, the harvest forever will be

4. 馬上需要一篇英文的300字的演講稿!快!誰能馬上幫我寫啊


5. 急需英語演講稿一份(200至300字)

Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I』m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is 「youth」. I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.
First I want to ask you some questions:
1、 Do you know what is youth?
2、 How do you master your youth?

Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .
Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals.
Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to st .
Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being 『 heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what』s next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart there』s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .
When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.
Thank you!

6. 一篇積極對待生活的英文演講稿300字左右

Learn to Face Our Life Actively
Life is not easy for us.Everyday we have to face a series of problems.Students have to go to school for ecation,alts have to go to work for money.We all have to care for our family,or even the whole society.As a student,we feel great stress on our shoulders,many subjects and mountains of homework on backs.High school entrance examination and college entrance examination are in our hearts all the time.
Hard though it is,we should learn to face it actively,for that's the way it is.As an old Chinese saying goes,there is nothing hard for a willing heart.As long as we face all the problems and trouble bravely,we can overcome them one after one.
Friends,don't give up when faced with difficulties,let's face them actively.

7. 急求一篇300字以上的英語演講稿

world long, the year like shuttle, innumerable today turned yesterday. yesterday had us happy, the anger, the sorrow, cheerful panic-stricken, had our glory and depressed, as soon as went is not coming, perhaps we yesterday once had excessively magnificently, but "the real man did not raise the same year to be brave", only had the person which dared to tear to pieces yesterday glory, can create today the magnificence; perhaps yesterday once remained for us the innumerable lessons and the grief, although "forgot the past was equal to the betrayal", but betrayed and put behind not the happy past, was brave goes out from yesterday shadow, was precisely today hope is at.small holland make also may submit a piece of writing for publication.
innumerable yesterday put up arrived today the steps and ladders, have picked up today sun. today for us the new hope, yesterday all dreams all has the possibility to realize in today. today is most important, only has grasps today, will be able to greet tomorrow; today is happiest, if does not have today, tomorrow all also do not exist. "10,000 years too are long, only struggle from morning until evening." let us treasure today each minute, diligently will realize tomorrow dream today by us.small holland makes also may submit a piece of writing for publication.
tomorrow, tomorrow is today hope, is today dream. the blind tomorrow person, the life path will be overshadowed. treasures today, will yearn for tomorrow, the life daily will harvest the hope. idly spends today, will give tomorrow hope reposing the person, the harvest forever will be disappointed.

8. 求英語演講稿,300字左右,帶翻譯,急用!!

我很感謝大家早安,大家!今天,我非常感謝,我給這個機會,使這個講話名為「我很感謝。 」 1620年,朝聖者誰上五月花號收於普利茅斯,美國,尋求更好的生活和逃避宗教迫害。他們的第一個冬季是災難性的。他們生病了。他們感冒。他們飢餓。感謝您的幫助下,當地人誰教他們如何建造房屋,如何捕魚,如何種植玉米。的幫助下,土著美國人,倖存下來的朝聖者最嚴厲的冬天。在1621年,朝聖者進行了豐收。為了顯示他們的感謝印第安人誰幫助他們生存下去的第一年,朝聖者決定慶祝的節日。這是這個故事的第一次感恩節。今天感恩節是一年一度的為期一天的假期表示感謝。男孩和女孩,我要告訴你,感謝的人是一個令人高興的perosn 。我感謝我的生活提供。我感謝有機會研究這個可愛的學校。我感謝綠樹,蜿蜒的河流,高大的山脈,美麗的花卉,鳥類的歌聲。我感謝太陽,月亮和stars.The世界是美麗的,因為所有這些。男孩和女孩,讓我們熱愛地球,讓我們照顧她。現在我要結束我的講話中引用這首詩命名。感恩節是一個時刻記住感恩節是一個時刻記住多少我們可以做的動議星級。所有我們和我們必須投降,也不是高深莫測地少比火星。知道了這一點,我們知道需要的朋友分享我們的快樂和我們的痛苦,從而,盡管它可能不是他們的目的,在歡樂的愛,將我們的愛情維持。很像水湖,總之,我們作為鏡子向天空。沒有人能夠單獨天堂的圖片考慮。鑒於朋友們,我們知道原因。感謝,大家!

9. 急求!300字簡單英語演講稿一篇。

How to Be Popular
Most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. What is the secret to popularity? In fact, it is very simple. The first step is to improve our appearance. We should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well. When we are healthy and well-groomed, we will not only look better but also feel better. In addition, we should smile and appear friendly. After all, our facial expression is an important part of our appearance. If we can do this, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence. Another important step is developing more consideration for others. We should always put others first and place their interests before our own. It's also important to be good listeners; in this way people will feel comfortable enough to confide in us. However, no matter what we do, we must not gossip. Above all, we must remember to be ourselves, not phonies. Only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect. If we can do all of the above, I am sure popularity will come our way.如何才能受人歡迎

10. 求一篇300字以感恩為主題的英語演講稿(時間為3分鍾的)!!適合大學生的!!謝謝

Gratitude 英語演講稿 【By Kaiser3344】
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, honorable judges and distinguished guest! this is alex time! ha-ha…my topic today is to show our gratitude to people around you.
Then what is gratitude? at the moment a well-known song comes into my mind. yes, that is called heart of feel grateful. my heart is filled up with gratitude because i』m with you/your make me courageous to be myself from cradle to the grave/so now i wanna thank for destiny/i』ll cherish the flower when it blooms until falls. the poetic lyric tells us that gratitude is actually a state of mind.
Once upon a time, the pilgrims took the may flower ship to north america. they started a new life there although a lot of difficulties and hardships they encountered. after a long-time work, they got a big harvest. the pilgrims had a feast in 1621 near plymouth, massachusetts, which is often referred to as the first thanksgiving. people show their sincere gratitude towards the god, the nature, the earth, the river, the indians and themselves. moreover the 1621 feast has become a model for the thanksgiving celebration in the united states. so we can see gratitude is an action to take.
How can we express our gratitude? it』s never a simple question to answer. gratitude is a rare jewel, not a piece of cake, i know. but how can we expect such big events happening now and then? how can we be ready to say thank you ahead of time? how can we always hope to be grateful to everything and everyone for their dignity and generosity? sometimes i may ask to myself. is it moral? is it honest? is it beneficial? is it necessary? or the most interesting one, is it ridiculous? ha-ha…so in my opinion, we』d better concentrate on our life』s details. keep your eyes open to your daily life. yes! a shining smile is supposed to be gratitude. a thank-you note is supposed to be gratitude. a soulful watch is supposed to be gratitude. as far as a baby』s crying on his arrival is supposed to be gratitude. and even fallen leaves in autumn are supposed to be gratitude. so the person, who stands here giving you a speech, is also showing his gratitude.
At last, what』s the significance of showing our gratitude? a proverb says that gratitude is the sign of noble souls. wow! until now i am not that kind of giant, but i dare to say that everyone, you and me, has the right and the ty to show our gratitude to the world, no matter rich or poor, happy or sad, young or old. only by doing so can we achieve our human ultimate concern. meanwhile it obviously helps to build up a harmonious society. under the same sky we enjoy the same sunshine and appreciate the same love e to thanking and caring each other. well, does it plato』s paradise?
All in all, a world full of gratitude is preciously expected for thousands of years. why not show our gratitude to people around you?
Thank you very much!

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