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發布時間: 2021-02-05 14:50:41

『壹』 問候語介紹的英語口語對話

A:Good morning ,Mr Smith .
B;Good morning ,Lihua ,how are you?
A:Fine thanks,Mr Smith ,Is this your friend?
B:oh ,this is my new friend-Elisa ,we are meet on line,
C:Nice to meet you !
A;Nice to meet you ,too.
C;We are going to play tennis ,Are you glad to come with us?
A;I'd like to ,but I have something to deal.Have a good time.
Band C :good bye ,Lihua

『貳』 英語問候的對話 英語問候對話,不少於10句

——Hello! are you?——Hi,fine.And you?——I'm fine too.——Would you like something to drink?Tea,juice or coffee?—— Coffee,Ok?——No problem.And here's some milk.Make yourself at home.I prefer juice to coffee.—— What about going to the cinema later?I heard a new movie would be shown there.Would you like to go with me?——Really?I think I'd love to,but I'm afaid I can't come.I'll go to the library with Mary Jane half an hour later.——What a pity!It's not interesting to see a movie alone,you know.How about tomorrow evening?——Well,let me see.Aha,I'll be free tomorrow evening.I think I can go with you.Let's make it at 7:30p.m,right?——All right.Well see you tomorrow.—— See you.覺得還行的話就採納為滿意答案吧!

『叄』 英語問候語大全

Nice to meet you.(適用於第一次見面)很高興見到你。
Nice to see you again.(適用於曾經見過,但不太熟的人)很高興再次見到回你。
How have you been?(適用於有一答陣子沒見面的朋友)你過得怎麼樣?
Long time no see.(適用於很久沒見的朋友)好久不見。
How is it going?近況如何?
How's everything with you?

『肆』 英語小對話是問候語的 簡單的6句就好了

-how are you?
-i'am fine,and you?
-just so so
-what are you going to do now?
-go home,what about you
-i am gong to have lunch~

『伍』 求一篇英語問好的對話

T:Hi, Jane! How's it going ? 嗨,Jane!最近過得如何? J:Will, it's a little bad with.I have a headache.恩,我有一點小麻煩,我頭疼。 T:Oh, I am sorry to hear that. But i think you'd better to see a doctor.噢,聽到這個消息我內很遺憾。不容過我認為你最好去看一下醫生。 J:In fact i did.The doctor said that i would be better by eating medicine.事實上我這樣做了。醫生說我吃葯的話很快就會好的。 T:I hope so.希望如此。

『陸』 英語問候語的對話

「襲Hello!」「Hi!」「Nice to meet you.」「NICE to meet you,too.」「I am glad to be friend with you.」「Yeah,it is my pleasure.」「And what is your name?」「My name is Mary.」"What about you?""I am Liy.""What is your favourite colour?""Red is ok.""I hope to get along well with you. ""No problem!""Teacher is coming in,Let's go back!""

『柒』 英語對話一般以什麼開頭

Excuse me, do you have the time?

Sorry, do you have a moment? May I ask you a question?


Hey pal, what's up with you?!

Mike, do you remember me? Good to see you.

『捌』 英語小對話是問候語的

-how are you?
-i'am fine,and you?
-just so so
-what are you going to do now?
-go home,what about you ?
-i am gong to have lunch~~

『玖』 英語演講稿開頭的問候語,要吸引人的


"I am a professional speaker. I get paid for my performance. I believe you get paid for the same thing, except your performance lasts a year and mine only lasts an hour. Nevertheless, I stand on a stage, you sit at a desk, but we both get paid to perform."

『拾』 英文書信的開頭問候語有哪些

1、 you for your letter of September 1.
2、Many thanks for your kind letter which reached me yesterday.
3、You letter come to me this morning.
4、I was delighted to receive your letter .
5、I am in receipt of your letter .
6、It』s a long time since I saw your last .
7、I have been missing you a lot since we met last time .
8、I am sorry for not writing to you sooner .
9、I am writing to you tell that ……
10.I often think of you. How are you recently?
Thank you for your kind letter(謝謝你的友好來信。)
I was so pleased to receive your letter(收到你的來信我十分高興。)
I have just received your kind letter(已接到你的友好來信。)
I was pleased to hear from you...(……收到你的來信,我非常高興。)
I have just this moment received your letter and I am writing at once because...(我此時收到你的來信,便立即寫信,因為……)
Your letter of...was ly received(你……的來函已妥收。)
Your letter came to(reached)me this morning.(今晨收到你的來信。)
Many thanks for your last kind letter.(接最近來信,感激之至。)
I am sorry it has taken me a long time to reply to your last letter but...(很抱歉,這么久才回你的上次來信,只是……)
What a surprise it was to get a letter from you.(收到你的來信我感到很吃驚。)
I was very sorry to hea...(聽到……感到很不安。)
You will be very glad to hear that...(聽到……你會非常高興。)
From your letter I learned that...(從你的信中知道……)
With great delight I learned that...(我得知……非常高興。)
I often think of you.How have you been recently ?(我常想到你,你近來好嗎?)
Sorry for delaying this letter so long.(這封信耽擱了很久了,真對不起。)
I have the pleasure to tell you that..(我高興地告訴你……)

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