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發布時間: 2021-01-17 14:33:17

① put on weight造句不要太長蟹蟹

i do not want to put on weihgt

② put on weight是什麼意思

put out weight

put out
[英][put aut][美][pʊt aʊt]
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She wAS trembling and her face wAS AS white AS paper.She put out a hand to steady herself against a chair.

③ put on weight

much more much可以修飾比較級表示程度「更。。。」
put on weight「長肉」「長胖」
lose weight"消瘦"
keep weight"保持體重"

④ ring the spring festival,I put on weight 這句話對嗎

要麼說過年期間我長了多少斤。如I put on 5 pounds ring this spring festival/Chinese new year holiday.
要麼說 I gained weight ring this new year holiday. 我這個過專年假期長胖屬了
如果直接用put on weight有主管增肥之意

⑤ Put on weight,可以說成put weight on 嗎

您好,這是不能的,因為put on weight 是固定短語。如果有幫助到你,請採納

⑥ put on(增加體重)造句

He didn't want to put on more weight.

⑦ 用put on造句

when it is cold, I put on the coat

⑧ put weight on與put on weight意思一樣嗎 為什麼

put weight on強調,著重於的意思表(在.用力)
put on weight表(發福,增加體重)

⑨ 英文中發胖用get fatter還是用put on weight

get fatter和put on weight

⑩ put on weight關於現在完成時的持續性動詞

put on weight=gain weight
Have I gained weight since we started dating?

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