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發布時間: 2021-01-15 07:09:39

❶ 怎樣用getting,Tom,used,in,is,the,China,to,life造句

Tom is getting used to the life in China.

❷ lower lt getting is怎樣造句

It is getting lower. 它正在降低

❸ getting up late造句

Getting up late is a bad habbit.
I hate getting up late.
I have no excuse of getting up late.

❹ it.seven.very.dark.at.getting.is.o'clock怎麼造句

It is at seven o'clock getting very dark.
這個句子也行,強調seven o'clock。

❺ how are you getting on with… 怎麼造句

進行地怎樣了?比如:How are you getting on with your work?你工作進行地怎樣?

❻ 分別用cooking,eating,getting out,making,while造句 謝謝啦!

Wash the vegetables before cooking. 煮飯前先洗菜

We are eating outside tonight. 我們今晚在外面吃飯
I like getting out for shopping. 我喜歡為了逛街而出門
The wood is too soft for making furniture. 這種木頭對於做內傢具來說太容軟了
She struck in while we were talking about her。 我們正在討論她的時候,她就走進來了

❼ is,she,morning exercises,doing,but,hot,it,getting,is怎麼造句

It is getting hot, but she is doing morning exercises.

請及時採納,不懂繼續問( 天天在線 )
(*^__^*) 祝學習進步! 謝謝!

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