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發布時間: 2020-12-18 13:54:07

1. 用is that造句

What made she so happy is that her dauguter won the game.What is the most important for learning English is that read more English books.what they are doing is that they are playing football.

2. 用that造句,並回答(兩句中必須含有that)


3. 用that造句:我最主要的擔心是他缺乏經驗

what i worry about most was that his lack of experise

4. 用that造句

who`s that?
或者That is my picture.

5. 用so...that...造句

1.He had so little ecation that he was unfit for this job.他所受教育很少,不適合做這個工作。
2.He had so many falls that he was black and blue all over.摔了很多跤,以致於全身上下青一塊,紫一塊的。
3.He runs so fast that nobody can catch up with him.他跑得非常快,沒人能追上他。
4.There were so many people in the street watching the fire that firefighters could not get close to the building. 街上有那麼多人觀看大火,以致於消防隊員無法接近大樓。

6. 用that造句有關於節日的句子

i think that the Dragon Boat Festival is the most instersting festival

7. 用that造句並改為復數形式

that is a cat. those are cats.

8. 用四個連續that造句

that is the most beautiful flower that I've ever met in the garden that my father cares so much that he waters the flowers everyday.那是我來在這花園里見過源的最美麗的花朵,爸爸特別喜歡這花園以至於天天澆水

9. That怎麼造句造三個

What is the difference between this and that?
I walked to the gate that opened towards the lake.
The output of steel this year has increased by 20% compared with that in 1992.

I am well aware that this is a tough job.
He claimed that the newspaper report was a libel.
That she is still alive is really a relief to us all.

That book isn't mine. I guess it belongs to Mike.
That girl frequents my dreams--I think she is just the one for me.

10. that+定語從句造句

可以有抄很多襲啊I do not know that who you areI think that people who tries his best will be famous用that造句時它都可以省略的

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