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發布時間: 2020-12-18 07:54:31

❶ cail a taxi/look a fter造句

  • Let me call a taxi for you.

  • Would you please look after my baby for a while?

❷ The is taxi coming這個造句對嗎



這是一個最基本的 主+謂 句型

應為: The taxi (主語) is coming (be+V-ing形式表進行時)

❸ a taxi driver怎樣造句

today, Ilook a taxi driver ,he is cieanning his car

❹ 用take造句。五年級的

1.I take my bag and book to school.
2.Will you take my bag to the taxi?
3.Can l take my goldfish to school?
4.Take my kids to school every morning.

❺ 用late,taxi和school三個單詞造句

It is not too late to take a taxi to go to school.

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