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發布時間: 2020-12-24 11:33:34

① 用disturb labour 分別造句

I'm sorry to disturb you so early.
The woman is in labour.

② 英文造句,利用提供的字寫10個字. 1,canel 2,disturb 3,introce 4,support 5,bebave 6,allow 7,express

1.The game was cancelled, so we were disappointed. (比賽無法舉行,我們很失望)
2. He felt disturbed by the tragic events.(悲劇讓他很難受)
3. Let me introce you to them.(讓我來把你介紹給他們)
4. He supported us, which was crucial to our success.(他的支持對我們的成功很重要)
5. The child behaved well, and his parents were proud.(小孩很乖,父母很驕傲)
6. We can't allow you to go there.(我們不能讓你去)
7. The poetry expressed some deep ideas.(詩歌表達了一些深奧想法)
8. 貌似跟7一樣
9. We need to revise this book for a new edition.(我們必須改編這本書,做新版本)
10. Can you elaborate on your plans?(你可以剛詳細的介紹你的計劃嗎)

③ 使家長煩惱用disturb造句

1.His passion for games disturbed his parents.
2.His parents had been disturbed by the news of his bad deeds.他的不良事跡回使答他的父母很煩惱。

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