當前位置:首頁 » 詞語造句 » 指示代詞造句


發布時間: 2020-12-17 22:19:55

① 指示代詞四個造句 一般疑問句 特殊疑問句 陳述句 否定句 急急急!

Is this your pen?
what's that?
These are her books.
Those are not mine.

② 英語指示代詞one造句

I don't like this red pen. I like that green one.

③ 4個指示代詞造句

This is my friend

④ 用英語指示代詞造句

this 這個 This is my book.
that 那個 That is your book
these這些 These are my books
those那些 Those are your books
關系代回詞是 which that who whom whose as這幾答個

⑤ 最高級用指示代詞造句

This is the first bridge in the town.

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