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發布時間: 2021-03-01 01:16:33

A. in the crowd造句含中文

1. Scattered groans and whoops broke out in the crowd.
2. He caught a glimpse of her in the crowd.

B. 用many和crowded造句

there are many crowded traffic lines in this city

C. 用more crowded造句

the central park today is more crowded than usual, because it is national holiday today.

D. crowded造一個句子 翻譯

The bus was so crowded that i fell uncomfortable

E. crowd in 造句

The continuous visit crowd in our booth. 我們展台前抄絡繹不絕的參觀人群。 如果我的答案對您有幫助,請點擊下面的「採納答案」按鈕,送咱一朵小紅花鼓勵下吧!祝您生活愉快!謝謝! 如有不懂,可繼續追問!

F. 用most crowded造句

Subways are usually most crowded ring rush hours.

G. crowded造句有感探號

造句:How crowded it is!多麼擠啊!

H. 造英語子句。用be crowded into

His motorcycle is crowded into cars and fading, leaving her alone standing on the street in the chilly wind.

I. be crowded

就來be crowded 而言,是擁擠的意思。源你可以使用。be crowded with和be crowded in作為短語搭配
with 和in 後面一般接場所或者是地方。比如in後面接bus,park,airport
例如。The box is crowded with sugars.

J. 用crowded的最高級造句

As the baby when my family house in the demolition, temporary residents in the tenements of relatives house, furniture, debris all crowded in a room with limited simply no place to let your baby crawl, so learning to walk in most of the time in the walker in spent.

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