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發布時間: 2021-02-23 01:04:33

A. 用 born at造句

He was born at the house

B. be born with sth 造句

1、He was born with a good memory。


2、She was born with the voice of a singer。




4、For defect in obstetriccare。


5、Achildwho inheritstwoof thesametraitgenes- onefromeachparent - willbebornwiththedisease。


C. 用be born like造句

he wasn't pretend to be a good guy,instead,he was just bron lilke this good.

D. 某人出生在某地用born造句

was / were + somewhere
I was born in Beijing.
They were born in a small villege.

E. 用be. born 造句

He was born in 2000

F. 用born造句 各位拜託了

I was born in China.

G. 「be born」怎麼造句

  1. Their hope was that a new and better East Germany couldbeborn


  2. 2.For a child tobebornwith this disability indicates a defect in obstetric care.孩子出生時就帶有這樣的殘疾,這內表明產科容護理有問題。

  3. 'I didn't ask tobeborn!' she bellowed「我沒有要求你們把我生下來!」她吼道。

  4. But, atbebornlater but have everything, there is close relatives'friend.可是,在出生了以後卻什麼都有了,有了親朋好友

  5. I couldbeborna slave and have the identity of a slave.我可能出生是一個奴隸,於是我就對奴隸認同。

H. 用born,on,i,was,fifteenth,august,造句

I was born on august fifteeth

I. 用born to造句

Born to be free, 從第一天起

born to the purple出身高貴

But I was born to try ,Be wrong or right 但你得做出選擇 不管對錯

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