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發布時間: 2021-02-11 22:36:38

㈠ a,an,some組詞10個(在線等)

a book
a pencil
a bird
a plant
a fish
a person
a glass
a bag
a box
a school
an actor
an apple
an actress
an interesting book
an umbrella
an honest man
an eraser
an inch
an invitation
an instruction
an introction
an indivial
some people
some books
some water
some apples
some milk
some bread
some juice
some bananas
some oranges
some beef
some meat
some lamb

㈡ 幫我英語片語組詞。不多,就44個!

1I make much progress in my study.
2They walked so fast that I could not keep up with them. 他們走得那麼快,我沒法跟上
3As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事實上我從未到過那兒。
4I have no enough money to pay for the coat.
5Watching too much television is harmful to your health
6She is getting better day by day. 她的健康狀況一天天好起來。
7He had a finger cut off by a machine while working. 他在工作時被機器切掉了一個手指。
8Don't refer to this matter again, please. 請別再提這件事。
9I devide the apple into three parts.
10she is supposed to have finished it.
11Turn off the light before you leave. 離開前請把燈關掉。
12we are ready for our exam.
13From now on, we will try to do better. 從現在開始我們要盡量做得更好。
14I am pleased with what you have done.
15he will go to Beijing on business .
16 We used to be so similar now we have no agreement .
17translate chinese into English please.
18He went to see them once in a while. 他有時去探望他們。
19she is regarded as a leader.
20she is lovely as well as me.
21They will debate face to face. 他們將當面進行辯論.
22He saw his friend off at the bus station. 他在車站給朋友送行。
23It's dangerous to put out your hand now. 現在你把手伸出去是危險的.
24He will be present at the meeting in person. 他將親自參加會議
25How did this come about? 這事是怎麼發生的?
26Her health is improving little by little.她的健康狀況正在逐漸好轉.
27In a word, he's useless. 簡言之,他毫無用處。
28Everyone may make mistakes at times. 每個人不時都會犯錯誤。
29I feel like sleeping/taking a walk.
30I keey my daily.
31I am weak in English.
33Don't langh at somebody.
34All this points to the same conclusion. 所有這些都說明了同樣的結論。
35Send a flare up in the sky
36You can't depend on her: for instance, she arrived late yesterday. 她靠不住:舉例說,昨天她就來遲了。
37Swimming is not allowed at this beach. 這片海灘禁止游泳。
38To my surprise ,he has loved me for a long time.
39The hydropower station makes a contribution to poeple's drinking .
40ad. is short for advertisement.
43 This film is based on a novel by a famous writer.
44let's hand in glove .

㈢ 全部的組詞 擺脫 謝謝


㈣ do是什麼詞


㈤ 組詞成句。

㈥ 用do,組五個詞,要英語的

  1. do one's homework 做作業

    I did my homework after school.


  2. do sb a favour 幫某人個忙

    He asked me to do him a favour.


  3. do the dishes 洗餐具

    Father helped mother do the dishes this week.


  4. do the housework 做家屬務

    The housewife does the housework everyday.


  5. do well in sth 在某方面做得好

    Susan does well in English writing.


㈦ 用did組片語 例如did my homework



㈧ di的怎麼組詞

did you have a dream?

㈨ 組詞成句: when , your, lost, find, and, did, where,

When and where did you find your lost car?

㈩ do.都:這個都什麼組詞


dū 都市 都會
dōu 都要

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