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發布時間: 2021-02-09 23:10:01

❶ 給英文單詞,造句

I prefer coffee to tea.茶與咖啡 我更喜歡咖啡
I'm persuading my dream.我在追尋我的夢想
I,m fond of playing video games.我喜歡打游戲
I care about nothing.我什麼都不介意專
I will never give in to you 我永遠不會向你屈服
Attitude is everything態度決屬定一切
I won't change my mind 我不會改變我的意見的

❷ 用單詞造句子

A.I have two sister.One XiaoHong the other XiaoHua.
B.The playground has many people.Some are walking , others are dancing.

❸ 給單詞,造句

We rescued the boy who fell into the river.

Buried myself in my studies.

He was frightened of the fierce dog.

I judge you're right.

❹ 用所給單詞造句

There are a lot of cars in the street
The policeman is busy with his work
The elephant is heavier than the monkey
The boy goes to school by bike

❺ 給單詞,求英文造句

Please add up these numbers.
My stomach is upset
you should calm down
That doesn't concern me
She wants to go through college
she eat less in order to lose weight
He no longer smokes

❻ 用給單詞造句

Jack wants to help his mum to do the dishes.
Bob started skating when he was five.
Jack expected to play basketball after class.
Mary is planning to play with her friends tomorrow.
Tom hopes to go fishing on vacation.

❼ 根據所給單詞造句

It's sunny in summer.The wether is so hot that a lot people swim in the sea

❽ 英語用所給單詞造句

2.Don't take off your coat.
3.Don't turn on the television.
4.Don't turn off the lights.
5.Don't drop the vase.
6.Don't eat that apple.
7.Don't drink the milk.
8.Don't sharpen those pencils.
9.Don't make the meds.
10.Don't paint the wardrobe.

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