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發布時間: 2021-02-06 17:59:38

① 用下列片語造句

1.My children have no one to play with 沒有人和我的抄孩子玩
2.They come from many areas.他們來自襲許多地區
3.I want you to be quiet, because the baby is sleeping.請你保持安靜,寶寶在睡覺
4.I am from Shanghai and he is from Beijing. 我是上海人,他是北京人。
5.I get up at 6:00am everyday. 我每天在早上六點起床

② 用下列語法造句

  1. open: The bookshop opens at eight o'clock every morning.

  2. be open: The bookshop is open ring 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at weekends.

  3. close: Our library closes at 5 p.m. every day.

  4. be close(應該是be closed吧?):I think the cinema is closed ring the festival.

  5. all kind(應該是all kinds吧?): I should take an active part in all kinds of activities at school.

  6. say hello to: To be polite, we are expected to say hello to our parents when we arrive home.

  7. It takes sb some time: It takes me about two hours doing my homework.

  8. How long: How long have you learned English?

③ 用下列造句。


④ 用下列造句


⑤ 用下列字造句子

今生沒有真愛情,不想恨你,好在我忍過,為快樂活一世 一世為愛情,我在今生沒版有快樂過權,好想恨你,真不忍 我不忍想為有愛恨快樂一生,好過你沒真情活在今世 你真好,沒有忍過、活在今生不恨我,想為愛情一世快樂

⑥ 造好句,用下列造句

I like not only basketball butalso soccer.

⑦ 下列句子怎麼造句啊

I picked up the book.
The journalist is reporting a theft.
He witnesses目睹 thief stealing a purse from a woman.
I met him a few minutes ago.
Tom's houe is on the other side of the river.
I saw six policeman standing around the man.
The murderers殺人犯 are now in handcuffs.

⑧ 用下列短語造句

I bought a book for my
She seems to be tired.她似乎很累
Where did you go on vacation?假期里你去哪裡了?回
He made quite a few friends.

⑨ 用下列的字造句



⑩ 用下列句型造句,各造3個

i interest in english,because i think it is interesting.

she is interested helping her mother do housework.
my hobby is swimming,i like swimming with my friends in summer.
would you like to go to school ?
i able to do my homework by myself.

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