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發布時間: 2021-02-06 03:30:43

① 斷背山小說開頭處,農場主對ennis說的一句話求翻譯。


② 用shark aquarium seal hang 造句

I saw a shark in the sea.
Last week,I went to the aquarium.
I was making a movie with seal last year.
I often hang out with my friends.

③ shark怎麼造句加中文

Beware the sharks when you are making up your mind how to invest.

④ comes/shark/Here/a(。)怎麼連詞造句

Here comes a shark. 鯊魚來了 (倒裝句,常規語序為:A shark comes here.)

⑤ 鯊魚英語單詞造句

1.gift I sent her a gift as a token of my congratulation. 我給她寄去一件禮物表示祝賀。 2.shark He told me he once caught a shark, but I know he was swinging the lead. 他告訴我有一回他捕到了一條鯊魚,我知道他是在胡謅。 3.aquarium A large aquarium for the study or display of marine life. 海洋水族館研究或陳列海洋生物的巨大水族館 4.seal This document carries the royal seal. 這份文件上蓋有王室印章。 5.hang Hang it all, they hardly know each other! 真見鬼,他們彼此不太認識。 6.hang out Go and hang out the washing to dry. 去把洗好的衣服晾乾。 7.souvenir Please accept this as a souvenir for out friendship. 請接受這個作為我們友誼的紀念品。 8.win A competitive person loves to win and hates to lose. 競爭心強的人喜歡贏討厭輸。 9.autograph I've got lots of famous footballers' autographs. 我有許多著名足球運動員的親筆簽名. 10.prize The portrait of her mother was her most prized possession. 她母親的這張肖像是她最珍愛的物品。

⑥ 用A shark造句,今天就要!

lt ls a shaik inthe ocean

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