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發布時間: 2021-02-05 09:42:51

Ⅰ 主系表結構用prove造句

The medicine proved satisfactory. 結果證明這種葯的療效令人滿意。
She proved a very strict teacher. 結果證明她是一位非常嚴格的老師。
She may prove to be the most suitable person for the job. 結果證明她可能是最適合干這項工作的人.

Ⅱ 用there be+主+系+表造句子

There is an apple on the desk.
There are some cups on the desk.
There is some water in the bottle.

Ⅲ 主謂賓、主系表造句各兩組。(肯定句、否定句、一般疑問句 回答為一組)

I like watching TV.
I don't like watching TV.
Do you like watching TV?

she is a farmer.
She isn't a farmer.
Is she a farmer?

Ⅳ 初一英語主系表造句!

I am happy.
I am Jim.這兩個句子都是主系表結構的句子.在英語里 形容詞和名詞都可以做表語.

Ⅳ 英語的主系表和主謂賓造句

主系表: He is my best friend .他是我最好的朋友。 Eating more is bad for our health .吃太多對我們的身體不好。 I'm Chinese. 我是中國人。 I'm from Henan. 我來自河南。 She is one of the best students in our class . 她是我們班最好的學生之一。 主謂賓: I want to fly. 我想飛。 I like watching TV. 我喜歡看電視。 I hope you will achieve your dream .我希望你能實現你的夢想。 She has many friends .她有許多朋友。 He doesn't like shopping. 他不喜歡購物。

Ⅵ 初一英語主系表造句

I am happy.
I am Jim. 這兩個句子都是主系表結構的句子。 在英語里 形容詞和名詞都可以做表語。

Ⅶ 主系表結構英語例句簡單帶翻譯,要有他們

They are students. 他們是學生。版
They seem to be hungry.他們似乎 餓了。權
They look tired and thirsty. 他們看起來 又累又渴。
勤學好問 天天進步! 開心快樂每一天!

Ⅷ 用一般現在時主系表結構造句十個

She is a girl.
The wall is white.
We are students.
They are French.
The flower is red.
The book is hers.

Ⅸ 賓語從句帶有主系表結構造句


Ⅹ 主系表結構造句

I am a boy

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