當前位置:首頁 » 詞語造句 » 聽造句英文


發布時間: 2021-02-02 06:08:55

A. 翻譯成英文:吃飯時聽聽力,背三個單詞,並用它們造句

Listen to the hearing at the dinner table, three words, make sentences with them

B. 用by形式造句關於「聽」學習英語的方法

---- I learn English by listening to tapes.

C. 用聽…聽… 造句

用聽…聽… 造句:


D. 聽磁帶錄音 用英語造句

listen to the tape 聽磁帶錄音 I listen to the tape to practice my English listening everyday.

E. 聽電影明星的故事英文造句

Listen to the story of film stars.
Listen to the story of movie stars.

F. 英文造句:上課認真聽講很重要

It's important to listen to your teacher seriously.

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