The Ant and the Grasshopper
In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.
"Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and moiling in that way?"
"I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you to do the same."
"Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; we have got plenty of food at present." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for the days of necessity
The Bear and the Two Travelers
TWO men were traveling together, when a Bear suddenly met them on their path.
One of them climbed up quickly into a tree and hid himself in the branches. The other, seeing that he must be killed, fell flat on the ground, and when the Bear came up and felt him with his nose, and smelt him all over, he held his breath, and showed the appearance of death as much as he could.
The Bear soon left him, for it is said he will not touch a dead body. When he was quite gone, the other Traveler climbed from the tree, and asked his friend what it was the Bear had said in his ear. "He gave me this advice," his friend answered. "Never travel with a friend who deserts you at the coming of danger. Remember: A friend in need is a friend indeed."
Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends
The Fisherman and the Little Fish
A fisherman who lived on the proce of his nets, one day caught a single small Fish as the result of his day's labor. The Fish, panting convulsively, thus entreated for his life: "O Sir, what can I be to you, and how little am I worth? I am not yet come to my full size. Pray spare my life, and put me back into the sea. I shall soon become a large fish fit for the tables of
the rich, and then you can catch me again, and make a handsome profit of me." The Fisherman replied, "I should indeed be a very simple fellow if, for the chance of a greater uncertain profit, I were to forego my present certain gain."
The Cat and the Mice
A CERTAIN HOUSE was overrun with Mice. A Cat, discovering this, made her way into it and began to catch and eat them one by one.
Fearing for their lives, the Mice kept themselves close in their holes. The Cat was no longer able to get at them and perceived that she must tempt them forth by some device. For this purpose she jumped upon a peg, and suspending herself from it, pretended to be dead. One of the Mice, peeping stealthily out, saw her and said, "Ah, my good madam, even though you should turn into a meal-bag, we will not come near you." He who is once deceived is doubly cautious
The Cock and the Pearl
A cock was once strutting up and down the farmyard among the hens when suddenly he espied something shinning amid the straw.
"Ho! ho!" quoth he, "that's for me," and soon rooted it out from beneath the straw. What did it turn out to be but a Pearl that by some chance had been lost in the yard?
"You may be a treasure," quoth Master Cock, "to men that prize you, but for me I would rather have a single barley-corn than a peck of pearls."
Precious things are for those that can prize them.
The Farmer and the Snake
ONE WINTER a Farmer found a Snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom. The Snake was quickly revived by the warmth, and resuming its natural instincts, bit its benefactor, inflicting on him a mortal wound.
"Oh," cried the Farmer with his last breath, "I am rightly served for pitying a scoundrel." The greatest kindness will not bind the ungrateful .
Magic change 神奇變化
Gaga is a little ck. He is small, dirty and ugly. His friends don』t like to play with him.
One day, Gaga walked behind his friends quietly(靜悄悄地).But his friends did not want him. Gaga was very sad and ran to the river and cried loudly(大聲地)。
Just then, a big beautiful bird heard(聽見)him crying and flew down(飛下來,落下來). She said, 「Please don』t cry. Tell me, what do you want? I can help you.」
Gaga told the truth(真相). The beautiful bird said, 「OK, I can help you to become a good-looking ck.」 Then she took out a blanket and put it on the ck』s body. She said something which the little ck didn』t understand. Then she took away the blanket. There stood (站立)a good-looking ck.
Gaga was very happy. He thanked the big bird and quickly went to play
Mrs. Duck and Mr. Rabbit
Mr. Rabbit said to Mrs. Duck, "Come and work with me and you will get more money than you have ever had before." Mrs. Duck said, "I will come."
So Mrs. Duck worked with Mr. Rabbit. After some time Mrs. Duck said to Mr. Rabbit, "I want to buy some things; please give me some of the money which we have got."
Mr. Rabbit said, "Things have gone very badly. I have no money to give you now."
Mrs. Duck knew that this was not so; she knew that Mr. Rabbit has the money, but that he did not want to give it to Mrs. Duck. But Mrs. Duck said nothing. She went away; and she thought and thought. She did not go to sleep at night, but stayed awake thinking. She was thinking how she could get the money from Mr. Rabbit.
One day Mrs. Duck came to Mr. Rabbit and said, "I do not want that money now; I have found a great big hole near the river; the hole is full of gold. It is full to the top; I never saw so much gold. It is more than I can take away; will you help me to take it away?"
Mr. Rabbit said, "Yes, I shall be glad to help you.
So Mr. Rabbit and Mrs. Duck went down the road to the river. When they came to the side of the river, Mrs. Duck said, "it is on the other side of the river." ' How shall I get over the water?" asked Mr. Rabbit. " Sit on my back," said Mrs. Duck, "and I will take you over."
So Mr. Rabbit sat on Mrs. Duck's back, and Mrs. Duck went into the water. When Mrs. Duck was far from the side, she said, "Now I shall go down into the water, and you will fall from my back into the water."
"But I shall be killed!" said Mr. Rabbit.
"Yes," answered Mrs. Duck, "so you will. But you did not give me my money for the work which I did with you."
"I hid the money in a pot in my house. Take me home and I will give it to you," said Mr. Rabbit.
Mrs. Duck said, "I will take you home, and we will go to your house at once, and you shall give it to me.
So Mr. Rabbit gave Mrs. Duck the money.
Mr. Rabbit was afraid of Mrs. Duck after that .
The Man and the Apples (一個人和蘋果的故事)
A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the st.
He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river."
He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the st and eat them.
Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time.
Ⅱ 有關動物的英語寓言故事 長一點的
Ⅲ 小品碰瓷的所有台詞
【宋】:嘿嘿.... 大路朝天各走半邊,我的人生格言是在哪裡跌倒就在哪裡睡一覺,因為我是一個很 敬業很專業的人。我的母親曾告訴我這樣一句話 說一個不會炒菜的廚師根本就不是一個好司機。
哎,具體我是干什麼的呢?別著急,馬上就知道。我的設備需要一樣一樣的往外拿啊。別著急,哎 這箱需要密碼,別著急,大家一定要注意。別著急,哼,別著急,你們猜不到的。別著急我的報紙呢在這兒。哎,走你 (吹口哨)
【文】:ONE TWO 三
【宋】:啊 哎呀
【宋】:你 火焰山吶 燙腳啊 站著 立正 坐下 過來
【宋】:我看你都沒人形啦 你把我踩了怎麼辦
【文】:那咱們倆就去醫院 拍個片唄
【宋】:我就知道你挺忙的 剛才你過來的時候我就猜到 你肯定要踩到我 所以呢大爺把片子都拍好啦 你看啊 這張呢 是小腿骨粉碎性的骨折 拿錯了這是碰大貨車時用的 啊 這張是 腦瓜門往下 尾 巴跟往上 粉碎性骨折
【文】:媽呀 太神奇了 我的一腳把你踩成無脊椎動物啦
【宋】:你別跟我貧嘴 你說這事該怎麼辦 拿錢吧
【宋】:那太好啦 我這兒有移動POS機
【文】:不 大爺啊 你這個設備是不是為我量身訂做的呀
【宋】:大爺純專業 明白不
【宋】:那個 要發票不 《開文具還說洗浴?》
【宋】:bu ling bu ling bu ling bu ling 不靈 不靈 什麼 什麼玩意兒 大明星美容會所 主營項目豐胸提 臀 玩兒呢
【文】:大爺我告訴你 這個呢是我店裡的卡
【文】:銀行卡你為什麼不早說呢 沒有
【宋】:你沒有你在這跟我扯啥呀 趕快打電話讓人送錢來
【文】:大爺 你仔細看 能不能看出我是干什麼的
【宋】:你願意干什麼干什麼 拿錢
【文】:我告訴你我是健美操教練 一節課正好是一千 我今天給你打個八折 也就是八百塊錢 咱倆就算 兩清了
【文】:不學你得看 看了就收費 我絕對不會白踩你一腳 音樂 走
【宋】:哎 哎
【宋】:不是 哎 不是不是 停 哎呀媽呀停 哎停停停停停
【宋】:停停 走 不要錢了 走 另外走之前我問你一個問題 你到底是男人還是女人
【文】:媽呀你怎麼可以當這么多人的面問我這樣的問題 我只能送你五個字 我真討厭你
【文】:呸 哎呀
【宋】:出師不利呀 這一出門就碰上一個這樣的 下面一個能是什麼樣的呢 讓我們拭目以待 {楊冰上 場}
【楊】:{唱}你是我的眼 我卻看不到你的從前
【宋】:哎呀 哎呀
【宋】:哎呀 哎呀
【宋】:哎 壓著我腳啦
【宋】:你啥眼神 啊你再看看
【楊】:啊 這回壓著啦
【楊】:嘿嘿嘿 那我這陪你錢唄
【宋】:看見沒看見 這是辦事的人 碰了就抓緊給錢誰也不耽誤誰時間 你既然這么坦誠呢我就給你介紹 一下我的收費標准
【宋】:我這一般吶搭腳邊兒伍佰元 上腳面兒一千塊 過腳面兒一千五 今兒看你態度這么好我算你半搭 不搭 八百塊 額 合理不
【楊】:我太能接受了 我前天讓人碰一回 賠人一千呢 嘿嘿嘿
【宋】:你看我為什麼這么便宜呢 因為我這是薄利多銷
【宋】:知道不 我這兒走量 見利就走
【楊】:哎 不是不是 你這么的大爺 你聽我說啊
【楊】:我這個人呢 是特別講誠信的
【楊】:我呢 你給我點時間
【楊】:我肯定不走 你呢配合我一下 你一動別動咱倆就在這兒 一會兒我把錢掙夠了我就給你 行不行
【楊】:妥了 你就等我一會兒
【宋】:但你別讓我幹活 你明白不
【楊】:謝謝 好人一生平安 謝謝
【宋】:停吧 你別拉啦 幹啥呢
【宋】:這么掙我用你啊 這給錢是沖我給的知道不 不是你拉的好是我長得太可憐啦 咱們不這么鬧行不 行 我給你二百塊錢你快走吧
【宋】:我看出來啦 我是碰瓷的 你是專門碰碰瓷的啊
【楊】:你啊你聽我說啊 這錢呢我今天也 也不給你了 你也別給我了 你這行啊有風險 是不 是 你有一 天啦你腿被人打折的時候呢 然後你來找我來 是不是 我給你留個名片 你這塊啊 人少 你上小廣 場那邊人特別多
【楊】:我就在那兒拉胡扯 你就在哪兒跪著 咱倆一天掙八百塊錢像玩兒似的 啊
【宋】:啊 哎呀 哎呀 哎呀 碰一個走道的 碰個騎車的 今兒這點是夠嗆了 我看能不能來個豪車啥讓我 撞一下啊 {嬌嬌開車上} 哎 哎
【宋】:哎呀還往前開 哎呀還開 哎呀
【宋】:哎呀 女司機吧
【宋】:哎呀 哎呀我的媽呀 哎 哎呀 哎呀 哎呀 哎呀 哎呀等會兒
【宋】:別動 你別出來 綵排這沒壓著 你回去
【宋】:哎呀 出來吧
【嬌】:啊 喔 我的天吶{用英文說買噶的}
【宋】:沒軋著 壓著了
【宋】:你看我的腿都已經掰到這兒了 再大點掰就掰折了
【嬌】:叔叔啊{用英文說安可啊} 我是剛剛從香港來到這里呀
【宋】:哦 黑龍江鶴崗的啊
【宋】:你抓緊時間你看你把大爺給撞了 那你就給錢唄
【嬌】:我 我沒帶人民幣啊
【嬌】:我出門很匆忙的 港幣
【宋】:要賴賬 年輕人不靠譜啊少跟我扯著沒有用的
【嬌】:哎 我的天吶{用英文說買噶的}
【宋】:哎 現場已經做好了啊
【嬌】:哎 哦
【宋】:你們這些年輕人吶 我跟你說實話知道不 我呢誰都信不著 別跟我扯那沒用的 走你 特寫啊 啊 好
【宋】:哎 非常專業
【嬌】:叔叔{用英文說安可} 你真的太有國際范啊 好時尚哦{用英文說好可翻身咯}
【宋】:你看你這孩子長不長心啊 我都撞成這樣你還說我不翻身 我怎麼翻身
【嬌】:我是說你碰瓷好專業哦 叔叔啊{用英文說安可啊} 我覺得我們這樣溝通起來真的很有 問題的 {用英文說插包的}
【宋】:不是問題{用英文說不是插包}你都快把我氣的起包啦 你這樣吧你抓緊找一個能跟我溝通明白 的人 讓他帶錢來 來辦這事啊 大陸有朋友沒
【宋】:嚇唬誰呢 還UFC 他願意什麼C什麼C 有能力讓他送我歸西
【嬌】:叔叔啊 {用英文說安可啊} 但是就你這樣子三秒鍾就KO你了
【宋】:哎呀 你別拿KOKO嚇唬我 他來了就OK啦
【宋】:快去吧 這些年輕人辦事不靠譜 哎呀
【嬌】:喂 老公啊 我遇到麻煩他碰瓷啊 你快點來現場 快來幫忙啊 OKOKOK
【嬌】:哦 叔叔啊{用英文說安可啊}但是我還是要提醒你一句啊 我老公來的時候呢 你千萬不要看他的 眼睛啊 他有職業病的 他在圈內大家都叫他小野獸啊 你看他眼睛的時候他就以為你是在挑釁他 分分鍾就KO你了
【宋】:我怎麼就不信呢 讓他給我打殘 全身上下都打骨折 下輩子我有地
【田】:呀 誰是碰瓷的啊 誰是碰瓷的啊 {與觀眾對視}
【田】:{向觀眾發難}看我幹啥 啊 是不是挑戰我 信不信我KO你 啊 怎麼的 啊
【嬌】:哎呀你 不是他啊 老公你快點 快認輸啊 拍他三下啊 快
【嬌】:你認錯人了老公啊 碰瓷的在你後面呢
【嬌】:啊 不要啊老公
【田】:為什麼這么看我 啊 嚯 嚯 嚯
【嬌】:啊 老公啊 你虎啊 撒開我啊 快點
【田】:啊 怎麼啦
【嬌】:這虎兒 我是碰瓷的嗎
【嬌】:哎呀老公啊 碰瓷的在你後面啊
【田】:啊 親愛的 不好意思 我又失控了 我告訴過你不要看我眼睛
【嬌】:在你後面 在你後面呢
【宋】:我都沒動地方 就在這兒呢
【田】:來 從圈裡出來
【宋】:我 不能出這個圈
【田】:是不是欺負我媳婦是香港的 啊
【宋】:我 我有證據
【田】:這是你嗎 你是不是懵我 這是你嗎
【宋】:你看這整的沒用的 這怎麼不說我呢 我剛才這不沒戴眼鏡嗎 你你 你看那是不是我 你自己瞅一 眼 哎 哎 哎 哎
【嬌】:哎 老公啊 [哎趕緊來人啦]
【楊】:哎 哎 哎停
【楊】:停 停 停 停 行了 停 哎呀 哎呀哎呀 停
【宋】:哎呀 你個損粗 我腰啊
【楊】:告訴你啥呀 他腰不好 你使那麼大勁幹啥呀
楊樹林,本名楊冰,1986年出生於遼寧省鐵嶺市,中國內地男演員,喜劇表演藝術家趙本山先生的第22位弟子 。
2009年,在民國喜劇《關東大先生》中扮演貝勒爺身旁侍衛,可愛善良、多才多謀多策的"小墩子 " 。
2017年,參演北京衛視春晚小品《幸福快遞》 。同年1月,作為常駐嘉賓參加音樂喜劇綜藝秀《厲害了!我的歌》。在該節目中,楊樹林和李玉剛聯袂演唱《一人飲酒醉》,節目播出半個月,視頻總播放量已經突破一億 。
Ⅳ 幾個初中英語句子翻譯和動物形容詞(寓言故事)
②試著把這些棒子弄成容兩半。 (查看了下in two,是分成兩半的意思)
③(我的)兒子各從一捆棒子中抽出了一個,幾下就弄爛了 (bundle是捆的意思,當然也是查的...)
④這只鳥照著所吩咐的去把些骨頭拔出來. (pull out拔出,當然還是查的。。)
⑥他沒能考慮到一隻小小的老鼠可以怎樣幫助他 (哪個方面撒~)
Ⅳ 有沒有適合初三學生看的書籍
《論語譯注》楊伯峻《三國演義》羅貫中《紅樓夢》曹雪芹《吶喊》魯迅《子夜》茅盾《家》巴金《駱駝祥子》老舍《圍城》錢鍾書《青春之歌》楊沫《平凡的世界》路遙《花季·雨季》郁秀《射鵰英雄傳》金庸《汪洋中的一條船》鄭豐喜《少年維特之煩惱》(德)歌德《唐·吉訶德》(西班牙)塞萬提斯《簡愛》(英)夏綠蒂·勃朗特《巴黎聖母院》(法)雨果《紅與黑》(法)司湯達《復活》(俄)托爾斯基《歐也妮·葛朗台》(法)巴爾扎克 《匹克威克外傳》(英)狄更斯《老人與海》(美)海明威《雪國》(日)川端康成《愛的教育》(意)亞米契斯《飄》(美)米切爾《麥田守望者》(美)塞林格《莫泊桑中短篇小說選》。
Ⅵ 西南大學有哪些王牌專業
Ⅶ 動物寓言世界,請翻 成英語
The Fable of Animal World
Ⅷ 有關動物的英語寓言故事
Long ago a great mountain began to rumble and shake .
People came from far and near to see what would happen.
"A great river will be born." said one.
"Surely nothing less than a mighty dragon will come out." said another.
"A god himself will spring form these rocks." said a third.
Finally , after days of expectation a small crack appeared in the mountain. And out popped ---- a mouse.
Just because someone makes a lot of fuss, it doesn't mean he is important.
Ⅸ 英語「he」和「she」的音標是什麼
中文釋義:pron. 他;(泛指的)人;上帝
He could never quite remember all our names.
中文釋義:pron. 她(主格);它(用來指雌性動物或國家、船舶、地球、月亮等)
When Ann arrived home that night, she found Brian in the house watching TV.
1、人稱代詞he, she, it是第三人稱單數。
3、單數可數名詞或"this / that / the+單數可數名詞"作主語時,是第三人稱單數。
4、不定代詞someone, somebody, nobody, everything, something等及指示代詞this, that作主語時,是第三人稱單數。