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⑴ 英文版伊索寓言(對話)

從前有兩個人,一個總愛說實話,一個卻只說謊話。有一次,他們偶然來到了猿猴國。一隻自稱為國王的猿猴吩咐手下捉住這兩個人,他要詢問這兩人對他的看法。同時他還下令,所有的猿猴都要像人類的朝廷儀式那樣,將在他左右分列成兩行,中間給他放一個王位。一切准備妥當後,他發令,將那兩人帶到面前來,對那兩個人說:「先生們,你們看,我是怎樣的國王?」說謊的人回答說:「在我看來,你就像一個最有權力的國王。」「那旁邊的這些猿猴呢?」那人連忙說:「他們都是你的棟梁之材,至少都能做大使和將帥。」那猿猴國王和他的手下聽到這番謊話,十分得意,高興地吩咐將美好的禮物送給這個阿諛奉承的人。那位說真話的人見到這般情形,心想:「一番謊話可得這般豐厚的報酬,那麼,若我依照習慣,說了真話,又將怎樣呢?」這時,那猿猴國王轉過身來問他:「請問你覺得我和我的這些朋友怎麼樣呢?」他說道:「你是一隻最優秀的猿猴,依此類推,你的所有同伴都是優秀的猿猴。」猿猴國王聽到這些真話後,惱羞成怒,將說真話的人扔給手下去處置。 這故事是說,許多人寧願相信謟媚的假話,卻不愛聽道出實質的真話。
Once there was two people, one liked to tell the truth, only one lying. On one occasion, they happen to come to the country of apes and monkeys. One claiming to be the king of the monkey told the men to catch the two men, he would ask the two men's perception of him. He also ordered that all of the monkeys to be like a human, as the court ceremony, and will lash of his points about the two lines, in the middle give him a throne. All ready, he issued orders that the two will be brought before it, the right that the two men, said: "Gentlemen, you see, I'm the king of what?" Liar replied: "In my opinion, you As one of the most powerful king.
"" That these apes do next? "The man said hastily:" They are your Dongliangcai, ambassadors and generals, at least be able to do so. "That Monkey King and his men heard the Zhefan lie very proud and happy to be told of this wonderful gift for flattery people. Who tell the truth so people who see the situation, thinking:" A Fan lies available such substantial remuneration, and if I have followed the habit of saying the truth, this will do? "At this moment the monkey king turned to ask him:" Will you think me and my friends how they like it? "He said:" You are one of the best of apes, and so on, your
All companions are excellent apes. "Monkey King hear the truth, the very angry, telling the truth will continue to dispose of the person throwing hand. The story is to say, many people prefer to believe that Tao Mei of the lie, but not like to hear tells real truth.望採納

⑵ 伊索寓言英文簡介

|-伊索寓言: Aesop's Fables;Aesop Fables;Aesops Fables;Fables Aesop's Fables 中文: 伊索寓言 | 英語: Aesop's Fables | 日語: イソッ版プ寓話 | 韓語權:

⑶ 有一篇伊索寓言作者簡介寫作特點英文版


⑷ 伊索寓言一則,英文版,簡短,中譯!


⑸ 關於「發現」英語伊索寓言故事

An ant was drinking at a river. Suddenly he slipped, and fell into the water.

A dove took pity on him. She threw a small branch into the river. The ant seized the bough, and swam back to the shore.

A few days later, the ant saw a hunter aiming a gun at the dove. He bit the man in the foot sharply.

The man missed the shot, and the dove's life was saved.

The dove felt very grateful. She made good friends with the ant.






寓意: 有些朋友也許平時看似微不足道,但卻有可能在我們身處困境的時候提供巨大的幫助。

⑹ 伊索寓言的英文版記錄

1世紀初有拜特路斯用拉丁文撰寫《伊索寓言》五卷。2世紀又有拔勃利烏斯(Babrius)以希臘韻文寫寓言共122則。羅馬人亞微亞奴斯(Avianus)又以拉丁韻文寫寓言42首。15世紀君士坦丁堡的修道士普拉努得斯(Maximus Planudes)收集的《伊索寓言》150則,後由巴勒斯(Bonus Accursius)印刷出版,普拉努得斯並因此被教會迫害。教會認為普拉努得斯根本沒見過伊索寓言,只是以伊索的名義自己進行編造。
1546年羅伯特·史蒂芬出版《伊索寓言》,這個版本增加了巴黎皇家圖書館抄本內容。1453年著名義大利學者洛倫佐·維勒(Lorenzo Valla)將《伊索寓言》等譯成拉丁文,廣泛印行。1610年瑞士學者艾薩克(Isaac Nicholas Nevelet)刊印的《伊索寓言》,題為《Mythologia Aesopica》,是目前最詳盡的故事集,包括136則自梵蒂岡圖書館里發現的伊索寓言,但很多不是伊索的故事。
瑞士學者耐弗萊特曾說過,巴勃利烏斯應為《伊索寓言》的作者之一。法國人弗朗西斯(Francis Vavassor)認為《伊索寓言》中的《猴子和海豚》(The Monkey and the Dolphin)這一篇里提到的Piraeus,這是在伊索死後兩百年才有的海港。

⑺ 英語小報關於《伊索寓言》

《伊索寓言[1]》(Aesop』s Fables)原書名為《埃索波斯故事集成》,是古希臘民回間流傳的諷喻故事,經後人加工,答成為現在流傳的《伊索寓言》。相傳其中故事是一名衣索比亞黑人奴隸所作,"伊索"即是"埃塞俄"的諧音。從作品來看,時間跨度大,各篇的傾向也不完全一樣,據推測,它不是一人一時之作,可以看作是古希臘人在相當長的歷史時期內的集體創作。伊索,可能是其中的一位重要作者。《伊索寓言》是一部世界上最早的寓言故事集。相傳伊索是公元前6世紀古希臘人,奴隸,善於講動物故事。現存的《伊索寓言》,是古希臘、古羅馬時代流傳下來的故事,經後人匯集,統歸在伊索名下。《伊索寓言》通過簡短而精煉的小寓言故事來體現日常生活中那些不為我們察覺的真理。這些小故事言簡意賅,平易近人,富有哲理。不但讀者眾多,在文學史上也具有重大影響。作家,詩人、哲學家、平常百姓都從得到過啟發和樂趣。到幾千年後的今天,伊索寓言已成為西方寓言文學的範本。亦是世界上流傳最廣的經典作品之一。《伊索寓言》是世界上最早的童話寓言集之一

⑻ 英語伊索寓言的短故事



A man raised some cocks at home. One day, he met a domesticated pheasant in the market. He bought it and brought it home, and raised it with the rooster.

The cocks all pecked him, and the pheasants thought he was a foreign relationship before they were bullied.

A few days later, he saw the cocks fighting with each other, their heads were broken, and they refused to stop.

So he said to himself, "Now, I don't resent being deceived by them anymore, because I see with my own eyes that they themselves can't tolerate each other."

This story shows that it's not surprising that smart people can't get tolerance from their neighbors and family members if they see that they can't tolerate each other.







Once, the wolf snatched a sheep from the flock and was walking back with the sheep in his mouth when he met the lion.

The lion immediately snatched the sheep from the wolf's mouth. The wolf stood far away and said to himself, "It's wrong of you to rob me of something."

The lion laughed and said, "So, is this something that a friend has rightly given you?"

The story is that thieves and robbers are the same raccoon. There is no difference between good and bad.






There is a dog in the blacksmith's house. When he hits the iron, the dog sleeps. When he eats, the dog immediately runs to the blacksmith and shakes his head and tail to please his master.

The blacksmith threw a bone to the dog and said, "You fellow, you are always sleepy. Why doesn't that heavy thump of iron affect your sleep at all, while the slight noise of our meals wakes you up?

The story is that those who are profit-seeking devote themselves to what is good for them and turn a deaf ear to what is bad for them.







Several children were playing by the pool. When they saw many frogs in the water, they hit them with stones. Several frogs were killed by them.

Then a frog put his head out of the water and said, "Kids, please don't fight any more. It's a game for you, but a life-threatening worry for us.

That is to say, don't build your happiness on the pain of others.







A frog jumped out of his wet home in the depression and declared loudly to all the beasts, "I am a doctor who is skilled, able to cure all diseases and knowledgeable!"

A fox asked him, "You can't even cure your lame posture and wrinkled skin. How can you boast that you can cure someone else?"

The story is that judging people's knowledge and abilities requires listening to their words, watching their actions, and not being confused by their rhetoric.





⑼ 伊索寓言(英文版)好詞好句



爭論不休 猛烈 汗流浹背回急中生智答心生一計 利令智昏色迷心竅
感激熱情款待 自不量力無可奈何四處奔走清甜爽口 不假思索
痛飲 悠閑 毫無用處









⑽ 短篇英語伊索寓言小故事有哲理的

Suddenly the wheels of the wagon sank into the mire, and the horse could not
pull them out.

The waggoner threw down his whip. He knelt down and prayed to Hercules.
「, help me,please,「 he said.

But Hercules appeared to him, and said, 「Man, don』t kneel there. Get up and
put your shoulder to the wheel.「






2.The two pots

There were two pots on the bank of a river. One was made of brass, and the
other was made of clay.

When the water rose they both floated off down the river. The earthen pot
tried to stay away from the brass one.

So the brass pot cried out, "Fear nothing, friend, I will not hit you."

"But I may come in contact with you," said the earthen pot. "If I come too
close, whether I hit you or you hit me, I shall suffer for it."

After that the earthen pot floated away.





(FROM http://www.tingvoa.com/html/20100822/25512.html)

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