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❶ 求英文的典故

In classic Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on earth. Zeus ordered Hephaestus, the god of craftsmanship, to create her, so he did— water and earth. The gods endowed her with many talents: Aphrodite gave her beauty, Apollo gave music and Hermes, persuasion. The gods also gave her the gift of curiosity.

When Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Epimetheus, Prometheus' brother. With her, Pandora was given a beautiful box which she was not to open under any circumstance. Impelled by her curiosity given to her by the gods, Pandora opened the box-jar, and all evil contained escaped and spread over the earth. She hastened to close the lid, but the whole contents of the jar had escaped, except for one thing that lay at the bottom, which was Hope. Pandora was deeply saddened by what she had done, and was afraid that she would have to face Zeus' wrath, since she had failed her ty. However, Zeus did not punish her, because he knew this would happen.
Pandora's box is an artifact in Greek mythology, taken from the myth of Pandora's creation around line 60 of Hesiod's Works and Days. The "box" was actually a large jar given to Pandora which contained all the evils of the world. When Pandora opened the jar, all its contents except for one item were released into the world. The one remaining item was Hope.Today, opening Pandora's box means to create evil that cannot be undone.

❷ 英語中常用的典故

1. Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

2. God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者

3. Easier said than done.說起來容易做起來難。

4. Slow and steady wins the race.穩扎穩打無往而不勝。

5. A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.吃一塹,長一智。

6. Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。

7. One false step will make a great difference.失之毫釐,謬之千里。

8. It's never too old to learn.活到老,學到老。

9. All that glitters is not gold.閃光的未必都是金子。

10. Experience is the mother of wisdom.實踐出真知。

11. All work and no play makes jack a ll boy.只工作不休息,聰明孩子也變傻。

12. Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance.無德之美猶如沒有香味的玫瑰,徒有其表。

13. More hasty,less speed.欲速則不達。

14. Rome was not built in a day.偉業非一日之功。

15. Great minds think alike.英雄所見略同。

16. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行始於足下。

17. Look before you leap.三思而後行。

18. Facts speak plainer than words.事實勝於雄辯。

19. Call back white and white back.顛倒黑白。

20. well begun,half done.好的開始等於成功的一半。

21. It is hard to please all.眾口難調。

22. Ill news travels fast.壞事傳千里。

23. Out of sight,out of mind.眼不見,心不念。

24. Beauty will buy no beef.漂亮不能當飯吃。

25. Like and like make good friends.趣味相投。

26. First things first.凡事有輕重緩急。

27. A friend in need is a friend indeed.患難見真情。

28. To live is to learn,to learn is to better live.活著為了學習,學習為了更好的活著。

29. live not to eat,but eat to live.活著不是為了吃飯,吃飯為了活著。

30. Action speaks louder than words.行動勝過語言。

31. East or west,home is the best.金窩銀窩不如自家草窩。

32. It's not the gay coat that makes the gentleman.君子在德不在衣。

33. An idle youth,a needy age.少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。

34. As the tree,so the fruit.種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。

35. The older, the wiser.薑是老的辣。

❸ 英語典故

I did my best to avoid showing pleasure but what I was feeling was pure delight at this demonstration that my words had the power to make people laugh. In the eleventh grade, at the eleventh hour as it were, I had discovered a calling. 課文注釋將劃線部分解釋為:「just before it is too late, at the last moment」。(我盡力不流露出得意的心情,但看到我寫的文內章竟能使人大容笑,我真是心花怒放。就在十一年級,可謂是最後的時刻,我找到了一個今生想做的事。)

❹ 英語單詞典故(要英文的)

Long long ago,在美國西抄部有一個冷飲店,在一天營業時,老闆發現有一個顧客在吃冰淇淋是先把水果醬擠在上面.這個老闆如法炮製,結果大受歡迎.再後來,這個老闆只在星期日(sunday)出售這種水果冰淇淋,並把它命名為」sundae".

❺ 英語典故文章

The Heel of Achilles直譯是「阿基里斯的腳踵」,是個在歐洲廣泛流行的國際性成語。阿基里斯是希臘聯軍里最英勇善戰的驍將,傳說他是希臘密耳彌多涅斯人的國王珀琉斯和海神的女兒西蒂斯所生的兒子。阿基里斯呱呱墜地以後,母親想使兒子健壯永生,把他放在火里鍛煉,又捏著他的腳踵倒浸在冥河(Styx)聖水裡浸泡。因此阿基里斯渾身象鋼筋鐵骨,刀槍不入,只有腳踵部位被母親的手捏住,沒有沾到冥河聖水,成為他的唯一要害。在特洛伊戰爭中,太陽神阿波羅(Apollo)把阿基里斯的弱點告訴了特洛伊王子帕里斯,阿基里斯終於被帕里斯誘到城門口,用暗箭射中他的腳踵,負傷而死。

因此, the Achilles' heel,常用以表示a weak point in something that is otherwise without fault; the weakest spot等意思。

The Achilles Heel of Achilles is "of first-teamers", is widely popular in Europe, The international idiom. The coalition is Greek Achilles courageous troops, legend he was renewed Greek peleus micah of more solid and daughter born the son of west di. When Achilles leash, mother wants to make her son robust life, put him in the fire, and the exercise of his fall in hades first-teamers river Styx (holy) soak. Therefore, as TieGu steel body Achilles first-teamers bulletproof, only by the mother's hand, not to hold water, can become his river, the key. In the Trojan war, Apollo (Achilles) the weakness of Apollo told the Trojan prince of Troy, Achilles was finally Paris to the gate, he shot with snake first-teamers die, wounded. Achilles' heel and so on, were used for a shift in that business without otherwise fault, The weakest spot.

❻ Archithey's heels 解釋英文典故 典故來自古希臘神話

Archilles' Heel是指致命的弱點,要害.
這就是至今流傳在歐洲的諺語「Archilles' Heel」的來歷.任何一個強者都會有自己的致命傷,沒有不死的戰神,是這個神話告訴人們的一個道理.

❼ 外國人常用英文典故知多少

最容易想起來的是來 Achilles heel 阿基里斯之踵源 (一般翻譯為致命傷,比喻易受傷害的地方或致命弱點。)
Pandora's box 潘多拉的盒子 (意思就不解釋了 大家都知道)比喻造成災害的根源。
The mystery of the Steefan Kors 斯芬克斯之謎 比喻復雜、神秘、難以理解的問題。
Noah's Ark 諾亞方舟 比喻災難中的避難所或救星。
The Muses 繆斯 人們常說的繆斯女神,古希臘的詩人、歌手都向繆斯呼告,祈求靈感。後來,人們就常用「繆斯」來比喻文學、寫作和靈感等。

❽ 搜集英文典故的單詞

cry wolf 虛發警報;慌報險情;危言聳聽
bell the cat 自告奮勇去冒險;老虎頭上拍蒼蠅
a dog in the manger 占著茅坑不拉屎的人
Fish in Troubled Waters渾水摸魚;趁火打劫;陷於混亂
cat's paw 被他人利用的人;受人愚弄者
Pull the chestnuts out of the fire火中取栗;替別人冒險
attic salt優雅的俏皮話;妙語
john bull(s)約翰牛;英國佬
Grin like a cheshire cat咧嘴傻笑;露齒嬉笑
A storm in a Teacup杯水風波;小題大做;大驚小怪
a tower of ivory 或an ivory tower象牙之塔;世外桃源
have an axe to grind別有用心;另有企圖;懷有私心
separate the sheep from the goats區別好壞,分清良莠

a Cleopatra(克婁巴特拉),指絕代佳人——這是莎士比亞戲劇《安東尼和克婁巴特拉》中的人物。

a Shylock(夏洛克),指貪婪、殘忍、追求錢財、不擇手段的守財權——這是另一個莎士比亞戲劇《威尼斯商人》中的人物。

a Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde(吉基爾醫生和海德先生),指有雙重性格的人;一方面善良、溫和(吉基爾醫生),另一方面凶惡、殘暴(海德先生)——這是史蒂文生的小說《吉基爾醫生和海德先生傳》中的人物。

a Frankenstein(弗蘭金斯坦;人們常說「製造一個弗蘭金斯坦」),指殺傷原製造者的怪物或東西,也指製造這種東西的人以及可伯的怪物或人——這是瑪麗·雪萊的小說《弗蘭金斯坦》中的人物。這本書的主人公是醫學院的學生。他把屍體中的骨頭取來,製造了一個似人的怪物,最後自己被這個怪物殺害。

a Sherlock Holmes(歇洛克·福爾摩斯),指有非凡才能的偵探或敏銳精明的人,這種人善於通過仔細觀察、科學分析和邏輯推理,進行追捕或解決疑難問題——歇洛克·福爾摩斯是阿瑟·柯南道爾著名偵探。
1. an apple of discord
any subject of disagreement and contention, the root of the trouble, dispute不和之因;禍根
eg: he throwing us an apple of discord, we soon quarreled again.
The dispute about inheriting estate formed an apple of discord between them
This problem seem to be an apple of discord between the Soviet Union and the USA.

2. The heel of Achilles/the Achilles』 heel
a week point in sth that is otherwise without fault; the weakest spot
The shortage of fortitude is his heel of Achilles.
His Achilles』 heel was his pride—he would get very angry if anyone criticized his work.
English might be his Achilles』 heel.

3.Helen of Troy:
a beauty who ruins her country. A terrible disaster brought by somebody or sth you like best.
eg: It is unfair that historians always attribute the fall of kingdoms to Helen of Troy.
She didn』t think of the beautiful umbrella bought the day before should become a Helen of Troy in her family. Because of this she and her husband quarreled for a long time.

4.The Trojan horse:
the hidden danger; the covert wreckers; to engage in underhand activities
The superpowers are always sending the Trojan Horses to many countries in the world.
They are defeated only because of the Trojan horse to many countries in the world.
They are defeated only because of the Trojan horse in their country.

5.Greek Gifts:
a gift with some sinister purpose of the enemy. A gift sent in order to murder somebody. = when the fox preaches, take care of your geese.
1.he is always buying you expensive clothes, I』m afraid they are Greek gifts for you.
2.Comrades, be on guard against the Greek gifts.

6.A Penelope』s web, the web of Penelope:a chaste woman, a Penelope』s web, the tactics of delaying sth on purpose; the task that can never be finished.
1. Mr. Jones made a long speech at the meeting. Everyone else though it a Penelope』s web.

7.Swan Song: black swan. A last or fare well appearance; the last work before death.
1. all the tickets have been sold for the singer』s performance in London this week----the public clearly believes that this will be her swan song.
2. The Tempest was Shakespeare』s swan song in 1612.
3. before turning over the gavel, he delivered the swan song as chairman of the board.
4. this building turned out to be the swan song of Victorian architecture.

8.Win/gain laurels: to win reputation; to acquire honor.

9.To look to one』s laurels: to beware of losing one』s reputation; to keep one』s record from being beaten by others. 衛冕


❾ 中文和英文典故特色(論文)



〔例:當年艾爾·戈爾的名言:"I felt the numbness that prevented me from integrating into all aspects of my life the implications of what that tragedy really meant."(其姐因吸煙死於肺癌4年後,戈爾還仍在為煙草公司幫腔,記者提出了這個問題,戈爾於是給出了一個高智商的回答。)〕


❿ 有典故的英語單詞

alarm, 原來打仗時,敵人來了發出警報都說all arm. arm 有武裝的意思,所有人都武裝起來的意思,後來說的快了就成了alarm.

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