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❶ 有關於堅持的小故事,中英文對譯, 急!!!!!!!

1、Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, did not like reading when he was young. One day, while the teacher was not in the room, he slipped out to play.

He came to the riverside under the hill and saw a wife grinding a pestle on a stone. Li Bai was very puzzled.

He went up and asked, "My wife, what are you doing grinding the pestle?" The wife said, "I'm grinding the needle."

Li Bai asked in surprise, "Ouch! How can a pestle be ground into a needle when it is so thick?"

Said the old lady with a laugh,"As long as it is ground every day, the pestle can be ground finer and finer. Are you afraid that it will not be ground into a needle?"

When Li Bai heard this, he thought of himself and felt ashamed. He turned and ran back to the library.

From then on, he kept in mind the principle of "as long as the work is deep, the iron pestle grinds into a needle" and became a great poet at last, and was called "Poetry Immortal".




2、Dickens, a famous British writer, usually pays great attention to observing and experiencing life.

Whether it's windy or rainy, he insists on going to the streets every day to observe and listen attentively. He keeps a record of people's small words and accumulates rich means of life.

In this way, he wrote a brilliant description of dialogue in David Copperfield and left a vivid description of social background in The Tales of Two Cities.

thus becoming a British literary giant and achieving great success in his literary career.



3、Edison had spent ten years developing batteries, ring which he had suffered repeated failures.

After about 50,000 experiments, Edison finally succeeded in inventing batteries and was given the title of "King of Invention".

中文翻譯:愛迪生曾花了整整十年去研製蓄電池,其間不 斷遭受失敗的他一直咬牙堅持,經過了五萬次左右的試驗,終於取得成功,發明了蓄電池, 被人們授與「發明大王」的美稱。

4、Bao Zheng Bao Qingtian was intelligent, diligent and inquisitive, especially fond of reasoning and judging cases. His father had close contacts with Zhixian County.

Bao Zheng had learned a lot of knowledge about judging cases from his childhood.

Especially in the case of burning temples and killing monks, Bao Zheng disguised himself as King of Yan after he stripped cocoons and drew silk from the scene and found out the suspects.

To clarify the facts and assist Zhixian in arresting the murderers and eliminating harm for the people.

He worked hard to learn the knowledge of law and punishment, and laid a solid knowledge foundation for judging cases and defending people's grievances when he grew up.



5、Xuan Zang left Chang'an in August of the third year of Zhenguan, and traveled thousands of miles westward to take sutras.

He finally arrived in India. It lasted seventeen years.

He wrote The Book of Western Regions of the Great Tang Dynasty, which made great contributions to Buddhism, human progress and world civilization.


❷ 英語小故事(帶中文翻譯)

1、A cat goes to a river every day. He wants to go fishing. But he can』t catch any fish.


One day, he goes to the river as usual. Suddenly a fish comes out. He catches the fish. He is very happy. He forgets to put the fish in the basket. He dances and sings. He shouts, 「I have a fish! I have a fish!」 All his friends come to see him.


「Where is your fish? Let us have a look at it. 」 his friends say.


「It』s there, near the bank.」 the cat answers. But he can』t find the fish. When he sings and dances, the fish jumps back into the river.


2、Wang Xi- is one of the most famous calligraphers ring the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China. When he was very young, he practiced his art every day and never stopped.


absorbed the strong points of all the other schools of calligraphy, and developed his own unique style of writing. Because of his achievements, he has been honored as one of China's sages of calligraphy.


One time, Wang Xi- sketched in wood for an engraver to cut. Then the engraver found the ink had penetrated one centimeter into the wood.


"Ru Mu San Fen" is got from this story, which means the calligraphy is penetrating.


3、I have nine little goldfish .Eight goldfish are all orange and one isblack .I like the black one best.


We call it Xiao Hei .Its body is black .It hastwo big and round eyes, a small mouth ,and a big tail. Though it's very small ,itswims fast .


I often feed them and change water for them. We are good friends .


4、For months I hinted that I needed a new wedding ring, since I had developed an allergy to gold.


On my birthday, while I was gardening, my husband asked me for gift suggestions.I held my hands up and said, "Well, you『ll notice that my hands are bare."


Later that evening I opened my present with enthusiasm. "Happy birthday," he said, as I unwrapped a new pair of gardening gloves.


5、A panda looks like a little bear. It has black and white fur. It lives only in China, so it is called the national treasure of China and protected by the law.

熊貓看起來好像一隻小熊。它的皮毛是黑白相間。 它只居住在中國,因此,它是中國的國寶,受到國家法律的保護。

We all see panda on TV or in the zoo. They look stupid and walk slowly, but they are lovely and everyone likes them.

A panda is lucky animal. We Chinese like it, and people of the world like it, too.


Now there are China』s pandas in many other countries, such as Japan and the USA…


A panda isn』t a common animal, it is bridge of friendship.


❸ 英文故事 帶中文翻譯

披著獅皮的驢The ass in the lions skin
The ass in the lion's skin

An ass once found a lion's skin. He put it on, and walked towards the village.

All fled when he came near,both men and animals.

The ass felt quite proud. He lifted his voice and brayed, but then everyone knew him.

His owner came up and gave him a sound whipping.

Shortly afterwards,a fox came up to him and said, Ah, I knew it was you by your voice.






寓意 外表雖然可以暫時掩蓋一個人的缺點,但它很容易被揭穿。

狗和影子(The Dog and the Shadow)
It happened that a Dog had got a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat it in peace. Now, on his way home he had to cross a plank lying across a running brook. As he crossed, he looked down and saw his own shadow reflected in the water beneath. Thinking it was another dog with another piece of meat, he made up his mind to have that also. So he made a snap at the shadow in the water, but as he opened his mouth the piece of meat fell out, dropped into the water and was never seen more.


Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.


seasons in the sun的故事

seasons in the sun是westlife一首很著名的歌,
A是那種很陽光、很樂觀、很拉 風的男孩,是學校的運動明星,是很多情竇初開的少女仰慕的對象。生活對於A來說 充滿的只是快樂和單純。而C害羞、內斂,畫得一手好畫。早在A和B相愛之前,C已經
默默的愛了B很久,但是沒有人知道。這份愛被藏在心底,直到畢業後A參軍、C成為 一名木匠,直到戰後A返回家鄉和B結婚,直到婚後A找到工作當上一名貨車司機……
這個A,叫做Jacques Brel。他寫下的這段話最初的名字叫"Le Moribund",直譯的意
思是"the dying man"。Rod McKuen將之翻譯成英語,並套上一首法語歌的旋律,這
就是最初的"seasons in the sun"。十年後,Terry Jacks無意中聽到了這首歌,經
只要稍稍想到那個三天後就要離去的人是以怎樣的心情在懷念活著的幸福、告別自己年邁的父親和四歲的女兒,只要稍稍想到他的父親和女兒在看到這些話 時心中劇烈的激盪……我無言。Jacques Brel用美好的筆調歌頌生命的多彩和絢爛,卻讓聆聽的人更加忍不住潸然淚下。對比Terry和westlife的版本,顯然westlife的音樂製作 要好很多,但從表現一個真正面臨死亡的人的心境來說,我喜歡Terry,也更能理解為什麼歌中反復強調:It's hard to die.

A and B were best friends when they were young boys ,they were born in the same neighbourhood ,played together ,studied in the same school.Their relation was so intimate,but there was too many differences in their characters.A was a sunny and charming boy ,be good at sports,then a lot of girls came to him .Otherwise ,B always
keep silence ,he was sensitive and shy ,and didn't know how
to express himself,but he could do excellent craft.

It is funny that both of them were falling in love with a beautiful girl C.You know the result ,A and C got married
and they birthed a little daughter.In order to give a better life for the little life ,A should delivery goods to somewhere too far away for many days .Then it is a good chance for B to take care of C and her baby.With the times flies ,they were some special feeling come out between these two lonely heart,they were falling in love .
One day it was stormy day ,A cannot go out further,he came back ,he found B and C make loves .... Big shame turned out ,one is his best friend , the other one is his wife ,he cannot stand it .He was mad ,and he killed them .

Maybe you think he will escape from there , but he drove himself to the police station.When he was sentenced to death ,he wrote all this story .

❹ 英語翻譯幾個漢語典故中的詞

楚莊王來 King Chuang of the Chu Kingdom或 King Zhuang of Chu
朝廷 Court
文武百官源 civilian and military officers
右司馬 Right Marshal (an official post)
楚國 the Kingdom of Chu
不飛則已,一飛沖天 Once a bird start to fly, it will fly way up the sky
不鳴則已,一鳴驚人 Once the bird starts to sing, it will astonish the world

❺ 請問「典故」一詞用英語怎麼翻譯謝謝。

literary quotation典故
Gan Jiang and Mo Ye is also used as a Literary quotation, meaning sharp swords, full of wits, expressing firm love, etc.

❻ 名人故事英文版帶翻譯(簡單的)!!



Wen Tianxiang, a famous national hero in the late Southern Song Dynasty, lived in hardship when he was a teenager, and only with the help of good-hearted people did he have the opportunity to read.


Once, Wen Tianxiang was misunderstood as a thieves by wealthy classmates. He argued that he was not allowed to be trampled on his dignity, and finally proved his innocence. Through this incident, Wen Tianxiang's ambition to be named in the gold roll was set up.



Chen Ping, a famous minister in the Western Han Dynasty, lived in poverty when he was young and depended on his brother.


In order to uphold his father's fate, glorify his family, do not proce and study behind closed doors, he was not tolerated by his sister-in-law. In order to eliminate the contradiction between his brother and sister-in-law, he faced repeated humiliation and hiding.


With the increasing cost of his sister-in-law, he finally could not bear to leave home, wandering around the world, was recovered by his brother, regardless of past suspicions, to stop his brother and sister-in-law, in the local spread as a beautiful talk.


Eventually, as an old man, Muming came to teach free apprenticeship. After learning, he assisted Liu Bang and achieved some hegemonic career.



Lu Yu, a famous scholar in the Tang Dynasty, was raised by Zen Master Zhiji as an orphan.


Although Lu Yu was in the temple, he did not want to recite Buddhist sutras and chant Buddhas all day long, but preferred to recite poetry and books. Lu Yu persisted in going downhill to study, which was opposed by Zen master.


In order to solve Lu Yu's problems and ecate him better, Zen Master asked him to learn how to make tea.


In the process of studying tea art, Lu Yu met a kind wife. She not only learned the complicated skills of making tea, but also learned a lot of principles of reading and being a man.


When Lu Yu finally brought a cup of steaming Kuding tea to Zen Master, Zen Master finally agreed to his request to go down to study. Later, Lu Yu wrote the widely circulated "Tea Classic" to carry forward the tea culture of the motherland.



Bao Zheng Bao Qingtian was smart, diligent and inquisitive since childhood. He especially liked reasoning and judging cases. His father had close contact with Zhixian County. Bao Zheng learned a lot of knowledge about judging cases from childhood.


Especially in the case of burning temples and killing monks, Bao Zheng, according to the spider tracks on the scene, stripped cocoons and drew silk.


After identifying the suspects, he pretended to be the King of Yan and tried to find out the truth, helping Zhixian to arrest the murderers and kill the people.


He worked hard to learn the knowledge of law and punishment, and laid a solid knowledge foundation for judging cases and defending people's grievances when he grew up.



When Lin Zexu was a child, he was talented and wise. He made two couplets under two opportunities. These two couplets expressed Lin Zexu's ambition.


Lin Zexu not only dared to make a decision, but also studied hard. When he grew up, he made great achievements and was admired by later generations.

❼ 鄙人急需英文典故,越多越好,還要譯出來的中文

你去下載吧 http://www.zasp.net/soft/html/book-free-download/literature/full/2006/2006021429870.htm

還有cat\'s paw 被他人利用的人;受人愚弄者
cat\'s paw 也坐cat\'s-paw或catspaw,字面意思「貓爪子」,出典17世紀法國著名的寓言作家拉.封丹的《猴子與貓》。講的是狡猾的猴子哄騙頭腦簡單的貓兒,替它從爐火中取出烤熟的栗子來。貓兒應命去做,結果貓爪子被火燒傷了,而取出的栗子卻被猴子吃光了。
cat\'s paw常用來比喻a person used as a tool by another;one who is used merely for the convenience of a cleverer or stronger person之意。按其內涵,這個成語與漢語成語「為虎作倀」所比喻的意義相似,僅是動物的形象不同
cat\'s paw除了單獨做復合名詞使用外,還構成to make a cat\'s paw of sb(利用某人做為工具或爪牙)
eg:It is easy for him to be used as a cat\'s paw of evil-doing.
I am afraid that he is making a cat\'s paw of you.

❽ 希臘神話中的典故中英文

1、Pandora』s box(潘朵拉的盒子) :普羅米修斯(Prometheus)為人類盜來了天火,激怒了宙斯(Zeus)。Zeus決定懲罰人類,於是他命令火神造出一個美貌的女人 Pandora,讓她去勾引Prometheus的弟弟埃比米修斯(Epimetheus)。結果Epimetheus上當,接近了 Pandora,Pandora於是就將手中的盒子打開,放出了裡面的罪惡、災難、疾病、不幸,只留下了「希望」在盒子里。於是Pandora』s box就成了「災難的根源」的代名詞。

2、the sword of Damocles(達摩克利斯之劍):Damocles是敘拉古王朝的一位大臣,非常羨慕帝王的榮華富貴。一天,國王讓他坐在王位上,在 Damocles的頭上用一根頭發懸一把利劍,告訴他王權的危險就象那把劍一樣,隨時可能降臨。因此the sword of Damocles就成了「富貴中隱藏的危險」的同義語,也可以指形勢危急,千鈞一發。

3、Damon and Pythias :Damon和Pythias是好朋友。Pythias出事被判了死刑,為了使他能夠回家探視親人,Damo留在牢中作人質,如果Pythias不按時返 回,就處死Damon。當期限滿,臨處刑之際,Pythias及時趕回。國王深受感動,將二人全部釋放,因此,Damon and Pythias意思就是「生死之交」。

4、Penelop』s web:源自史詩《奧德賽》(Odyssey)。泊涅羅珀(Penelop)是奧底修斯(Odysseus)的妻子,以忠貞而著稱。特洛伊戰爭持續 了十年,Odysseus在返家的途中又耽擱了十年。在這漫長的二十年中,許多王公貴族向Penelop求婚,她都托辭說必須等織完布後才能予以考慮,一 到晚上,她又將白天織好的布再拆開。因此Penelop』s web就成了一項永遠也完不成的工作。

5、apple of discord:意思是「不和的根源、發生糾紛的事端」。佩琉斯和忒提斯舉行婚禮時忘記了邀請不和女神厄里斯(Eris)。這位女神大為惱火,留下 一個刻有「獻給最美者」的金蘋果,引起了雅典娜、赫拉和阿芙羅狄忒的紛爭。此事導致漫長的特洛伊戰爭(Trojan War)。







❾ 求英語成語典故20個,越短越好

1.An Apple of Discord 爭斗之源;不和之因;禍根 ,出自荷馬史詩 Iliad 中的希臘神話故事 An Apple of Discord 直譯為「糾紛的蘋果」 傳說希臘阿耳戈英雄Argonaut珀琉斯Peleus和愛琴海海神涅柔斯的女兒西蒂斯Thetis在珀利翁山舉行婚禮,大擺宴席。他們邀請了奧林匹斯上Olympus的諸神參加喜筵,不知是有意還是無心,惟獨沒有邀請掌管爭執的女神厄里斯Eris。這位女神惱羞成怒,決定在這次喜筵上製造不和。於是,她不請自來,並悄悄在筵席上放了一個金蘋果,上面鐫刻著「屬於最美者」幾個字。天後赫拉Hera,智慧女神雅典娜Athena、愛與美之神阿芙羅狄蒂Aphrodite,都自以為最美,應得金蘋果,獲得「最美者」稱號。她們爭執不下,鬧到眾神之父宙斯Zeus那裡,但宙斯礙於難言之隱,不願偏袒任何一方,就要她們去找特洛伊的王子帕里斯Paris評判。三位女神為了獲得金蘋果,都各自私許帕里斯以某種好處:赫拉許給他以廣袤國土和掌握富饒財寶的權利,雅典娜許以文武全才和勝利的榮譽,阿芙羅狄蒂則許他成為世界上最美艷女子的丈夫。年青的帕里斯在富貴、榮譽和美女之間選擇了後者,便把金蘋果判給愛與美之神。為此,赫拉和雅典娜懷恨帕里斯,連帶也憎恨整個特洛伊人。後來阿芙羅狄蒂為了履行諾言,幫助帕里斯拐走了斯巴達國王墨涅俄斯的王後---絕世美女海倫Helen,從而引起了歷時 10 年的特洛伊戰爭。不和女神厄里斯丟下的那個蘋果,不僅成了天上 3 位女神之間不和的根源,而且也成為了人間 2 個民族之間戰爭 的 起 因 。 因 此 , 在 英 語 中 產 生 了 an apple of discord 這 個 成 語 , 常 用 來 比 喻any subject of disagreement and contentionthe root of the troubledispute 等意義 這個成語最初為公元 2 世紀時的古羅馬歷史學家馬克朱里尤斯丁Marcus Juninus Justinus所使用,後來廣泛的流傳到歐洲許多語言中去,成為了一個國際性成語。eg: He throwing us an apple of discordwe soon quarrelled again. The dispute about inheriting estate formed an apple of discord between them. This problem seems to be an apple of discord between the Soviet union and the USA.2.The Heel of Achilles 亦作 The Achilles Heel 唯一弱點;薄弱環節;要害 The Heel of Achilles 直譯是「阿基里斯的腳踵」 ,是個在歐洲廣泛流行的國際性成語。它源自荷馬史詩 Iliad 中的希臘神話故事。 阿基里斯是希臘聯軍里最英勇善戰的驍將,也是荷馬史詩 Iliad 里的主要人物之一。傳說他是希臘密耳彌多涅斯人的國王珀琉斯和海神的女兒西蒂斯所生的兒子。阿基里斯瓜瓜墜地以後,母親想使兒子健壯永生,把他放在火里鍛煉,又捏著他的腳踵倒浸在冥河Styx聖水裡浸泡。因此阿基里斯渾身象鋼筋鐵骨,刀槍不入,只有腳踵部位被母親的手捏住,沒有沾到冥河聖水,成為他的唯一要害。在特洛伊戰爭中,阿基里斯驍勇無敵,所向披靡,殺死了特洛伊主將,著名英雄赫克托耳Hector,而特洛伊的任何武器都無法傷害他的身軀。後來,太陽神阿波羅Apollo把阿基里斯的弱點告訴了特洛伊王子帕里斯,阿基里斯終於被帕里斯誘到城門口,用暗箭射中他的腳踵,負傷而死。 因 此 , the heel of Achilles 也 稱 the Achilles heel , 常 用 以 表 示a weak point in something that is otherwise without faultthe weakest spot 等意思。eg:The shortage of fortitude is his heel of Achilles. His Achilles heel was his pride--he would get very angry if anyone criticized his work.3.Helen of Troy Helen of Troy 直譯quot特洛伊的海倫quot,源自源自荷馬史詩 Iliad 中的希臘神話故事。 Helen 是希臘的絕世佳人,美艷無比,嫁給希臘南部邦城斯巴達國王墨涅俄斯Menelaus為妻。後來,特洛伊王子帕里斯奉命出事希臘,在斯巴達國王那裡做客,他在愛與美之神阿芙羅狄蒂的幫助下,趁著墨涅俄斯外出之際,誘走海倫,還帶走了很多財寶 此事激起了希臘各部族的公憤,墨涅俄斯發誓說,寧死也要奪回海輪,報仇雪恨。為此,在希臘各城邦英雄的贊助下,調集十萬大軍和 1180 條戰船,組成了希臘聯軍,公推墨涅俄斯的哥哥阿枷門農Agamemnon為聯軍統帥,浩浩盪盪,跨海東征,攻打特洛伊城,企圖用武力奪回海輪。雙方大戰 10年,死傷無數,許多英雄戰死在沙場。甚至連奧林匹斯山的眾神也分成 2 個陣營,有些支持希臘人,有些 ,彼此展開了一場持久的惡斗。最後希臘聯軍採用足智多謀的奧德修斯Osseus的「木幫助特洛伊人, ,里應外合才攻陷了特洛伊。希臘人進城後,大肆殺戮,帕里斯王子也被殺死,特洛伊的婦女、兒童馬計」全部淪為奴隸。特洛伊城被掠奪一空,燒成了一片灰燼。戰爭結實後,希臘將士帶著大量戰利品回到希臘,墨涅俄斯搶回了美貌的海輪重返故土。這就是特洛伊戰爭的起因和結局。正是由於海輪,使特洛伊遭到毀滅的悲劇,真所謂「傾國傾城」,由此產生了 Helen of Troy 這個成語。 特洛伊戰爭的真實性,已為 19 世紀德國考古學家謝里曼在邁錫尼發掘和考證古代特洛伊古城廢墟所證實。至於特洛伊城被毀的真正原因,雖然眾說紛紜,但肯定決不是為了一個美女而爆發這場戰爭的,與其說是為了爭奪海輪而打了起來,毋寧說是為了爭奪該地區的商業霸權和搶劫財寶而引起戰爭的。所謂「特 ,實質上是財富和商業霸權的化身。中國歷史上也有過「妲己亡商」「西施沼吳」等傳說,以洛伊的海倫」 , ,吳三桂「沖冠一怒為紅顏」等說法。漢語中有個「傾國傾城」的及唐明皇因寵楊貴妃而招致「安史之亂」 : 。成語(語出《漢書外戚傳》『一顧傾人城,再顧傾人國』)這里的「傾」字一語雙光,既可指美艷非凡,令人傾倒;也可紙傾覆邦國。其含義與 Helen of troy 十分近似。 在 現 代 英 語 中 , Helen of Troy 這 個 成 語 , 除 了 表 示a beautiful girl or womana beauty who ruins her country 等 意 義 外 , 還 可 以 用 來 表 示a terrible disaster brought by sb or sth you like best 的意思。eg:It is unfair that historians always attribute the fall of kingdoms to Helen of Troy. She didnt think of the beautiful umbrella bought the day before should become a Helenof Troy in her family.Because of this she and her husband quarreled for a long time.4.The Trojan Horse 木馬計;暗藏的危險;奸細 The Trojan Horse 直譯quot特洛伊木馬quot,是個國際性成語,在世界各主要語言中都有。來自拉丁語equns Trojanus.這個成語甚至還進入到漢語詞彙中,毛澤東同志在《矛盾論》中,談到《水滸傳》中宋江三打祝家莊時,就用了「木馬計」這個典故。 。希臘人和特洛伊人交戰 10 年之久,勝負未決。最後,希臘著名的英 這個成語出自荷馬史詩《奧德賽》雄奧德修斯Osseus想出了一個木馬計,用木頭做了一匹巨馬,放在特洛伊城外。全體希臘將士偽裝撤退,乘船隱藏在附近的海灣里,而奧德修斯率領 20 名勇士事先藏進媽肚。特洛伊人誤認為希臘人已經敗退,大開城門,看到城外的巨大木馬,以為這是希臘人敬神的禮物,就把它當作戰利品拖進城來,大擺宴席,歡慶勝利。到了半夜,特洛伊人好夢正在酣,毫無戒備的時候,藏在木馬里的希臘英雄們都爬了出來,打開城門,發出信號,與附近海灣里返回的希臘大軍里應外合,一舉摧毀了特洛伊城。 因 此 , The Trojan Horse 經 過 不 斷 引 用 而 成 為 一 個 廣 泛 流 傳 的 成 語 , 常 用 來 比 喻the hidden dangerthe covert wreckers(內奸)to engage in underhand activities 等的意義。eg:The superpowers are always sending the Trojan horses to many countries in the world. They are defeated only because of the Trojan horse in their country.5.Greek Gifts陰謀害人的禮物;黃鼠狼拜年,不安好心 Greek Gifts 直 譯 是 「 希 臘 人 的 禮 物 」 出 自 荷 馬 史 詩 《 奧 德 賽 》 以 及 古 羅 馬 傑 出 詩 人 維 吉 爾 ,Publius Virgilius Maro公元前 70-前 19 年的史詩《伊尼特》Aeneis中關於特洛伊城陷落經過的敘述。 據《奧德賽》卷 8 記述:許多特洛伊人對如何處置希臘人留下的大木馬展開了辯論, 「他們有三種主張:有的主張用無情的銅矛刺透中空的木馬;有的主張把它仍到岩石上;有的主張讓它留在那裡作為京觀,來 。結果是後一說占優勢,把那匹木馬拖進城裡來,終於遭到了亡國之災。使天神喜悅」 ,寫的是特洛伊被希臘攻陷後,王子伊尼斯從混亂中攜家屬出走,經由西西里、 維吉爾的史詩《伊尼特》迦太基到達義大利,在各地漂泊流亡的情況。史詩第 2 卷便是伊尼斯關於特洛伊城陷落經過的敘述,其中情節除了模擬荷馬史詩的描述外,還做了更詳細的補充。當特洛伊人要把大木馬拖進城的時候,祭司拉奧 「我怕希臘人,即使他們來送禮」這句話後來成了一孔Laocoon勸說不要接受希臘人留下的東西。他說:句拉丁諺語:「Timeo Danaoset dona ferenteso.quot(原文的達奈人 Danaos,即泛指希臘各部族人)譯成英語就是:I fear the Greeks even when bringing gifts.其簡化形式就是 Greek Gifts.可惜特洛伊人不聽拉奧孔的警告,把木馬作為戰利品拖進城裡。木馬里藏著希臘的精銳部隊,給特洛伊人帶來了屠殺 和 滅 亡 。 由 此 , Greek gift 成 為 一 個 成 語 , 表 示a gift with some sinister purposes of the enemyone given with intent to harma gift sent inorder to murder sb 等 意 思 , 按 其 形 象 意 義 , 這 個 成 語 相 當 與 英 語 的 俚 諺 :When the fox preachestake care of your geese;也與漢語「黃鼠狼給雞拜年--不安好心」十分類似 eg:He is always buying you expensive clothesIm afraid they are Greek gifts for you. Comradesbe on guard against the Greek gifts6.A Penelopes Web 亦作 The Web of Penelope 故意拖延的策略;永遠做不完的工作 A Penelopes Web 或 The Web of Penelope,直譯為「珀涅羅珀的織物」 ,典故出自荷馬史詩《奧德賽》卷 2。 這部史詩的主人公奧德修斯是希臘半島西南邊伊大卡島Ithaca的國王,他有個美麗而忠誠的旗子,名叫珀涅羅珀。奧德修斯隨希臘聯軍遠征特洛伊,十年苦戰結束後,希臘將士紛紛凱旋歸國。惟獨奧德修斯命運坎坷,歸途中又在海上漂泊了 10 年,歷盡無數艱險,並盛傳他已葬身魚腹,或者客死異域。正當他在外流浪的最後三年間,有一百多個來自各地的王孫公子,聚集在他家裡,向他的妻子求婚。堅貞不渝的珀涅羅珀為了擺脫求婚者的糾纏,想出個緩賓之策,她宣稱等她為公公織完一匹做壽衣的布料後,就改嫁給他們中的一個。於是,她白天織這匹布,夜晚又在火炬光下把它拆掉。就這樣織了又拆,拆了又織,沒完沒了,拖延時間,等待丈夫歸來。後來,奧德修斯終於回轉家園,夫妻兒子合力把那些在他家裡宴飲作樂,胡作非為的求婚者一個個殺死,終於夫妻團圓了。 由於這個故事,英語中的 Penelope 一詞成了 a chaste woman(貞婦)的同義詞,並產生了with a penelope faith ( 堅 貞 不 渝 ) 這 個 短 語 。 而 A Penelopes Web 這 個 成 語 比 喻the tactics of delaying sth on purposelthe task that can never be finished 的意思eg:Mr Jones made a long speech at the meeting.Everyone else thought it a Penelopes web. My work is something like the Penelopes webnever donebut ever in hand.7.Swan Song 最後傑作;絕筆 ,源於希臘成語 Kykneion asma. Swan Song 字面譯做「天鵝之歌」 天鵝,我國古代叫鵠,是一種形狀似鵝而體形較大的稀有珍禽,棲息於海濱湖畔,能游善飛,全身白色。因此,英語成語 black swan用以比喻稀有罕見的人或物,類似漢語成語「鳳毛麟角」之意。 在古希臘神話中,阿波羅Apollo是太陽神、光明之神,由於他多才多藝,又是詩歌與音樂之神,後世奉他為文藝的保護神。天鵝是阿波羅的神鳥,故常用來比喻文藝。傳說天鵝平素不唱歌,而在它死前,必引頸長鳴,高歌一曲,其歌聲哀婉動聽,感人肺腑。這是它一生中唯一的,也是最後的一次唱歌。因此,西方各國就用這個典故來比喻某詩人,作家,作曲家臨終前的一部傑作,或者是某個演員,歌唱家的最後一次表演。即 a last or farewell appearancethe last work before death 之意;偶爾也可指某中最後殘余的東西。 Swan Song 是個古老的成語,源遠流長。早在公元前 6 世紀的古希臘寓言作家伊索Aisopos的寓言故事中,就有「天鵝臨死才唱歌」的說法。古羅馬政治家、作家西塞羅Cicero公元前 106-前 43在其《德斯肯倫別墅哲學談》等論文中,就使用了「天鵝之歌」來比喻臨死哀歌。在英國,喬叟,莎士比亞等偉大詩人、劇作家,都使用過這個成語典故。如:莎翁的著名悲劇《奧噻羅》othello中塑造的愛米莉霞的形象,她在生死關頭勇敢得站出來揭穿其丈夫的罪行。她臨死時把自己比做天鵝,一生只唱最後一次歌。 eg:All the tickets have been sold for the singers performance in London this week--thepublic clearly believes that this will be her swan song The Tempest was W.Shakespeares swan song in 16128.Win/Gain Laurels 獲得榮譽贏得聲望 Look to Ones Laurels 愛惜名聲保持記錄 Rest on Ones Laurels 坐享清福光吃老本Laurel月桂樹是一種可供觀賞的常綠喬木樹葉互生披針形或者長橢圓形光滑發亮花帶黃色傘形花序.laurels 指用月桂樹葉編成的quot桂冠quot.古代希臘人和羅馬人用月桂樹的樹葉編成冠冕獻給傑出的詩人或體育競技的優勝者作為獎賞以表尊崇.這種風尚漸漸傳遍整個歐洲於是 laurels 代表 victorysuccess 和distincion. 歐洲人這種習俗源遠流長可上朔到古希臘神話.相傳河神珀納斯Peneus的女兒達佛涅Daphne長的風姿卓約艷麗非凡.太陽神阿波羅為她的美所傾倒熱烈追求她但達佛涅自有所愛總是逃避權利很大的太陽神的追求.一天他倆在河邊相遇達佛涅一見阿波羅拔腿就跑阿波羅在後邊窮追不舍達佛涅跑得疲乏不堪情急之下只好請她父親把她變成一株月桂樹.阿波羅非常感傷無限深情地表示:quot願你的枝葉四季長青裝飾我的頭裝飾我的琴讓你成為最高榮譽的象徵quot.他小心得將這株月桂樹移植到自己神廟旁邊朝夕相處並取其枝葉遍成花冠戴在頭上以表示對達佛涅的傾慕和懷念. 因此古希臘人把月桂樹看做是阿波羅的神木稱為quot阿波羅的月桂樹quotThe Laurel of Apollo.起先他們用月桂枝葉編成冠冕授予在祭祀太陽神的節目賽跑中的優勝者.後來在奧林匹亞Olympia舉行的體育競技中他們用桂冠贈給競技的優勝者.從此世代相傳後世歐洲人以quot桂冠quot作為光榮的稱號. 由於阿波羅是主管光明.青春.音樂和詩歌之神歐洲人又把源自quot阿波羅的月桂樹quot的桂冠獻給最有才華的詩人,稱quot桂冠詩人quot.第一位著名的quot桂冠詩人quot就是歐洲文藝復興時期人文主義的先驅者.義大利詩人彼特拉克Francesco Petrarch1304-1374.他的代表作lt抒情詩集gt全部為 14 行詩體系詩人獻給他心中的女神勞拉的情詩彼特拉克喜歡了勞拉一輩子但是勞拉從來都不知道抒發他對戀人的愛情,描寫大自然的景色,渴望祖國的統一.這部被稱為西方quot詩三百的詩集雖不能與我國古代lt詩經gt相提並論但不失為世界文學的瑰寶.中古時代英國的大學也曾授予過quot桂冠詩人quot的稱好,但是這只是一種榮譽稱號而非目前含義的類似職務學銜的專用名稱. 作為專名的quot桂冠詩人quotThe Poet Laureate也稱 The Laureate系英國王室賜予御用詩人的專用稱號從 17 世紀英皇詹姆士一世James I1566-1625開始延續到現在已歷三個世紀了.凡獲得quot桂冠詩人quot稱號者可領取宮廷津貼每遇到王室喜慶或官方盛典時都要寫作應景詩以點綴和宣揚喜慶事件歌功頌德粉飾昇平.17 世紀在英國被封為第一位quot桂冠詩人quot的是約翰德萊頓John Dryden1631-1700他一生為貴族寫作美化君主制度不過他創造的quot英語偶句詩體quot成為英國詩歌的主要形式之一.從 1670 到1972 這三百年間英國王室相繼封了 17 位quot桂冠詩人quot年限最長的是 19 實際的浪漫詩人阿弗里德丁尼生Alfred Tennyson1809-1892他從 1850 年獲得這個稱號一直到逝世長達 42 年,算是quot終身桂冠詩人quot了.英國最近的quot桂冠詩人quot是約翰本傑明John Benjamin.其實所謂quot桂冠詩人quot大部分是徒具虛名的在英國文學史上享有盛名者極少就象中國封建時代的quot欽點狀元quot從公元 960 到 1904清關緒 30 年最後一屆科舉止近 1000 年歷代狀元 341 名在中國文學史上著名的寥寥無幾.eg:Shakespeare won laurels in the dramatic world. The student gained laurels on the football fieldas well as in his studies. Tom won the broad jumpbut he had to look to his laurels Getting an A in chemistryalmosst cause Mike to rest on his laurels9.Under the Rose 秘密地私下得暗中 Under the rose 直譯quot在玫瑰花底下quot而實際上卻表示 in secret privately confidentially 的意義語言外殼與內涵,似乎風馬牛不相及.它源自古羅馬的神話故事和歐洲的風尚. 羅馬神話中的小愛神丘比特Cupid也稱希臘神話里的厄洛斯Eros在文藝作品中以背上長著雙翼的小男孩的形象出現常攜帶弓箭在天空中遨遊誰中了他的金箭就會產生愛情.丘比特是戰神瑪斯Mars和愛與美之神維納斯venus所生的兒子.維納斯,也就是希臘神話里的阿芙羅狄蒂Aphrodite傳說她是從大海的泡沫里生出來,以美麗著稱從宙斯到奧林匹帕斯的諸神都為起美貌姿容所傾倒.有關她的戀愛傳說很多,歐洲很多文藝作品常用維納斯做題材.小愛神丘比特為了維護其母的聲譽給沉默之神哈伯克拉底Harpocrates送了一束玫瑰花請他守口如瓶不要把維納斯的風流韻事傳播出去.哈伯克拉底受了玫瑰花就緘默不語了成為名副其實的quot沉默之神quot 古羅馬人對維納斯非常尊崇不僅奉為掌管人類的愛情.婚姻.生育的愛與美的神而且尊為豐收女神.園藝女神.羅馬的統治者愷撒大帝甚至追搠維納斯是羅馬人的祖先.由於上述神話傳說古羅馬人把玫瑰花當作沉沒或嚴守秘密的象徵並在日常生活中相尚成風.人們去串門做客當看到主人家的桌子上方畫有玫瑰客人就了解在這桌上所談的一切行為均不應外傳.於是在語言中產生了 Sub rosa 在玫瑰花底下這個拉丁成語. 據lt牛津英語詞典gt解釋英語 under the rose 系源自德語 unter der Rosen. 古代德國的宴會廳.會議室以及旅店的餐室在天花板上常畫有或雕刻著玫瑰花用來提醒在場者要守口如瓶嚴守秘密不要把玫瑰花底下的言行透露出去.這個流行於 15 至 17 世紀的德語成語反映了這種習俗. 羅馬帝國全盛時其勢力幾乎席捲了整個歐洲羅馬某些文化風尚也隨著他的軍事力量滲透到歐洲各國.因此,以玫瑰花象徵沉默的習俗並不限於德國.. under the rose 是 個 狀 語 性 成 語 , 在 句 中 修 飾 動 詞 其 含 義 因 所 修 飾 的 動 詞 的 不 同 而 略 有 不 同 .如:born under the rosequot私生的quotquot非婚生的quotdo under the rosequot暗中進行quot eg:The senator told me under the rose that there is to be a chance in the cabinet. The matter was finally settled under the rose. Do what you like undeer the rosebut dont give a sign of what youre about...10.The Augean Stables骯臟的地方藏垢納穢之所積弊 The Augean Stables直譯quot奧吉亞斯的牛圈quot源自古希臘神話中關於赫拉克勒斯的英雄傳說. 奧吉亞斯(Augeas)是古希臘西部厄利斯Elis的國王。他有一個極大的牛圈,裡面養了 2000 頭年(一說 3000 匹馬)30 年來未清掃過, , 糞穢堆積如山, the 因此, Augean stablevery dirty place. 十分骯臟。 古希臘神話中的英雄赫拉克.

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