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發布時間: 2020-12-19 04:13:33

『壹』 用and造句 要不同的,至少兩句

I like apple and banana.
I will go there with my mother and friends

『貳』 and的造句

i have got a dog and i love it very much
我有隻狗 和 我愛它

i have got a bag and i use it every day
我有個包 和 我每天都會用它

i have got 1 dollar left and i have to get to school by train immediately
我只有塊錢了 和(但是)我一定馬上內要坐火車去學校容

I have got a dog and I called it John
我有隻狗 和(還有)我叫他john

i have got 100 for my english test and I am happy
我英語考試得了100分 (和)我很開心

『叄』 用 and 造句

I like apple and fish

『肆』 用and or but造句,每個三句

1. and
He is a student, and he works hard. 他是一個學生,而且他學習很努力。
I am a teacher and I work five days a week. 我是一個老師,每周工作五天。
Her mother is a nurse, and her father is a doctor. 她媽媽是一個護士,專而她爸爸是一個醫生。屬
2. or
Are you a teacher or a student? 你是老師還是學生?
Either you or I am right. 你對,或者我對。
Work hard, or you will fail. 努力工作,否則你會失敗的。
3. but
He is clever, but he is too lazy. 他很聰明,但是他很懶惰。
I want to go to school, but I'm too young. 我想上學,但是我太小了。
She is out, but her sister is at home. 她出去了,但是她妹妹在家。


『伍』 用and造句

I am dancing and singing.

『陸』 用and造句

Boys and girls are happy!

『柒』 用並列連詞AND造句

You and I are good students. AND 連接主語~!
I like apple and pear. AND連接賓語
You go and do it. AND連接謂語。
You are beautiful and nice.AND連接表語~!
That you go to the park and I do my homework have nothing to do.AND連接兩個從句!

『捌』 用as...and造句

As you are sleeping and i'm playing

『玖』 用and造句。

He saw you and I.
Two and three makes five.

And it came to pass.
Try and come today.

『拾』 用and造句。


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