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㈠ 初二英語重點句型有什麼

Feel well/bad

2、 Wake up (somebody)—fall asleep

3、 As soon as

4、 Be busy doing/with something

5、 Stop doing/to do/somebody from doing

6、 Go down

7、 Have something to do

8、 Sleeping pills

9、 Be awake—be asleep

10、 Light music

11、 In the band

12、 Try something/doing something

13、 Try to do something

14、 A piece of music

15、 Again and again

16、 系動詞:be/sound look seem smell taste feel/get turn become

17、 Look nice on

18、 Be/keep quiet

19、 Instead of something/doing

20、 Make trouble

21、 enough+名詞/形容詞或副詞+enough

22、 Be thin/fat

23、 Nothing much wrong/nothing serious

24、 Look over

25、 At the weekend

26、 have been to+地點

27、 Land on

28、 Pull something out of/up from

29、 Keep something cool

30、 All by oneself=alone

31、 Perhaps=maybe

32、 No longer=no more=not any longer=not any more

33、 Get back/get something back

34、 Sooner or later

35、 Drop something

36、 Run after

37、 Run away

38、 Eat up

39、 On the bank

40、 A few--few

41、 A little--little

42、 A little=a bit

43、 Pass something to somebody=pass somebody something

44、 Help oneself to

45、 Hot food

46、 Seem to do/that

47、 Fast food

48、 Be popular with

49、 Enjoy/enjoy oneself

50、 Enjoy something/doing

51、 Have a taste/taste like

52、 In the city of

53、 Both of/both And B

54、 Either or/either of

55、 Neither nor/neither of

56、 Agree with/to

57、 With—with out

58、 Take away—home cooking

59、 Take a seat

60、 By the window

61、 Take one』s order

62、 Go/walk alone/up/down

63、 Go on

64、 Cross=go across

65、 Take the first crossing on the right=turn right at the first crossing

66、 At/in the corner

67、 Be sick/ill

68、 In hospital

69、 In the hospital

70、 Arrive at/in / get to / reach

71、 At the end of

72、 Feel like doing

73、 Look over

74、 Wake somebody up

75、 It takes somebody + time + to do

76、 Be wake—be strong

77、 Quite a long way

78、 Had better do/not do

79、 Be happy/sorry/sad to do

80、 Look around

81、 情態動詞:can/can』t/may/must/mustn』t/have to

82、 Be sure about/of/to do/that

83、 In time/on time

84、 Make one』s way to

85、 The sign of

86、 Just then/just now

87、 Make a noise

88、 Stand a line

89、 Wait for one』s turn

90、 Stop doing/to do

91、 Jump the queue

92、 At the head of

93、 Laugh at

94、 Make a mistake

95、 Throw something about

96、 In fact

97、 At midnight

98、 Ring the door bell

99、 Complain about

100、 Quarrel with somebody

101、 Agree with somebody\\something

102、 Agree with something

103、 No longer (在句子中間)

104、 No more (在句子尾部)

105、 Not too bad

106、 Not at all

107、 在……時間之後 after (過去時)\\in (現在時)

108、 Wake somebody up

109、 Stop somebody from doing

110、 Spend on something

111、 Spend in doing

112、 So +助+主(做相同的事情)

113、 So+主+助(同意前者的說法)

㈡ 初二優美詞句摘抄。










㈢ 初二 好句好段摘抄

這是從《我向總理說實話》李昌平著 中的一段,對於人生的感悟:


保爾懷著這樣的思想,離開了烈士墓。 <節選自 第二部 第三章>


2,他口裡的閻羅天子彷彿也不大高明,竟會誤解他的人格,——不,鬼格。但連 「還陽半刻」都知道,究竟還不失其「聰明正直之謂神」。不過這懲罰,卻給了我們的活無常以不可磨滅的冤苦的印象,一提起,就使他更加蹙緊雙眉,捏定破芭蕉扇,臉向著地,鴨子浮水似的跳舞起來

㈣ 初二上英語重點句子

1.What about sth./doing sth.? 表示"某物怎麼樣?/干某事怎麼樣?"
What about…=How about…?about後面若跟動詞,必須跟doing形式。如:What about playing football together? 或How about playing football together? 一起踢足球怎麼樣?
2.let sb. do sth. 表示"讓某人干某事",如:Let us go and see together. 讓我們一起去看看吧。
3.Help sb. (to) do sth. 表示"幫助某人干某事",與其同義的另外一個短語是"help sb. with st." 如:I help him(to) mend his bike. 我幫他修理自行車。I help her with the maths. 我幫她學數學。
4.want to do sth. 表示"想要干某事",如:I want to have some water. 我想喝點水。
5.learn sth. form sb. 表示"向某人學習……",from為介詞,其後若跟代詞,要使用代詞的賓格形式。如:Wang Ye and I are good friends. I often learn English from him. 王業和我是好朋友,我經常向他學英語。
6.bring back表示"帶回",back為副詞,若賓語為代詞,必須把代詞放在bring與back之間。如:You must bring it back next week. 你必須下周把它帶回來


M1詞1)jigsaw 拼圖2)bike 自行車 3)toy 玩具 4)song 歌曲

M1句1)I like the ABC song.我喜歡字母歌。2)2)What do you like?你喜歡什麼?

3)I like jigsaws. 我喜歡拼圖。4)I like bikes. 我喜歡自行車。


M2詞5)T-shirt T恤衫 6)mum 媽媽7)dad 爸爸 8)too 太 9)small 小的 10)shirt 襯衫

11)at 在 12) party 聚會 13)clothes 衣服 14) trousers(常復)褲子

15) shoe 鞋 16)like 喜歡 17)dress禮服

M2句:5)He likes T-shirts. 他喜歡這件T 恤衫。6)He doesn』t like this shirt.他不喜歡這件襯衫。 7)Amy likes dresses. 埃米喜歡連衣裙。 8)She likes this dress.她喜歡這件連衣裙。


M3詞:18)new 新來的 19)please 請 20)we 我們 21)have 有 22)English 英語 23)Maths 數學 24)Music 音樂 25)Science 科學 26) Chinese 漢語,語文 27)Art 美術 28) play 演奏 29) morning 上午30)afternoon 下午 31)yes 是 32)favorite 最喜歡的

M3句:9)We have English in the morning.我們上午有英語課。10)10)We have Maths in the afternoon..我們下午有數學課11)11)Do we have Music? 我們有音樂課嗎?12)Yes,we do.是的,我們有。


M4詞 33)film 電影 34) run 跑 35)train 火車 36) o』clock 點鍾 37)time 時間 38)hungry 飢餓的 39) dinner 正餐,主餐 40) now 現在 41) all right 好吧

42) great 太好了 43) what』s = what is 是什麼

M4句:13)What』s the time?幾點了?(或What time is it?幾點了?)14) It』s 2 o』clock.2點了。 15) 15)Is it 8 o』clock? 8點了嗎? 16) No,it isn』t.不,它不是。


M5詞 44)go home 回家 45)then 然後 46)go to bed 上床睡覺 47)get up 起床

48) go to school上學49) have lunch 吃午餐50)half 半小時 51)past 晚於

52)late 遲的 53) have breakfast 吃早餐

M5句17)I get up at 7 o』clock in the morning.我早上7點起床。


I go to school at 8 o』clock.我在8點鍾上學。


I have lunch at 12 o』clock.我在12點鍾吃午飯。



3)最高要求:每周每個模塊的單詞和句子能聽到漢語說出英語,詞句能背著拼讀出來1遍。 新目標英語八年級下學期重點短語與句型 unit 1 to 5(2009-04-20 14:02:06)


Unit 1 Will people have robots?
1.There will be sth.= There is /are going to be sth. 將有…..
2.be free 空閑的
3.on computer 在電腦上
4.live to be + 歲數 活到…
5.fewer +可數名詞復數 更少…
6.less +不可數名詞 更少的…
7.(many /much) more +可數名詞復數/不可數名詞 更多的…
8.be crowded 擁擠的
9.in five years 五年後(一般將來時)
10.five years ago 五年前(一般過去時)
11.Sb will be +職業 某人將成為…
12.live in …住在…
13.fly to the moon 飛到月亮上
14.fall in love with …愛上…
15.be able to do sth =can do sth 能做…
16.keep a pet 養寵物
17.What will the weather be like tomorrow ?明天天氣將會怎麼樣?
18.come true 實現
19.hear of …聽說…
20.in the future 在將來
21.help sb (to) do sth = help sb with +名詞 幫助某人做…
22.hundreds of 數百
23.thousands of 數千
24.try to do sth盡力做…
25.try not to do sth盡力不做…
26.make/let sb +動詞原形 讓某人做…
27.the same as …與…相同
28.look like …看起來像…
29.wake up 醒來
30.It』s +形容詞+(for sb)+to do sth 對某人而言,做某事是…的
31.over and over again 反復,一遍又一遍
32.There be sb/sth +doing +地點 某處有…在做…
33.look for …尋找
Unit 2 What should I do?
1.want sb to do sth =would like sb to do sth 想要某人做…
2.argue with ..和…爭吵
3.out of style 過時
4.in style 流行的
5.adj/adv +enough足夠的…
6.enough +n 足夠的
7.What』s wrong with …? =What』s the matter/trouble/problem with…? 某人/某物怎麼啦?
8.call sb up =call sb 給某人打電話
9.a ticket to a ball game 一場球賽的票
10.write sb a letter =write a letter to sb 給某人寫信
11.on the phone 在電話上
12.talk about 談論…
13.be surprised at sth/doing sth 對…感到驚訝
14.get a part time job 找到一份兼職工作
15.borrow sth from …從…借到…
16.lend sth to sb 把…借給…
17.ask sb for sth 向某人請求
18.either也 否定句句末 too 肯定句句末
19.buy sth for sb = buy sb sth 為某人買…
20.like to do sth /like doing sth 喜歡做…
21.That』s a good idea 好主意
22.tell sb (not) to do sth 告訴某人(不要)做某事
23.I don』t know what to do 我不知道做什麼
24.else別的 位於特殊疑問詞和不定代詞之後(somebody else , what else) other 放在名詞之前
25.except sb/sth/doing sth 除…之外 (不包括) besides 除…之外還有
26.be upset 沮喪
27.leave sth +介詞地點 把…遺忘在…
28.get on/along well with sb 和某人相處得好
29.have a (fight with) sb 與某人打架
30.give some advice 提建議
31.busy enough 足夠忙的
32.from…to 從…到…
33.It』s time for +名詞 = It』s time to do sth 該做…的時候了
34.as much as possible 盡可能多的
35.complain about sb/sth/doing sth 抱怨…
36.under too much pressure 處於太大的壓力下
37.take part in …參加…
38.see sb doing sth 看見某人在做… see sb do sth 看見某人做了… 39.compare …with…把…和…作比較
40.send sb. sth. =send sth to sb 送某人某物
41.Sb. find it +形容詞+to do sth某人發覺做某事是…的 eg: We find it important to learn English .
42.on the one hand 在一方面
43.on the other hand 在另一方面
Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?
1.in front of…在…的前面(范圍外) in the front of (范圍內)
2.get out of …從…出來
3.take off from… 從…起飛
4.land on …降落…
5.call the police 報警
6.at around 10 o』clock 在大約10點鍾
7.follow sb to do sth 跟隨某人做某事
8.walk down …沿著…走
9.jump down 跳下來
10.take a photo 照像
11. on/in the tree在樹上
12.run away 逃跑
13.think about …考慮…
14.ask sb (not) to do sth 請某人(不要)做某事
15.in silence 沉默地
16.at that time 在那時 at this time 在這時
17.in space 在太空中
18.Man walked on the moon for the first time . 人類第一次在月球上行走.
19.all over the world =around the world 全世界
20.in the city of …在…市
21.take place = happen 發生
22.hear about … 聽說…
23.be born 出生
24.as +形/副(原級)+as …與…一樣
25.The girl was shopping when the alien got out. /While the girl was shopping ,the alien got out . 當女孩在買東西的時候,外星人出來了.
Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.
1.have a surprise(surprising) party for sb 為某人舉行一個驚喜的聚會
2.get/be mad at sb/sth 對…生氣/惱火
3.on Friday evening 在星期五晚上
4.not …any more /any longer 不再
5.first of all =at first 首先
6.at the bus stop 在公共汽車站
7.pass sth on to sb 把…傳給…
8.be good at =do well in +名詞/代詞/doing sth.在…方面做得好
9.be better at =do better in +名/代/doing sth. 在…方面做得更好
10.be hard-working 勤奮的
11.I』m sorry to hear that 聽到你那樣說我感到難過
12.have a cold 感冒
13. be/keep in good health = keep/stay healthy 保持健康
14.end-of-year exams 年終考試
15.report card 成績單
16.get +形容詞 變得…(例get tired/get angry/get nervous)
17.be surprised to do sth 對做某事感到驚訝
18.have a hard /difficult time +doing sth./with sth 在…方面很費時間/在…方面不順利
19.get over …原諒/克服…
20.one』s own sth 某人自己的事物(my own work)
21.forget to do sth 忘記要做某事 forget doing sth 忘記已做某事
22.change one』s life 改變某人的生活
23.sound like +形容詞 聽起來…
24.open up one』s eyes to …開闊某人的視野
25.there times a day 一天三次
26.both…and…兩者都…most of …在…中的絕大多數
28.feel lucky 感到幸運的
29.some of …在…中的一些 one of …在…中之一
30.return to…回到…
31.return sth to …把…還給…=give back sth to…
Unit 5 If you go to the party, you』ll have a great time!
1.If you go to the party ,you will have a good time .(if引導的條件狀語從句,時態是 「主將從現」)
2.go to the party 去參加聚會
3.have a great/good time =have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得高興,過得愉快 4.let sb in 讓某人進入
5.take away 拿走
6.all the time = always 總是,一直
7.make a living 謀生
8.in order to …為了…
9.study for …test 為…考試而學習
10.stay at home 呆在家裡
11.Let』s have/make it …讓我們約定在…
12.half the class 一半的學生
13.end-of-year party 年終晚會
14.go to college 上大學
15.travel around the world 環游世界
16.make a lot of money 賺很多錢
17.get an ecation 受教育
18.in fact 事實上
19.a professional soccer player 一名職業足球運動員
20.play sports for a living 以運動為謀生
21.get injured 受傷
22.be famous for…因…而出名
23.too much+不可數名詞/too many+可數名詞復數 太多的…
24.much too +形/副詞 實在太…
25.so much +不可數名詞 /so many +可數名詞復數 如此多…
26.the past tense of … …的過去式

㈤ 仁愛英語初二語法重點 重點句型

Review of Unit 1-6
I. language goals (語言目標)
1. Talk about how often you do things 談論做事情的頻率。
2. Talk about your health. Make suggestions.
3. Talk about future plans.
4. Talk about how to get to places.
5. Learn to make invitations, say yes to invitations and say no to invitations and give reasons.
6. Learn to talk about personal traits and how to compare people.
II. Key Phrases (重點短語):
1. how often 多長時間一次
2. junk food 垃圾食品
3. a lot of 許多
4. hardly ever 很少
5. start with 以…開始
6. try to do sth. 試著去做某事
7. look after 照料
8. be kind of unhealthy 有點不健康
9. once a day 一天一次
10. twice a month 一個月兩次
11. be good for 對…有好處
12. once in a while 偶爾
13. see a doctor / dentist 看病/看牙醫
14. get a cold / fever 感冒/發燒
15. have a stomachache 肚子疼
16. have a toothache 牙疼
17. have a sore throat 嗓子疼
18. lie down and rest 躺下休息
19. drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的熱茶
20. be stressed out 緊張
21. listen to … 聽…
22. get tired 變的疲勞
23. keep healthy 保持健康
24. at the moment 此刻;目前
25. watch TV 看電視
26. play basketball 打籃球
27. babysit her sister 照看她的妹妹
28. visit my friend 拜訪我的朋友
29. relax at home 在家放鬆
30. sports camp 運動野營
31. something interesting
32. go hiking / camping / fishing / shopping / sightseeing
33. go away 離開
34. get back to school 返回學校
35. stay for a week 呆一個星期
36. go bike riding 騎自行車兜風
37. takes walks 散步
38. rent videos 租錄像帶
39. sleep a lot 睡得多
40. think about 考慮
41. take the subway / bus / boat / plane
42. get to 到達
43. go by bus / plane / boat 乘公共車/飛機/小船
44. train / subway / bus station 火車/地鐵/公共車站
45. bus ride 乘公共車的旅行
46. ride a bike 騎自行車
47. bus stop 公共汽車站
48. on foot 步行
49. leave for 離開去…
50. school bus 學校班車
51. the early bus 早班車
52. be different from 與…不同
53. half past six 六點半
54. in North America 在北美洲
55. a quick breakfast 快捷的早餐
56. need to do 需要做…

㈥ 初二(上)英語重點短語,句子均50個以上。

1 advice & message
注意:a piece of advice (不可數)a message(可數)
2 on earth 究竟,到底;
on time 按時
on business 因公
3 help sb. with ……
with the help of sb.在某人的幫助之下。
4 from …to…(從…到…) 既可以是時間,也可以是空間
from Monday to Friday is weekday.
from time to time 時而不時
5 a few a bit of 都修飾可數名詞,表示一些
a little a bit 修飾形容詞,表示有點 可以用kind of 替換,kind of 又有種類意思。
a kind of (一種)all kinds of
6 重要搭配
continue to do sth.
advise(建議) sb. to do
agree (同意)sb. to do
ask (要求)sb. to do
choose (選擇)to do
decide(決定) to do
forget (忘記)remember(記得) to do(要做的事) (or) doing(以前做過的)
make sb.(sth.) +adj. make sb. do
speak/talk to sb.
fly to(坐飛機去…)
hear from sb.(收到某人來信)
hear about/of(聽說)
live on(以…為生)
say goodbye to sb.(向某人說…)
sell out (賣完)
talk sb. out of (說服某人放棄…)
smell at /laugh at (微笑/嘲笑)
shake hands with(握手)
think of(認為,想出) / about 考慮
can't wait to do(等不及做某事)
work on/work out(在每方面付出努力,強調過程/算出,計算出,重在結果)
hang out (閑逛)
get/be angry with sb./at sth.(生某人的氣/因某事而生氣)
get married(結婚)
get on/off(上/下車)
get on+ adj. with (與某人相處如何,處理…如何)
get over (克服)
go shoping類型短語,go+v-ing
go on 繼續,其後可加v-ing,to-v,加doing時表示繼續做剛才的事,加to do時只是繼續做事情。
go along (沿著…走)
arrive at/in +地點;in/on+時間
depend on 依賴,依靠
find out(the answer/truth)通過努力查明事實真相
be afraid of (害怕…)
be born …出生…
be different from 反義:the same as
be excited about(因某事而驚訝)
be excited to do (做某事很興奮)
be famous as/for(作為…/因…而出名)
be proud of (為…感到驕傲)
be sure(確定)
have a good time
have a look/ have a talk /have a try (看一看/說一說/試一試)
have (舉辦)a party
do cleaning(do+v-ing形式)
do some shopping(do+some+v-ing形式)
take around=show sb. around (帶某人參觀…)
take away(帶走)
take a deep breath(深呼吸)
take photos of…(拍…照片/為某人拍照)
take place
take off (反義put on)脫下,還有飛機起飛的意思。
take care (of) 小心/照顧…

㈦ 初一至初二的語文重點詩詞

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【浣溪沙】(晏殊·宋)一曲新詞酒一杯。去年天氣舊亭台。夕陽西下幾時回? 無可奈何花落去,似曾相識燕歸來。小園香徑獨徘徊。
















【歸園田居 (其三)】(陶淵明·東晉)種豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。晨興理荒穢,帶月荷鋤歸。道狹草木長,夕露沾我衣。衣沾不足惜,但使願無違。





㈧ 初二上冊英語課本上的重點句子以及短語,知識點。快點!!!!

1.look at…看…, look like … 看上去像……, look after …照料…
2.listen to…聽……
3.welcome to…歡迎到……
4.say hello to …向……問好
5.speak to…對……說話
1.put on 穿上 2.take off脫下 3.write down記下
1.come on趕快 2.get up起床 3.go home回家
4.come in進來 5.sit down坐下 6.stand up起立
1.close the door 2.1ook the same 3.go to work/class
4.be ill 5.have a look/seat 6.have supper
7.1ook young 8.go shopping 9.watch TV/games
10. play games
2.in + Row/ Team/ Class/ Grade等,表示「在……排/隊/班級/年級」等。
3.in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/ 表示「在上午/下午/傍晚」等一段時間。
4.in the desk/ pencil-box/bedroom 等表示「在書桌/鉛筆盒/卧室里」。
5.in the tree表示「在樹上 (非樹本身所有)」;on the tree表示「在樹上(為樹本身所有)」。
6.in the wall表示「在牆上(凹陷進去)」;on the wall表示「在牆上(指牆的表面)」。
7.at work(在工作)/at school(上學)/at home(在家)應注意此類短語中無the。
8.at + 時刻表示鍾點。
9.like this/that表示方式,意為「像……這/那樣」。
11.behind/ beside/ near/ under+ 名詞等,表示方位、處所。
另外,以下這些短語也必須掌握。如:on ty, after breakfast, at night, at the door, in the middle, in the sky, on one』s bike等。
1.I think…意為「我認為……」,是對某人或某事的看法或態度的一種句型。其否定式常用I don』t think…,
2.give sth. to sb./ give sb. sth. 意為「把……給……」,動詞give之後可接雙賓語,可用這兩種句型;若指物的賓語是人稱代詞時,則只能用give it/ them to sb.
3.take sb./ sth. to…意為「把……(送)帶到……」,後常接地點,也可接人。
4.One…, the other…/One is…and one is…意為「一個是……;另一個是……」,必須是兩者中。
5.Let sb. do sth. 意為「讓某人做某事」,人後應用不帶to的動詞不定式,其否定式為Don』t let sb,do sth.,或Let sb. not do sth. 另外,Let』s 與Let us的含義不完全相同,前者包括聽者在內,後者不包括聽者在內,
6.help sb. (to) do sth./help sb. with sth.意為「幫助某人做某事」,前者用不定式作賓補,後者用介詞短語作賓補,二者可以互換.
7.What about…?/How about…?意為「……怎麼樣?」是用來詢問或徵求對方的觀點、意見、看法等。about為介詞,其後須接名詞、代詞或V-ing等形式。
8.It』s time to do…/ It』s time for sth. 意為「該做……的時間了」,其中to後須接原形動詞,for後可接名詞或V-ing形式。
9.like to do sth./like doing sth.意為「喜歡做某事」, 前一種句型側重具體的一次性的動作;後一種句型側重習慣性的動作,
10.ask sb.(not) to do sth. 意為「讓某人(不要)做某事」,其中ask sb.後應接動詞不定式,
11.show sb. sth. / show sth. to do. 意為「把某物給某人看」,該句型的用法同前面第2點。
12.introce sb. to sb. 意為「把某人介紹給另一人」;introce to sb.則是「向某人作介紹」。
1.kinds of 各種各樣的
2. either…or…或者……或者……,不是……就是……
3. neither…nor…既不……也不……
4. Chinese tea without, anything in it 中國清茶
5. take a seat 就坐
6. home cooking 家常做法
7. be famous for 因……而著名
8. on ones way to在……途中
9. be sick/ill in hospital生病住院
10. at the end of在……的盡頭,在……的末尾
11. wait for 等待
12. in time 及時
13. make one』s way to…往……(艱難地)走去
14. just then 正在那時
15. first of all 首先,第一
16. go wrong 走錯路
17. be/get lost 迷路
18. make a noise 吵鬧,喧嘩
19. get on 上車
20. get off 下車
21. stand in line 站隊
22. waiting room 候診室,候車室
23. at the head of……在……的前頭
24. laugh at 嘲笑
25. throw about 亂丟,拋散
26. in fact 實際上
27. at midnight 在半夜
28. have a good time=enjoy oneself玩得愉快
29. quarrel with sb. 和某人吵架
30. take one』s temperature 給某人體溫
31. have/get a pain in…某處疼痛
32. have a headache 頭痛
33. as soon as… 一……就……
34. feel like doing sth. 想要干某事
35. stop…from doing sth. 阻止……干某事
36. fall asleep 入睡
37. again and again再三地,反復地
38. wake up 醒來,叫醒
39. instead of 代替
40. look over 檢查
41. take exercise運動
42. had better(not) do sth. 最好(不要)干某事
43. at the weekend 在周末
44. on time 按時
45. out of從……向外
46. all by oneself 獨立,單獨
47. lots of=a lot of 許多
48. no longer/more=not…any longer/more 不再
49. get back 回來,取回
50. sooner or later遲早
51. run away 逃跑
52. eat up 吃光,吃完
53. run after 追趕
54. take sth. with sb. 某人隨身帶著某物
55. take(good) care of…=look after…(well) (好好)照顧,照料
56. think of 考慮到,想起
57. keep a diary 堅持寫日記
58. leave one by oneself 把某人單獨留下
59. harder and harder 越來越厲害
60. turn on打開(電燈、收音機、煤氣等)
61. turn off 關
1.So + be/助動詞/情牽動詞/主語.
前面陳述的肯定情況也適於另一人(物)時,常用到這種倒裝結構,表示「另一人(物)也如此。」前面陳述的否定情況也適於另一人(物)時,常用「Neither/ Nor + be/助動詞/情態動詞+主語.」這種倒裝結構。
2.Turn right/left at the first/second/…crossing.
這一指路的句型意為「在第一/二/……個十字路口向右/左拐。」相當於Take the first /second/…turning on theright/left.
3.It takes sb.some time to do sth.
4.…think/find + it + adj. + to do sth.
5.What』s wrong with…?
此句型相當於What』s the matter/ trouble with…?後跟某物作賓語時,意為「某物出什麼毛病了?」後跟某人作賓語時,意為「某人怎麼了?」
在so…that…復合句中,that後的句子是肯定句時,常與簡單句…enough to…進行句型轉換.
7.Sorry to hear that.
全句應為I』m sorry to hear that. 意為「聽到此事我很難過(遺憾)。」常用於對別人的不幸表示同情、遺憾之意。
1. She used to be a Chinese teacher. 她過去是一位漢語老師。
[用法] used to + 動詞原形,表示過去經常性的動作或存在的狀態,含有現在不再如此之意。
[搭配] used to do的否定式可以是usedn』t to do或didn』t use to do.
[比較] used to do sth. 過去常做某事;be/ get used to doing sth. 習慣於做某事;be used to do sth. 被用來做某事。
2.…return it sooner or later.
[用法] l)sooner or later意為「遲早」、「早晚」。
2)return此處用作及物動詞,意為「歸還」,相當於give back.
[拓展]return還可用作不及物動詞,意為「返回」,相當於go back或come back。
3.No matter what the weather is like…無論天氣……
[用法]no matter what 相當於whatever,其意為「無論什麼」,引導狀語從句。
[拓展]類似no matter what的表達方式還有:
no matter when無論什麼時候
nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;no matter where無論什麼地方
no matter who無論誰
no matter how 無論怎麼樣
4. A young man practised speaking English with Mr. Green.
[用法]practise doing sth. 表示「實踐、練習(做)某事」。
[拓展]practice名詞,「實踐」、「實施」、「練習」;put a plan into practice實行某計劃。
5. He encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, seas and oceans.
2)take part in「參加」,常表示參加活動。
3)protect 是動詞,表示「防禦」、「保護」。
[搭配]1)encourage sb. in sth.在某事上鼓勵或支持某人
nbsp;encourage sb. to do sth.鼓勵某人干某事
2)protect sh. from sth.使某人不受某事侵襲或傷害
6. …to warn people about sharks in the water. ……警告人們當心水裡的鯊魚。
[用法] warn用作動詞,意思是「警告」、「警戒」。
[搭配]1)warn sb.+ that從句
2)warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事
3)warn sb. to do sth.告誡某人做某事
4)warn sb. against(doing) sth.告誡某人當心某事/不要做某事

㈨ 初二英語重點句型短語

Review of Unit 1-6
I. language goals (語言目標)
1. Talk about how often you do things 談論做事情的頻率。
2. Talk about your health. Make suggestions.
3. Talk about future plans.
4. Talk about how to get to places.
5. Learn to make invitations, say yes to invitations and say no to invitations and give reasons.
6. Learn to talk about personal traits and how to compare people.
II. Key Phrases (重點短語):
1. how often 多長時間一次
2. junk food 垃圾食品
3. a lot of 許多
4. hardly ever 很少
5. start with 以…開始
6. try to do sth. 試著去做某事
7. look after 照料
8. be kind of unhealthy 有點不健康
9. once a day 一天一次
10. twice a month 一個月兩次
11. be good for 對…有好處
12. once in a while 偶爾
13. see a doctor / dentist 看病/看牙醫
14. get a cold / fever 感冒/發燒
15. have a stomachache 肚子疼
16. have a toothache 牙疼
17. have a sore throat 嗓子疼
18. lie down and rest 躺下休息
19. drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的熱茶
20. be stressed out 緊張
21. listen to … 聽…
22. get tired 變的疲勞
23. keep healthy 保持健康
24. at the moment 此刻;目前
25. watch TV 看電視
26. play basketball 打籃球
27. babysit her sister 照看她的妹妹
28. visit my friend 拜訪我的朋友
29. relax at home 在家放鬆
30. sports camp 運動野營
31. something interesting
32. go hiking / camping / fishing / shopping / sightseeing
33. go away 離開
34. get back to school 返回學校
35. stay for a week 呆一個星期
36. go bike riding 騎自行車兜風
37. takes walks 散步
38. rent videos 租錄像帶
39. sleep a lot 睡得多
40. think about 考慮
41. take the subway / bus / boat / plane
42. get to 到達
43. go by bus / plane / boat 乘公共車/飛機/小船
44. train / subway / bus station 火車/地鐵/公共車站
45. bus ride 乘公共車的旅行
46. ride a bike 騎自行車
47. bus stop 公共汽車站
48. on foot 步行
49. leave for 離開去…
50. school bus 學校班車
51. the early bus 早班車
52. be different from 與…不同
53. half past six 六點半
54. in North America 在北美洲
55. a quick breakfast 快捷的早餐
56. need to do 需要做…
57. more than 多於
58. play soccer 踢足球
59. baseball game 棒球比賽
60. school team 校隊
61. come over to 過來到…
62. the day after tomorrow 後天
63. be good at 擅長於…
64. two years ago 兩年前
65. be outgoing 外向的
66. all the time 一直
67. in some ways 在一些方面
68. look the same 看起來一樣
69. talk to everyone 與大家談話
70. make me laugh 使我笑
III. Key Sentence Structures 重要句型:
Unit 1:
1. -What do you usually do on weekends?
-I usually go to the movies.
2. -What does he sometimes do on weekends?
-He sometimes surfs the Internet.
3. How often do you exercise?
I exercise once a week.
4. How often does she eat vegetables?
She eats vegetables three times a day.
5. Most of the students go to the beach every year.
6. It makes a big difference to my grades.
7. My eating habits are pretty good.
Unit 2:
1. What』s the matter?
What』s wrong?
What』s the trouble?
2. I』m not feeling well. I have a cold / fever/ stomachache / sore throat.
/I have a lot of headaches.
3. Maybe you should see the doctor / dentist.
You should drink some hot tea with honey.
4. You shouldn』t eat anything for 24 hours.
5. Don』t get stressed out. It will make you sick.
6. I』m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well.
Unit 3
1. -What is she doing for vacation?
-She is babysitting her little sister.
-That sounds nice / interesting.
2. -When are you going?
-I』m going on Monday.
3. -Where are they going?
-They are going to Tibet.
4. -Who is she going with?
-She is going with her parents.
5. -How long is he staying.
-He is staying for a week.
6. -How is the weather there?
-I』m hoping the weather will be nice.
7. He is leaving for Hong Kong the first week in June.
8. Have a good time.
Unit 4:
1. -How do you get to school?
-I get to school by bus.
2. -How does he go to work?
-He usually walks to school.
3. -How long does it take?
-It takes about twenty minutes.
4. -How far is it from his home to school?
-It』s three miles.
5. What do you think of the transportation in your town?
Unit 5:
1. -Can you come to my party on Wednesday?
-Sure, I』d love to. / I』m sorry, I have to have a piano lesson.
2. -Can she go to the movies on Saturday?
-No, she can』t. She has to help her mom.
3. -Can you go to the concert on Monday?
-When is it?
-It』s at four o』clock on Friday.
4. Thanks a lot for the invitation.
5. I』m going to study for a test this evening.
6. What』s the date today?
Unit 6
1. Pedro is funnier than Paul.
2. Tina is (a little)taller than Tara.
3. I am more athletic than my best friend.
4. My hair is longer than hers.
5. Liu Ying is not as good as her sister.
6. In some ways, we look the same.
7. For me, a good friend likes doing the same things as me.
8. I』m quieter than most of the kids in my class, and so is my friend.
9. Who do you think should get the job, Ruth or Rose?

IV. Grammar語法:
Unit 1:
1. 表頻率的詞彙和短語:
always usually often never hardly ever
sometimes seldom once a day twice a month
three times a week every two weeks once in a while
2. 做事情的頻率(how often you do things):
-What do you usually do in the morning?
-I usually read English books. Sometimes I walk in the garden.
I hardly ever exercise. I eat vegetables twice a week, but I never eat junk food.
3. 如何提問頻率「多久一次」
-How often does he play tennis?
-He plays tennis every day.

-How often do you drink milk?
-I drink milk once a day.

-How often do they go to the movies?

Unit 2:
1. 詢問別人身體狀況:
What』s wrong with you?
What』s the matter with you?
What』s the trouble?
2. 提出建議(give advice and make suggestions)
-What』s wrong with you?
-I have a headache.
-You should go to bed and have a rest. You shouldn』t work late.
-I have a fever.
-You should drink a lot of water. You shouldn』t be stressed out.

Unit 3:
1. 現在進行時「be+動詞ing」可以用來表示一個在最近按計劃或安排要進行的動作。
-What are you doing for vacation?
-I』m visiting Tibet.
-Where are you going on May Day?
-I』m going to the beach.

-How many students are coming to out party tomorrow?
2. 「be going to +動詞原形」表示主觀打算去做某事,表示「人」打算,計劃,決定要去做的事。
They are going to travel in China.
Look at the clouds! It is going to rain.
-Are you going to be a teacher when you grow up?
-Yes, I am.
3. 用「shall+動詞原形」或「will+動詞原形」表示一般將來時。
We shall go to the beach this Sunday.
My brother will finish middle school in a year.
These birds won』t fly to the south in winter.
When will they begin the work?

Unit 4:
-How do you get to the museum?
-I get to the museum by subway. Sometimes I ride my bike to the museum.
(1)take the bus = go by bus
eg: I take the bus to get to school.
= I get to school by bus.
take the train = go by train
eg: He takes the train to go to school.
He gets to school by train.
take the subway = go by subway
take a taxi = go by taxi
go in a car = go by car
ride a bike = go by bike
walk = go on foot

1. How does Lucia get to work? (提問方式「如何」)
2. Dave is going to travel to Paris by plane. How long does it take?
3. How far is it from the post office to the museum?
4. How often does Kate swim in the river? (提問頻率「多久一次」)
5. How old is the little boy? (提問年齡「多大」)
6. How many cows are there? (提問數量「多少」many後跟可數名詞)
7. How much water is there in the bottle?
8. How much is the doll?
9. How tall is his teacher?
10. How was the weather?
Unit 5
練慣用「Can …? 」發出邀請,接受或拒絕並給出原因:
-Can you come to my party on Monday?
-Sure, I』d love to. / Sorry, I can』t. I have to study for a test.
-Can she go to the movies?
-No, she can』t. She has to do her homework.
-Can he go to the football game tomorrow?
-No, he can』t. He has a driving lessons.
-Can they go to the concert tonight?
-No, they can』t. They are visiting their uncle.

Unit 6:
I. 形容詞比較級的構成:
1. 一般單音節詞末尾加-er。
tall-taller great-greater
2. 以不發音的e結尾的單音節詞和少數以-le結尾的雙音節詞只加-r。
nice-nicer large-larger able-abler
3. 以一個輔音字母結尾的閉音節單音節詞,雙寫結尾的輔音字母,再加-er。
big-bigger hot-hotter
4. 「輔音字母+y」結尾的雙音節詞,改y為i,再加-er。
easy-easier busy-busier
5. 少數以-er,-ow結尾的雙音節詞末尾加-er.
clever-cleverer narrow-narrower
6. 其他雙音節詞和多音節詞,在前面加more來構成比較級。
important-more important beautiful-more beautiful
bad-worse ill-worse
old-older / elder
far(遠的)-farther / further

II. 比較級句型:
1. 比較級+than … …比…較為
A +動詞+形容詞比較級+than+B.
I am older than you.
Mary is happier than Jane.
His brother is younger than I(me).
Beijing is more beautiful than Wuhan.
My sister has longer hair than Tara.
Her mother is thinner than her father.
Jack is taller than Tom.
2. as…as
My uncle is as tall as your father.
Tom is as honest as John.
My dog is as old as that one.
A…+not+as+形容詞原級+as+B 表示A,B兩者程度不同,即A不如B那麼…
My uncle is not as tall as your father.
Tom is not as honest as John.
This jacket is not as cheap as that one.
3. the same as 與…相同。
My friend is the same as me. We are both quiet.
A good friend likes to do the same things as me.

㈩ 初二上學期重點片語及句型

1、 Feel well/bad

2、 Wake up (somebody)—fall asleep

3、 As soon as

4、 Be busy doing/with something

5、 Stop doing/to do/somebody from doing

6、 Go down

7、 Have something to do

8、 Sleeping pills

9、 Be awake—be asleep

10、 Light music

11、 In the band

12、 Try something/doing something

13、 Try to do something

14、 A piece of music

15、 Again and again

16、 系動詞:be/sound look seem smell taste feel/get turn become

17、 Look nice on

18、 Be/keep quiet

19、 Instead of something/doing

20、 Make trouble

21、 enough+名詞/形容詞或副詞+enough

22、 Be thin/fat

23、 Nothing much wrong/nothing serious

24、 Look over

25、 At the weekend

26、 have been to+地點

27、 Land on

28、 Pull something out of/up from

29、 Keep something cool

30、 All by oneself=alone

31、 Perhaps=maybe

32、 No longer=no more=not any longer=not any more

33、 Get back/get something back

34、 Sooner or later

35、 Drop something

36、 Run after

37、 Run away

38、 Eat up

39、 On the bank

40、 A few--few

41、 A little--little

42、 A little=a bit

43、 Pass something to somebody=pass somebody something

44、 Help oneself to

45、 Hot food

46、 Seem to do/that

47、 Fast food

48、 Be popular with

49、 Enjoy/enjoy oneself

50、 Enjoy something/doing

51、 Have a taste/taste like

52、 In the city of

53、 Both of/both And B

54、 Either or/either of

55、 Neither nor/neither of

56、 Agree with/to

57、 With—with out

58、 Take away—home cooking

59、 Take a seat

60、 By the window

61、 Take one』s order

62、 Go/walk alone/up/down

63、 Go on

64、 Cross=go across

65、 Take the first crossing on the right=turn right at the first crossing

66、 At/in the corner

67、 Be sick/ill

68、 In hospital

69、 In the hospital

70、 Arrive at/in / get to / reach

71、 At the end of

72、 Feel like doing

73、 Look over

74、 Wake somebody up

75、 It takes somebody + time + to do

76、 Be wake—be strong

77、 Quite a long way

78、 Had better do/not do

79、 Be happy/sorry/sad to do

80、 Look around

81、 情態動詞:can/can』t/may/must/mustn』t/have to

82、 Be sure about/of/to do/that

83、 In time/on time

84、 Make one』s way to

85、 The sign of

86、 Just then/just now

87、 Make a noise

88、 Stand a line

89、 Wait for one』s turn

90、 Stop doing/to do

91、 Jump the queue

92、 At the head of

93、 Laugh at

94、 Make a mistake

95、 Throw something about

96、 In fact

97、 At midnight

98、 Ring the door bell

99、 Complain about

100、 Quarrel with somebody

101、 Agree with somebody\\something

102、 Agree with something

103、 No longer (在句子中間)

104、 No more (在句子尾部)

105、 Not too bad

106、 Not at all

107、 在……時間之後 after (過去時)\\in (現在時)

108、 Wake somebody up

109、 Stop somebody from doing

110、 Spend on something

111、 Spend in doing

112、 So +助+主(做相同的事情)

113、 So+主+助(同意前者的說法)
1. Subject (主語) + Verb (謂語)

這種句型中的動詞大多是不及物動詞,這些動詞常見的有:appear, apologize,arrive, come, die, disappear, exist, fall, happen, rise,等等。如:

The students work very hard.學生們學習很努力。

She apologized to me again. 她再次向我道歉。

The accident happened yesterday evening.事故是昨天晚上發生的。

2. Subject (主語) + Link. V(系動詞) + Predicate(表語)


(1)表示狀態的連系動詞。這些詞有:be, look, seem, appear, smell, taste, sound, keep, remain, 等等。如:

Several players lay flat on the playground.幾個隊員平躺在操場上。

We should remain modest and prudent any time.我們在任何時候都應該保持謙虛謹慎。

This kind of food tastes terrible.這種食物吃起來很糟糕。

The picture looks more beautiful at a certain distance.這幅畫在一定的距離看更漂亮一些。

(2)表示轉變或結果的系動詞。這些詞有:become, get, grow, turn, go, come, prove,等等。如:

Spring comes. It is getting warmer and warmer.春天到了,天氣變得越來越暖和。

Don't have the food. It has gone bad.不要吃那種食物,已經變質了。

The facts prove true.事實證明是正確的。

3. Subject(主語) + Verb (謂語) + Object (賓語)


You can put the books in your bag.你可以把書放在書包里。

Farmers in our area grow lots of vegetables.我們這里的農民種很多種蔬菜。

She lost the chance to make her appearance on the stage.她失去了在舞台上露面的機會。

I prefer to make web pages.我更喜歡做網頁。

4. Subject(主語)+Verb(謂語)+ Indirect object(間接賓語)+Direct object (直接賓語)


Yesterday her father bought her a bicycle as a birthday present.昨天她父親給她買了一輛自行車作為生日禮物。

The old man is telling the children stories in the Long March.老人正在給孩子們講長征中的故事

這種句型還可轉換為其他兩種句型:1)動詞 + 賓語 + for sb.; 2)動詞 + 賓語+to sb.。如:

Please show me your picture.

-Please show your picture to me.


I'll offer you a good chance as long as you don

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