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發布時間: 2020-12-18 17:07:45

A. 漢譯英句子在線翻譯

Survey on Instry Park(s) along Fangcheng Avenue in High-tech Zone, Wuxi (City可不譯,都知道無錫是市)

B. 句子在線翻譯(漢譯英)

1.This peaceful but disobeying activity leads to the changes of the minority of Amecican laws.
2.In 1932,he married with her and actively participated civil rights activities.
3.She hopes that the black can be hired as drivers in the city.
4.He believes that only after the black are in power will they allow anybody to sit in the middle of the bus rather than offering seats for others.

C. 漢譯英在線翻譯句子器


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