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發布時間: 2021-01-07 02:07:45

『壹』 提建議的英語句子

提建議的句子:What/ how about +doing sth.? 如:專What/ How about going shopping? Why don』屬t you + do sth.? 如:Why don』t you go shopping?Why not + do sth. ? 如:Why not go shopping? Let』s + do sth. 如: Let』s go shoppingShall we/ I + do sth.? 如:Shall we/ I go shopping?

『貳』 提建議的句子用英語怎麼說

『叄』 關於表示建議的英語句型

1.Why don't you do sth.?/ Why not do sth.? 後面的是前面的縮略形式。為什麼不做……?專2. What/ How about doing sth,? 做……怎屬么樣? 3.Let's do sth. 讓我們做……吧! 4. Shall we do sth? 我們做……好嗎?5.You had better (not) do sth. 你最好做(不做)……6. Would you like to do sth./ sth.? 你想要做……/ 你想要……?7.Would you please do sth.? 請……好嗎?=========================================
希望可以幫到你哦!望採納 謝謝!O(∩_∩)O

『肆』 英語中有哪些表示建議的句子


『伍』 英語作文中建議怎麼做的句子

英語提建議的句型 第一句:If I were you, I would not smoke. 我要是你的話,就不抽煙。 這句話的意思直接建議對方不要抽煙,是一個非常好的提建議的句子。 第二句:What can you make a person happy, in your opinion? 在你看來什麼可以使一個人幸福呢? 或者可以說In your opinion,........? 第三句:What about reading loudly for half an hour everyday? 天天大聲朗讀三十分鍾怎麼樣? what about是比較適合用來提建議的沒意思是:...怎麼樣? 第四句:What do you think of Helen? 你認為Helen怎麼樣? what do you think of 這是最常用的句型 第五句:Would it be a good idea to tell him the truth? 把實情告訴他不好嗎? 下面學習一下如何反駁別人的建議--怎樣反駁 第一句:I think I am going to die. --- Don』t be silly. 我想我快要死了。-別傻了。 第二句:Will you see me again? No, definitely not. 你還會再見我嗎?絕對不會。 第三句:Wow! Your English is good. -No big deal. 哇!你的英語真好。-沒什麼了不起的。 第四句:It』s not as bad as it seems.
不是看起來那麼糟。 第五句:I』m against it. 我反對 had better (not) do 最好(不)做 how about / what about doing „怎麼樣? I think you should do 我認為你應該„ I suggest / advice that you should do 我建議你做„ If I were you, I would do„ 我要是你的話,我會做„ It』s best to do 最好做„ Why not do / why don』t you do„? 為什麼不„ 1. 用Shall we...?在表示建議或徵求對方意見時,可用以Shall開頭的一般疑問句。其肯定回答一般可用:All right, OK, Good idea等。 2. 用Let's...?表示「讓我們」(包括雙方在內)做某事「這一建議時要用以Let's 開頭的祈使句。而Let us在表示讓我們做某事時,不包括對方在內。如:Let's go and see the pandas. Let us go, will you?讓我們去吧,好嗎? 3. 用Why not...?Why not...?意思是:為什麼不„„?後接不帶to的不定式(即動詞原形)。Why not...?是省略了主語的省略形式,完整句Why don't you/they/we...?如:Why don't you go with me? Why don't you try again?=Why not try again? 4. 用What about...?意為「„„怎麼」後可接名詞、的代詞和動名詞。如:What about going out for a walk? I'm going to the park.What about you? 5. 用had better 意為「最好」,「還是„„好」,常用於口語,後接動詞原形。如:You had better stay at home. You'd better go now. 6. 用Don't...來表示建議,通常用於祈使句的否定形式中。如:Don't play in the street. Don't throw it like that. 7. Would you like+短語?這個句型意思是「„„怎麼樣?」後接sth. 或to do sth.如:Would you like another cup of tea? Would you like some colour pencils?

『陸』 給別人提建議英語句型用英語怎麼說

第一句:If I were you, I would not smoke.
第二句:What can you make a person happy, in your opinion?
或者可以說In your opinion,........?
第三句:What about reading loudly for half an hour everyday?
what about是比較適合用來提建議的沒意思是:...怎麼樣?
第四句:What do you think of Helen?
what do you think of 這是最常用的句型
第五句:Would it be a good idea to tell him the truth?

『柒』 用英語提關於英語方面建議的句子(10個)

How about What about Maybe you should只知道三個

『捌』 表示建議和請求的英語句子有哪些共5個

Could you please do sth?
Would you please do sth ?
Woulid like to do sth ?
Why don't you do sth ?
Why not do sth?
Would mind doing sth?

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