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發布時間: 2020-12-26 04:42:20

㈠ 三年級十句英語句子

How are you?你怎麼樣來I 'm fine,thank you.我很好,謝謝。自
Do you like football?你喜歡足球嗎? Yes, I do.是的,我喜歡。
Hi,I'm LiuTao.嗨,我是劉濤 Hi,I'm David嗨,我叫大衛。
What's your name?你的名字是什麼?
Hi,I'm Nancy.嗨,我叫南希
Nice to meet you.很高興認識你。
Get up ,××. XX,起床啦。 All right .好的
Go to school now ,××. XX,去上學啦 OK .好的
Go home now,××. xx,現在去家吧 All right ,See you ,Miss ××.好的,再見,李老師。
Go to bed now . 現在去睡覺 OK ,Good night .好的,晚安

㈡ 3年級起點的5年級上冊的英語書紅藍體句子。


㈢ 三年級英語重點句子有哪些


(1)Goodbye.(再見。)See you. (再見。)
(3)Let』s go to school.讓我們去上學。
(4)Look at me.看著我。
(5)Look at my head.看著我的頭。
(6)I like blue and pink.我喜歡藍色和粉紅色。
(7)——Let』s paint. (讓我們畫畫。)——Great!
(8)——I have a teddy bear.我有一隻玩具熊。——Really? May I have a look?(真的嗎? 我能看一下嗎?)
(9)It』s nice.(它很漂亮。)I like it.(我喜歡它。)
(10)Have some milk.喝些牛奶。
(11)——Can I have some chicken?我能吃些雞肉嗎?——Sure,here you are.當然, 給你。——Thank you.謝謝. ——You』re welcome.不用謝。
(12)I like French fries.我喜歡薯條。
(13) ——Happy birthday to you. (祝你生日快樂。)——Thank you .
(14)This is for you.這是給你的。
(15)How many candles?有多少蠟燭?
(16)——Let』s eat the birthday cake. ( 讓我們吃生日蛋糕吧。)Great.( 太棒了。)縮略式Let』s = Letus Who』s = who is Don』t = do not


(1)——Good morning!——Good morning! (上午好!)
(2)——Good afternoon! ——Good afternoon!(下午好!)
(3) What』s your name? (你叫什麼名字?) I』m…/My name is…
(4) How are you.?——Fine,thank you.(你好嗎?)——Fine, thanks.——I』m fine, thank you
(5)Here you are.(給你。) Thank you!(謝謝你。)You』re welcome.(不用謝)
(6)How old are you? (你幾歲了?)I』m 10.
(7)Where are you from? (你從哪裡來?)I』m from China.
(8) This is my friend, John. (這是我的朋友,John。)
(9)Nice to meet you .(見到你真高興。)Nice to meet you ,too.
(10)Who』s that woman /girl?(那個女人/女孩是誰?)She』s….
(11) Who』s that man /boy?(那個男人/ 男孩是誰?)He』s ....
(12) How many kites can you see?(你能看到多少風箏?)I can see twelve.
(13)How many crayons do you have?(你有多少蠟筆?) Twelve.
(14) Do you like oranges?(你喜歡橘子嗎?)No, I don,t. / Sorry, I don』t like oranges.
What about pears? (梨子怎麼樣?) Yes, I do.
(15) Can I have an apple?(我能吃個蘋果嗎?)Certainly! / Sure!
(16)Where is my car?(我的小汽車在哪裡?)In the toy box.(在玩具箱里。)/ On the desk.(在 桌子上。)/ Under the chair.(在椅子下面。)

㈣ 人教三年級英語上冊句子


㈤ 小學三年級上冊英語句子

1、向別人問好應該說――A: Hello! (你好!) B: Hi! (你好!)
2、問別人的名字專應該說-――A:What』s your name?屬 你的名字是什麼?
B:My name』s Chen Jie. 我的名字是陳潔。
3、跟別人分手應該說――A: Good bye!(再見) B: bye.(再見)
4、A: I have a pencil. 我有一隻鉛筆 B: Me too . 我也有。
5、早上相見應該說-――A: Good morning. 早上好!
B: Good morning! 早上好!
6、下午相見應該說――A: Good afternoon! 下午好!

㈥ 三年級十句英語句子

I am a student.
Liming is a boy.
Miss Wang is a good teacher.
Liugang is the highest boy in our class.
I am ten years old now.
I always work hard on my study.
It is summer now.
I like summer vacation.
I hope we all can be happy everyday.
Please open the door.


㈦ 三年級上冊英語PEP版單詞及句子

第一單元詞語為文具為主,句子為自我介紹為主. 第二單元詞語為身體部位為主回,句子為打招呼為主. 第三單元詞答語為顏色為主,句子為問候為主. 第四單元詞語為動物為主,句子為「May I have a look?」為主. 第五單元詞語為食品為主,句子為「Can」開頭的一般疑問句為主. 第六單元詞語為數字及玩具為主,句子為「How many」為主.

㈧ 人教版小學英語三年級上冊重點詞彙和句型

第一人稱: ( I 、 we) 單數I+am
第二人稱: (you) 單復數一樣.You are
第三人稱: (he she it , they ) 單數he/she/it/ Tom +is
把be動詞(am is are)和情態動詞(can, may, must...)放到句首,其它照寫。 遇I am/we are變成Are you, my變成your. Some變成 any. 句號變成問號(?)
例如:陳述句: They are in the park. He can play the guitar..
藉助助動詞do/does,第三人稱單數用does,其餘人稱用do,放到句首,其他照寫。特別記住:前面用does,後面的動詞一定還原成原形。遇I/we—you, my—your, some—any. 句號變成問號(?)
例如:陳述句: I like the cks. He likes the dogs.
一般疑問句:Do you like the cks? Does he like the dogs?
在be動詞(am is are)和情態動詞(can, may, must...)後面加not,其它照寫。some變成any.
例如:陳述句: They are in the park. He can play the guitar..
否定句: They are not in the park. He can not play the guitar.
或: They aren』t in the park. He can』t play the guitar.
am not 不能縮寫 is not=isn』t are not=aren』t can not=can』t
二、不含be 動詞的句子
藉助動詞don』t/doesn』t,第三人稱單數用doesn』t,其餘人稱用don』t,放到人稱後面,動詞前面其他照寫。特別記住:前面用doesn』t, 後面的動詞一定還原成原形。Some變成any.
例如:陳述句: I like the cks. He likes the dogs.
否定句:I don』t like the cks. He doesn』tlike the dogs.

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