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發布時間: 2020-12-18 04:16:37

⑴ 英語句子翻譯


⑵ 英語翻譯 翻譯句子,英文: 一個中等身材,卷發,穿紅色T桖的年輕人未你們付了帳

a man with medium-build and curled
hair and T-shirt paid the bill for

⑶ 求幾個英語句子來應付

給你幾個英語成語吧~ 句子絕對簡單,但不是很好翻譯~
1.No pains, no gains.
no discord, no concord(不打不成交)
2.No pains, no gains
no cross, no crown(不經歷風雨,怎麼見彩虹)
3.No sweet without sweat (先苦後甜)
no smoke without fire(無風不起浪)
4.No sweet without sweat
no pleasure without pain,(沒有苦就沒有樂)
5.None are so blind as those who won't see. (視而不見)
None are so deaf as those who won't hear.(充耳不聞)
6.Observation is the best teacher.(觀察是最好的老師)
Offense is the best defense.(進攻時最好的防禦)
7.Out of debt, out of danger.(無債一身輕)
Out of office, out of danger.(無官一身輕)
8.Out of debt, out of danger.
Out of sight, out of mind.(眼不見,心為凈)
9.Something is better than nothing. (聊勝於無)
Late is better than never(遲到總比不到強)
10.Something is better than nothing
Health is better than wealth.(健康勝過財富)

⑷ 誰知道Bill Please 是么子意思付賬的意思翻譯一下下句子

在Bill Please,Waiter上,皇來家鳥類保護學會自有一群飢餓的顧客(鳥)等待服務。

去看了一下,bill please, waiter是小游戲,給鳥類和食物配對,還蠻好玩的,第一次才對了6個。具體翻譯應該是 買單,服務生

⑸ 英語關於付賬的句子不少於5句

  1. Letmepickupthetab. 我來抄付襲賬。

  2. It'smytreat.我請客。

  3. Dutch treat.各自付自己的錢。

  4. letmefootthebillforthis. 這次我來付吧。

  5. How much is this?這個多少錢?

⑹ 在線等!求下面句子英文翻譯!翻譯:第一句:我必須要用美元付賬,能用人民幣嗎 第二局:照片後面的留

  1. It is a must for us to make the payment in US Dollar? Whether can RMB be accpeted?

  2. Would you pls. write down the message given below the picture in Chinese?

⑺ 用英語翻譯句子,豐富了日常支付手段,不受時間地點限制,需要具備手...

enrich the way of payment in our life, free from time and place restrictions, mobil and net needed, there may be a problem

⑻ 翻譯:外貿付款語句


⑼ 外貿英語函電句子,中譯英

1. Please be informed that payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable andsight L/C, allowing partial shipments and transshipment.
2. L/C arenot in agreement with thestipulations of the S/C.
3. Please open the L/C immediately
4. We were already opened the l/cfrom London international bank
5. Total amount is too small toopen the l/c
6.We thank you for you accept thelate l/c
7. As a special accommodation toaccept the l/c at 60 days at sight
8. we accept l/c at 30days at sight to conclude the transaction
9. The goods sold by 90 days l/c
10. We usually require confirmedirrevocable credit shall be confirming bank

⑽ 如何將以下句子翻譯成英語:她的收入除每月固定工資外,另有項目獎金。項目獎金以現金或匯款不定期支付。

The salary of the undersigned is composed of a monthly fixed income together with the project bonus in cash or bank deposit on an irregular basis.

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