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發布時間: 2020-12-21 15:55:36

1. 英語長句子結構分析

Not all 主語
that Mrs.Bennet,however,with the assistance of her five daughters,could ask on the subject定語來從句,內有兩個插自入語,插入語拿掉再看 that Mrs.Bennet could ask on the subject
to draw from her husband any satisfactory description of Mr.Bingley不定式做主句表語形容詞後的狀語,這個別問我是什麼狀語,目前沒有定論
不定式狀語內部直接賓語太長所以後置了,即any satisfactory description of Mr.Bingley這一部分
不後置的話應該是這樣draw(any satisfactory description of Mr.Bingley) from her husband

2. 怎麼分析英語句子成分和結構

This is an apple tree .主系表;this作主語,is系動詞,an apple tree表語,系動詞後的是表語
Father returned home yesterday.主謂結構,在這里returned是不及物動詞,home為副詞做地點狀語,yesterday時間狀語
Teachers take good care of us student .主謂賓,us和student為同位語,都充當賓語
He gave the little boy a lot of help.主謂賓(雙賓語)類似的句型還有teach sb sth也是接雙賓語
We call that bird Polly .主謂賓(賓補)
Tom works twelve hours a day .主謂狀
My mother often tells me to be careful with money .主謂賓狀
The weather is getting cooler and cooler .主系表
My uncle bought me a mobile phone .主謂賓(雙賓語)
I hope to make friends with all of you 主謂賓

3. 英語長句子,求分析句子成分

we can get that the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

we can get that... bla bla bla 這里已經構成了一句話. that是什麼 就是後面亂78糟的內容而已.
the people (who ... blabla) are the ones (who do) 這里又是一句話.people are the ones. are跟著回world後面 只是因為world是括弧句答子裡面的最後一個單詞,它可以是world,change the world,可以是奧巴馬 change the Obama,也可以是你媽媽 change your mami.所以裡面的是什麼內容不打緊.
你的問題二,people是人 所以要用who來引導,which是引導物,不是引導人.

4. 英語句子結構分析

Just as on smoking (引導方式狀語從句),voices (主語) now (時間狀語) come (謂語) from many quarters (補語) insisting that (後置定語版描述 voices 內容權)the science about global warming is incomplete,and that (並列上述定語)it's OK to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure.

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