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❶ 哪些詞需要用虛擬語氣

虛擬語氣(Subjunctive Mood)這一語法項目是各類英語考試中心測試的重點之一。虛擬語氣是一種特殊的動詞形式,用來表示說話人所說的話並不是事實,而是一種假設、願望、懷疑或推測。
⒈ 用if條件從句表示的虛擬條件,是虛擬條件最普通的方式。
① 虛擬現在時表示與現在事實相反的假設,其if 從句的謂語形式用動詞的過去式(be 一般用were),主句用would/ should/ could/ might +動詞原形,例如:If I were in your position I would marry her.
② 虛擬過去時是表示與過去事實相反的假設,if 從句的謂語形式用過去完成時即had+過去分詞,主句用would / should / could / might + have +過去分詞,例如:If it had not rained so hard yesterday we could have played tennis.
③ 大多數的虛擬條件句屬於上面三種情況的一種,但並不排除存在條件和後果中,一個和現在情況相反,另一個和過去情況相反,例如:If you had followed what the doctor said, you would not have been so painful now.這個句子在高中出現頻率頗高。
④ 但是,如果後果用了虛擬語氣,而條件卻用陳述語氣,這種用法是錯的。
⒉ 除了表示虛假條件外,if從句還可以表示對將來的推測,由於是將來還沒有發生的,所以談不上是真實的還是虛假的,只能說這個事情發生的可能性有多大。一般情況下,可以用陳述語氣的if從句來表示對一個未來事實的推測,這個事實是完全可能發生的。If從句的謂語形式用一般過去式或用were to / should +動詞原形,主句用would / should /could/ might +動詞原形,例如:Jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks that if she were to get a job she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very often.(1996年1月四級第44題)
⒊ 有時可以把含有助動詞、情態動詞、be或have的虛擬條件句中的連詞if 省去,而將had , should, were 等詞提到主語之前,即用倒裝結構,這時候,如果出現not等否定詞,否定詞需放在主語後面。這種結構在口語中很少使用,但頻頻出現在各類考試中出現,例如:If it had not rained so hard yesterday we could have played tennis.→Had it not rained so hard yesterday, we could have played tennis.
⒋ 大多數的虛擬條件通過上面所講的兩種方法表達,但在個別句子中也可以通過介詞without和介詞短語but for表達,副詞otherwise等表達出來。例如:We didn't know his telephone number; otherwise we would have telephoned him.(1995年6月四級第46題)值得注意的是,包含but for的句子,謂語動詞必定要用虛擬形式,但包含without等短語的句子,謂語動詞未必一定要用虛擬語氣。
⒌ 有時虛擬條件不是明確地表達出來,而在蘊含在用but引導的從句里,於是便出現了有謂語動詞是虛擬語氣的主句加上謂語動詞是陳述語氣的but從句構成的並列復合句,例如I would have hung you but the telephone was out of order.在這樣的句子里,如果主句沒有用虛擬語氣,或者從句用了虛擬語氣,都是錯的。
⒈ 在表示願望的動詞wish後的賓語從句中,需用虛擬語氣。(wish後的that 常省略),根據主句時態,從句謂語時態相應退後一位,例如:How she wished his family could go with him.
⒉ 在具有願望、請求、建議、命令等主觀意願的動詞(desire, demand, advice, insist, require, suggest, propose, order, recommend, decide …) 後的賓語從句中需用虛擬語氣。謂語動詞用(should) +動詞原形。值得注意的是,如果賓語從句的動詞是否定的,否定詞not的位置應在動詞之前,而不是動詞之後。例如:The head nurse insisted that the patient not be move.另外,如suggest表達「暗示」,insist表示「堅持某種說法」時,後面的從句不用虛擬語氣,例如:Her pale face suggests that she is ill.或He insisted that he did not kill the boy.
① 在It is+上述動詞的過去分詞,其後所跟的主語從句中,如It is suggested that pupils wear school uniforms.
② 在上述動詞相應的名詞形式作主語+連系動詞,其後的表語從句中,例如His suggestion was that classed be re-scheled.
③ 在對上述動詞相應的名詞進行解釋的同位語從句中,如:The workers raised the demand that their pay be increased to cope with the inflation.
⒊ would (had)rather , would sooner也用來表達主觀願望,它們之後的賓語從句中需用虛擬語氣。謂語動詞用過去式表示現在或將來,用過去完成式表示與過去事實相反,例如:I would rather he went right now.
⒈ it is +necessary等形容詞後,that主語從句中虛擬形式使用,這類形容詞包括necessary, important, essential, imperative, urgent, preferable, vital, advisable等,例如It is necessary that you listen to the teacher carefully.或者It is essential that you be able to pronounce every single word correctly.
⒉ 在It's (high/about) time 之後的定語從句中需用虛擬語氣。謂語動詞用過去式,例如It is high time that you went to school
⒊ 虛擬語氣在as if / as though 引導的方式狀語從句中的應用(謂語動詞形式與wish後的賓語從句基本相同)表示與現在事實相反或對現在情況有懷疑,謂語動詞用過去式。例如:He felt as if he alone were responsible for what had happened. 表示過去想像中的動作或情況,謂語動詞用過去完成式。
⒋ 在lest 引導的狀語從句中,謂語動詞多用虛擬語氣,(should )+ 動詞原形。例如: The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he injure himself.(1998年1月四級第38題)
⒌ 在if only 引起的感嘆句中需用虛擬語氣。謂語動詞用過去式或過去完成式。例如: Look at the terrible situation I am in! if only I had followed your advice.

❷ 求虛擬語氣詞用法

Subjunctive Mood]

與..事實相反 If從句 主句
過去 Had done Would* have done
現在 Were/did Would* do
將來 Should do/were/were to do Would* do

過去 Had done
現在 Were/did
將來 Would do
從句中用「should 動詞原形」構成。而且should可以省去。用於此結構的動詞有:advise, direct, agree, ask, demand, decide, desire, insist, order, prefer, propose, request, suggest,intend等。would rather +從句

1)It be 形容詞 that ...(should)...用過去形式表示虛擬。表語從句、同位語從句中的虛擬語氣
在suggestion, proposal, order, plan, idea, advice, decision等需要有內涵的名詞後面的表語從句、同

❸ 用虛擬語氣的詞有哪些

1、副詞片語:otherwise,or, a few years ago等這一類狀語
2、介詞短語:without;in the absence of;but for;under more favourable con- ditions
Without air,(=if there were no air)there would be no living things.(沒有內空氣,就沒有生物。容)

❹ 虛擬語氣的詞有哪些


1. 在表示建議,要求,命令,想法的動詞後的從句里, 用should + 動詞原形, should 可以省略. 如 advise, agree, command, decide, demand, determine, grant, indicate, insist, order, prefer, propose, request, require, stipulate, suggest, urge, vote.常考到的是: suggest, advise, demand, require, propose, insist, order, request.
His doctor suggested that he (should) take short leave of absence.
2. 在表示建議,要求,命令,想法的名詞後的從句里, 用should + 動詞原形, should可以省略. 如 advice, decision,agreement, command, decree, demand, determination, indication, insistence, order, preference, proposal, request, requirement, stipulation etc.
It was Bill』s suggestion that everyone (should) have a map.
3. 在It is/was +形容詞後的that 從句中用should的結構, should 可以省略. 這類形容詞常見的有: advisable, anxious, compulsory, crucial, desirable, eager, essential, fitting, imperative(絕對必要), impossible, improper, important, natural, necessary, obligatory, possible, preferable, probable, recommended, urgent, vital etc.
It『s natural that she (should) do so

❺ 英語哪些詞用於虛擬語氣

1.用於表示命令、決定。建議等詞語後的that分句。例如:Mary insisted that John come. /He ordered that the books be sent at once.
2.用於if,though,whatever,lest等引導的分句中,表示推測、讓步、憂慮等。例如:Though everyone desert you,I will not. /If John be found guilty,he shall have the right of appeal.
God bless you! /Heaven forbid!
I wish I were there.
I wish it were spring all the year round.
2.用於if,as if,as though等引導的分句和suppose或imagine等後面的分句中,表示對現在時間或將來時間的主觀設想。例如:
If I were you,I should wait till next week.
He spoke to me as if I were deaf.
If it were to rain,we should get wet.
1.動詞suggest,order,demand,propose,request,command,insist等後的賓語從句中,用虛擬語氣(即Should+動詞原形或只用動詞原形)來表示願望、建議、命令、請求等。在動詞wish /would rather後的賓語從句中,用過去式表示與現在事實不符,用過去完成式表示與過去事實不符。
e.g. I suggest that we(should)set off at once.
 The doctor insisted that the patient (should)be X-rayed.
 I wish I were as strong as you.
 I would rather that you hadn't told him.
2. 在 suggestion, proposal,idea,plan,order,advice等名詞後的表語從句、同位語從句中要用虛擬語氣,即should+動詞原形或只用動詞原形。如:
 Our suggestion is that you( should)be the first to go.
 My advice is that we(should)send for Doctor Li.
 Do you know the order that you(should)keep watch?
3. 在It is necessary/important/strange/natural;It is requested/suggested/desired/proposed;it is a pity等結構後的主語從句中要用虛擬語氣,即Should+動詞原形或只用動詞原形。如:
 It is necessary that he(should)be sent there at once.
It is requested that Professor Li(should)give us a speech.
It is desired that we(should)get everything ready by tonight.
4. 在as if引導的狀語從句中,用過去式表示與現在事實不符,用過去完成式表示與過去事實不符;They talked as if they had been friends for years.
5. 在so that,in order that引導的狀語從句中,(根if狀語從句中的主句形式相同)常用should/would/could/might+動詞原形來表示虛擬語氣。如:
She stayed at home for a few days so that she could take care of her mother.
He took a taxi to the station so that she should not miss the train.
6.在it is time後面的定語從句中常用過去式表示虛擬。
 It』s time I was going.
 It』s time somebody taught you to behave yourself.
7. 由wish引起的表示願望的虛擬語氣
B.用wish表示對將來的願望時,它所引起的賓語從句中謂語動詞形式為:would, could, might+ 動詞原形。
C.wish用於對過去的事實表示一種不可能實現的願望時,賓語從句中的謂語動詞形式為:had+動詞過去分詞或could, would + have +動詞過去分詞。
I wish that he weren』t so lazy.
I wish I hadn't wasted so much time.
I wish she would change her mind.
8. had hoped/ planned/ thought/ wanted/ intended表示一種過去未實現的願望或令人失望的事。
I had thought he had been dead for at least 20 years.
I had hoped that she would go to the U.S. and study there, but she said
she liked to stay in China.
9. would rather.( 與if 從句相同)
would (had) rather, would as soon, would sooner和would prefer所引起的從句中要求用過去式表示當時或將來的情況,用過去完成時表示過去的情況,表示希望或婉轉的責備。例如:
I』d rather you posted the letter right away. 我倒希望你把這封信立刻寄出去。
I would prefer he didn』t stay there too long.我倒希望他不要在那兒可得太久。
I would just as soon you had returned the book yesterday.我真希望你昨天把這本書還了。
10. 虛擬語氣在由某些連詞,常見的這些連詞和介詞有:與if 從句相同
1) unless (除非),provided(倘若),supposing(假若),providing(倘若) , on condition that(如果),由這些詞、片語引出的從句,動詞多用過去時。
 除非你命令他做,要不他是不會做的。
 He wouldn't do it unless you ordered him to.
 Providing(if) you had the opportunity to go abroad, where would you go?
11. for fear that(以免, 唯恐),in order that (以便),whether(不管),lest(以免),in case (假使),從句中加情態動詞,有時should可省略。
He hid it lest she (should) see it.
I'll get some beer in case John should come.
He entered the room quietly in order that he should not wake his roommate.
12. if only, 與if 從句相同
if only I were you!
If only you had come yesterday!
If only Linda could go with us tomorrow!
If only I had said more about it!

還有最常見的就是if 條件句了,你應該挺清楚了吧。就不寫了。

❻ 常用虛擬語氣的詞


❼ 用虛擬語氣的詞語 有哪些


1、含義:vt. 堅持;堅決主張,vi. 堅持;強調。





He insisted that he had done right.


They insist that I stay there for supper.



1、含義:n. 命令;指揮;掌握;[計算機] DOS命令 : 引用輔助命令處理器,v. 命令;指揮;掌握;博得。


command用作動詞是正式用語,表示「命令,要求」時,一般不用作進行時; 其後可接名詞或代詞作賓語,接帶動詞不定式的復合結構和that從句時,從句中的謂語動詞應用虛擬式,即「(should+)動詞原形」。command在書面語體中可以引出直接引語,作「命令道」或「用命令的口氣說道」解。

He growled a command to her to stop.


The company commander roared his command.



1、含義:vt. 建議;暗示;使想起;表明;要求。


suggest的基本意思是「建議」「提議」,還可表示「暗示,表明」「使想起」等。suggest作「建議」「提議」解後接that從句作賓語時,從句中的謂語動詞要用虛擬式; 作「表明,暗示」「使想起」等解時,從句中的謂語動詞可用陳述式。

I suggested going for a walk.


I suggested to him that we should tackle the problem another way.



1、含義:v. 打算;計劃;向 ... 提議;求婚;提名。



I propose an early start tomorrow morning.


He proposed to buy and run a farm.



1、含義:v. 要求;需要;命令;規定。


require接含有被動意義的非謂語動詞時,不定式表示被動結構,而動名詞表示主動結構; require接that從句時從句中的謂語動詞要用虛擬式。

The director required that we should work all night.


We must not propagate one method and require all localities to adopt it.


❽ 含蓄虛擬語氣的標志詞都有哪些

but for;without;我常見的就這兩個,其他的你根據意思也能判斷出是含蓄虛擬語氣,這個不太好解釋,只要你看不出明顯的條件從句的虛擬語氣一般都是含蓄虛擬語氣了。

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