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發布時間: 2021-02-25 23:13:00

『壹』 低碳生活英語句子

1.We should respect how much we could use in the world,save energy and start a low carbon life to save our ecosystem.
2.But they have overlooked one fact: in China, low-carbon living comes at a high cost.
3.The sector is dominated by small, informal traders, and the environmental consequences of this already have already been covered in our earlier article "Low-carbon living begins at work".
4.The main exhibition hall of this science and technology museum consists of five sections –the world of carbon, global warming, low-carbon city, low-carbon living and low-carbon future.
5.Simple to understand, low-carbon life is back to nature to man and nature to carry out the activities, mainly from the energy-saving solar term and recovery of the three links to change the details of life.


『貳』 作為一名學生,在家裡節約能源的措施,英語句子

As a student, energy saving measures at home

As a student, energy saving measures at home

『叄』 關於節約能源的英語詞彙

recing energy consumption/ saving energy節約能源environmentally friendly 環保using public transports 坐公共交通工具check the Energy Efficiency Ratio when buying electric equipments 買電器時檢查能源標簽use engery-saving light blubs 用省電的燈泡use dimmer light 用暗一點的燈mostly use daylight if possible 盡量用陽光use fans instead of air-conditioning 用風扇代替冷氣have a green life 綠色生活

『肆』 英語有關節能減排的短語和句子。 謝謝啦

節能減抄排?energy saving and emission rection 這種建議可以直接翻譯下,然後去google英文搜索.

The greatest energy
and greenhouse rections can be achieved by small
businesses with fewer than 100

『伍』 如何保護環境,節約能源的英語句子

Earth is our home, you rely on green.地球是我家,綠化靠大家。
The protection of trees, that is, to protect themselves。保護樹木,就是保護自己。
The short life of the flowers away, leaving behind the beauty is forever。帶走的花兒生命短暫,留下的美麗才是永遠。
In addition to the photos, nothing taken away; In addition to the footprints, nothing left.除了相片,什麼都不要帶走;除了腳印,什麼都不要留下。
Have green trees, have the pulse of the earth.樹木擁有綠色,地球才有脈搏。
We should pick up some rubbish and throw it into a stbin.
We should collect waste paper or bottles for recycling.
We should plant trees or flowers in or near our neighbourhood.
We should do something useful to improve the invironment.
We should not throw any litter onto the ground.

『陸』 如何保護環境,節約能源的英語句子 要20句 英文意思也要翻譯

I dont no.

『柒』 英語作文關於節約能源的

We need to rece the using of cars and other motor machine.Ride bikes to work instead.
Rece the use of coal and petro,use the solar energy and wind blowing energy and water flowing energy instead.Use the clear energy in daily life.Make recycling use of some source such as use the grass and waste to proce CO and CH4 to burning for energy.To save the energy means less instry and more high technology and biology creation.Sometimes people need to spend their life in a more hard one to prevent the source on the earth from being used up.

『捌』 用低碳生活造個英文句子

We should respect how much we could use in the world,save energy and start a low carbon life to save our ecosystem.


『玖』 節能減排的英語短語有哪些

energy efficient/energy saving 節能抄(節約能源)

Energy-saving Bulbs節能燈
energy-saving motor節能電動機
ecological energy-saving生態節能
Simulation results show that this algorithm is efficient and unidirectional links is valuable for energy conservation.

emission rection 減排

greenhouse gas emission rection溫室氣體減排

Carbon Emission Rection Target碳減排目標制度

The flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol provide for transferable credits derived from greenhouse gas emission rection projects.

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