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發布時間: 2021-02-16 14:39:00

❶ 英語句子重組 they/write/./can't

She can neither read nor write.Neither you nor I finished the project.I know neither English nor Japanese.They are neither in the classroom nor library.

❷ 英文題目(重組句子)

1. The only accessory she has are a pair of gloves and old necklace
2. Was she wearing an expensive leather boots and carrying black perse?
3. We're going to the beach,so don't forget to bring a pair of sunglasses

❸ 英語句子重組,急~~

The boy with bright blue eyes is having a lab lesson on the second floor on biology .

❹ 英文句子重組

1.I received a beautiful present from Uncle Ben this morning.今天早上我受到了來自Ben叔叔的一個漂亮的禮物
2.when i unwrapped the present, my bedroom was filled with the smell of strawberry. 當我拆開禮物時,我的卧室滿是草莓的專味道
3.it was a box of Japanese Grass Cake and two boxes of chocolate.這是一盒日本香屬草蛋糕和兩盒巧克力。

5.my stomachache went serious, and at last i had to see a docotor

❺ 英語句子重組

1 todd will have a burger if he gets hungry. 2 ask the server to bring some water to us 你應該是詞語少了

❻ 英文重組句子

2. I have worked so long all day, now I must rest.
3. The profit of the cafe was decreasing. Therefore, it was shut down.
4. I have used up my savings, so I must get a job.
5. The lift is not working, so we have to walk upstairs.
6. Jessie will have an exam, so she is doing her revision.
7. The plane will take off in an hour, so we have to be quick.

❼ 英語句子的重組

dad add

❽ 幫重組英語句子~~

the children played games in their room quietly he opened the door quietly 3 he left immediately 4 he planted the tree in a coner of the garden 5 he read the letter quickly before his lunch 6 i borrowed a form book this morning 7 the cook spoilt the soup 8 we stay at home on sunday 9 there are a lot of people at the bus stop 10 this little boy ate the apple greedily in the kitchen 11 she draws beautifully 12 i like music very much 13 they built our school last year in a village

❾ 會英語的來(重組句子)

The thief stolen his wallet when he making a phone call.

The man with glasses is my brother.

Neither he or she hate to study

❿ 英語 句子重組

The more you practise,the better you speak.

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