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發布時間: 2021-01-07 03:42:31

㈠ 莫言作為一名作家而著名英語

Mo Yan is famous as a writer

㈡ 關於莫言作品的英文譯名


1、《酒國》:The Republic of Wine

《酒國》是莫言發表於1993年的長篇諷刺小說 ,法語版獲得2000年法國儒爾·巴泰庸外國文學獎 。該小說藉助「酒」這種飲品,描繪了中國的官場生態,抨擊了官場的腐敗,被美國漢學家葛浩文譽為創作手法最有想像力、最為豐富復雜的中國小說。

2、《豐乳肥臀》:Big Breasts&Wide Hips

《豐乳肥臀》是莫言最著名的代表作之一 。小說熱情謳歌了生命最原初的創造者——母親的偉大、樸素與無私,生命的沿襲的無與倫比的重要意義。並且在這一幅生命的流程圖中,彌漫著歷史與戰爭的硝煙,真實,不帶任何偏見,再現了一段時期內的歷史。1997年《豐乳肥臀》奪得中國「大家文學獎」。

3、《生死疲勞》:Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out


4、《天堂蒜薹之歌》:Garlic Ballads



莫言,原名管謨業,1955年2月17日出生於山東省高密市東北鄉文化發展區大欄平安村 ,中國作家協會副主席、 2012年諾貝爾文學獎獲得者,亦是第一個獲得諾貝爾文學獎的中國籍作家。


㈢ 英語作文莫言

Mo Yan, whose primitive name is Guan Moye, has been the crispy fried chicken among China after he was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature. The 57-year-old is the first Chinese resident to win the prize, who is a novelist and a short story writer, born on 17thFebruary 1955, in Gaomi County, Shandong Province which becomes a tourist attraction because of his popularity. For his award, Chinese media overwhelming report this exciting news. As a result, tens of thousands of people jump out and say that Mo Yan is their most favorite writer, although some of them did not know who Mo Yan is. Moreover, Mo Yan』s novels are put in the best seller bookshelf in the bookstores and some are even out of stock.

㈣ 莫言英語簡介

Mo Yan 莫言 Born Guan Moye, the author writes under the pen name Mo Yan, which means "don't speak" in Chinese. He began writing while a soldier in the People's Liberation Army and received international fame in 1987 with Red Sorghum: A Novel of China, which was made into a film. Mo Yan (Chinese: 莫言; pinyin: Mò Yán) (born February 17, 1955) is a Chinese author, described as "one of the most famous, oft-banned and widely pirated of all Chinese writers". He is known in the West for two of his novels which were the basis of the film Red Sorghum. He has been referred to as the Chinese answer to Franz Kafka or Joseph Heller. Mo Yan was born in the Shandong province to a family of farmers. He left school ring the Cultural Revolution to work in a factory that proced oil. He joined the People's Liberation Army at age twenty, and began writing while he was still a soldier, in 1981. Three years later, he was given a teaching position at the Department of Literature in the Army's Cultural Academy. Extremely prolific, Mo Yan wrote his latest novel, Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out in only 43 days. He composed the more than 500,000 characters contained in the original manuscript on traditional Chinese paper using only ink and a writing brush.


㈤ 莫言是中國的著名作家用英語怎麼說


㈥ 求關於莫言的英語作文


㈦ 莫言,英文翻譯,謝謝

如果是祈使句里用於鼓勵的never say..如never say die.永不言敗
請別人保持安靜也可以這樣用"please be silent.

㈧ 祝賀莫言獲得諾貝爾文學獎的英語對話






㈨ 關於莫言的事跡英語介紹

Guan Moye (born 17 February 1955), better known by the pen name Mo Yan (/moʊ jɛn/, Chinese: 莫言; pinyin: Mò Yán), is a Chinese novelist and short story writer. Donald Morrison of U.S. news magazine TIME referred to him as "one of the most famous, oft-banned and widely pirated of all Chinese writers", and Jim Leach called him the Chinese answer to Franz Kafka or Joseph Heller.

He is best known to Western readers for his 1987 novel Red Sorghum Clan, of which the Red Sorghum and Sorghum Wine volumes were later adapted for the film Red Sorghum. In 2012, Mo was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his work as a writer "who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary".

㈩ 重金求莫言的文章【生命里,總有一朵祥雲為你繚繞】的英文版翻譯

This world, there is always a person, you don't like someone don't like you, too. This is very normal. And, no matter how good you are, no matter how good, each other are also demanding each other may not. Because, good or not is one thing, like it or not is another matter.
To likeable, wreck, only the dignity of self. Don't use the countless count, brow a lower indifference to change. Condescending for witness, can only be each other increasingly commanding and bossed around [1]. Without heads up, there is no equivalent.
Also don't like it or not, to separate the good and the bad. With the eye of emotional tendency, hard to avoid can precisely. Bite, you can't say it is a bad dog. Dogs are always want to bite, it is a dog's nature and mission. That is to say, staring at others at the same time, also saw the flaw and the insufficiency of self.
Of course, like to the extreme, more like a himself with another met reunited in time. Is willing to each other in full bloom, without reason will be hopelessly inputs for each other, this is perfection. At that time, if only congenial temper, appeal and character or similar, it is just shallow xi; The deepest love, is love, is life inside the adhesion and attraction, is the soul of the persistent together with deep feeling of hope.
This is a mysterious and grand personal process. Personal means, even if very wrong, is correct. Sometimes, looking back at your countless may not see a brush. Sometimes, you out of the angel heart, is not necessarily for the treatment of an angel. If you don't like it, don't pack a angel for you. Who also do not need to take part in accidental amusement. Although, at that time, the amount of fakeness required can soothe people intoxicated people, but will leave fobbed off pain, a perfunctory.
So, the world the most foolish thing, or going to who don't like to ask why. Don't like just don't like, no why. Like a gust of wind blowing, you want to do is patted the st, a quiet walk away. Then, forget this don't like themselves have become.
A person, sty to live in this world, to live for people like yourself. This is the best attitude. Don't don't like your people there lost happiness, then in a man like yourself here forget happy.
Barely not to things, not to chase. You tired, for it may each other is also the most tired. You stop, you put down, will be found that the day will not collapse, the world is always xiangyun incense to be all things to all people.
誰都在世俗的泥淖里撲騰著。 有的人天生是來愛你的,有的人註定要來給你上課的。你苦心經營的,是對方不以為意的;你刻骨憎恨的,卻是對方習以為常的。喜歡與不喜歡之間,不是死磕,便是死擰。然而,這就是生活,有貼心的溫暖,也有刺骨的寒冷,不過是想讓你的人生,變得更加豐富,更加完整。
Who are fluttering in the worldly mire. Some people are born to love you, some people are destined to come to you in class. Your elaboration, is able to shrug off each other; Deep and hate you, is each other for granted. Between love and don't like, not into, is death to twist. However, this is life, have a sweet warm, also have the biting cold, but want to make you life, become more abundant, more complete.
In the vast, the life, there will always be a single or a few a cloud incense for you. In you don't like or don't like you there are struggling, as in this a few happy under a cloud for a walk. There were good pleasure don't so much, only a flower, enough is enough.

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