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❶ 有哲理的英語小故事

Willful Child
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Once upon a time there was a child who was willful and did not do what his mother wanted. For this reason God was displeased with him and caused him to become ill, and no doctor could help him, and in a short time he lay on his deathbed.
He was lowered into a grave and covered with earth, but his little arm suddenly came forth and reached up, and it didn't help when they put it back in and put fresh earth over it, for the little arm always came out again. So the mother herself had to go to the grave and beat the little arm with a switch, and as soon as she had done that, it withdrew, and the child finally came to rest beneath the earth.

❷ 求英語哲理小故事 急!!!!!!! 務必要稍微簡短的

Which do you find more important, money or friends?
B: Friends, of course.
A: Why?
B: I can always borrow money from friends.


❸ 求英語哲理小故事 急!!!!!!! 務必要稍微簡短的

people have a job to candidates, picked up the corridor to pick up the paper, into the stbin by the passing of the population to see the official test, so he had the job. The original was appreciated very simple, to develop a good habit of it.

• Has a younger brother at a bicycle shop as an apprentice, someone sent a failure of the bicycle, boy apart from the car repaired, the car also organize such as the pretty new, other apprentices laughed him superfluous, then the employer will get back the second day of a bicycle , boy who was recruited into the employer's company. The original is very easy to get ahead at the expense of it.
• 有個小弟在腳踏車店當學徒,有人送來一部故障的腳踏車,小弟除了將車修好,還把車子整理的漂亮如新,其他學徒笑他多此一舉,後來僱主將腳踏車領回去的第二天,小弟被挖角到那位僱主的公司上班。原來出人頭地很簡單,吃點虧就可以了。

• child mother has said: "Mother you pretty well today." The mother replied: "Why." The child said: "Since Mother is not angry today." That is pretty easy to have, as long as you can not be angry .
• 有個小孩對母親說:「媽媽你今天好漂亮。」母親回答:「為什麽。」小孩說:「因為媽媽今天都沒有生氣。」原來要擁有漂亮很簡單,只要不生氣就可以了。

• There is a ranch owner, called him every day at Children ranch on hard work, a friend said to him: "Do not need you to let children work so hard, crops will be grown as well." Ranch owner replied: "I am not At cultivate crops, cultivate at me are my children. "cultivate the original Child is very simple, so that he can be a bear hardships.

• there is a tennis coach of the students said: "If a tennis ball falling into the weeds, there should be how to get?" Someone replied: "From the beginning to find the centerline of haystacks." Someone replied: "From the beginning haystack to find the most hollow . "someone replied:" From the grass to find the longest place start. "coach announced the correct answer:" step-by-step from the lawn of a search into the other end of the grass. "look for the success of the original method is very simple, from one to ten Do not skip it.
• 有一個網球教練對學生說:「如果一個網球掉進草堆里,應該如何找?」有人答:「從草堆中心線開始找。」有人答:「從草堆的最凹處開始找。」有人答:「從草最長的地方開始找。」教練宣布正確答案:「按部就班的從草地的一頭,搜尋到草地的另一頭。」原來尋找成功的方法很簡單,從一數到十不要跳過就可以了。

• often there is a brightly lit store, someone asked: "are you in the end what the store brand of tube? So rable." Stores said: "We usually have a bad lamp, but for us it is broken on . "bright and original way to keep it simple, as long as you can usually replace.
• 有一家商店經常燈火通明,有人問:「你們店裡到底是用什麽牌子的燈管?那麽耐用。」店家回答說:「我們的燈管也常常壞,只是我們壞了就換而已。」原來保持明亮的方法很簡單,只要常常更換就可以了。

• live frogs at the edge of the frogs living in the street said: "you here too dangerous to live here with me now!" Side of the road the frog said: "I have got used to not bother moving." A few days later , Tanabe frog street to visit the frog, they found the car he had been crushed to death, dead in the street violence. Hands the fate of the original method is very simple, lazy away from it.

• there is a chicken hatched when there is only just after a tortoise, then on the chicken egg shell on the back over a lifetime. From the heavy load that is very simple, stubborn to give up preconceived ideas on it.
• 有一隻小雞破殼而出的時候,剛好有隻烏龜經過,從此以後小雞就背著蛋殼過一生。原來脫離沉重的負荷很簡單,放棄固執成見就可以了。

• When there is some kids want to angels, God give them a candlestick one person, ask them to maintain the light, resulting in one or two days later, not to God, all the children that no longer wipe Candlestick, God has a surprise visit to a day, every Candlestick indivials have cast a thick layer of st, only a child everyone called him a fool, because God did not come, he will wipe every day, the results of this fool has become an angel. When the original angel is very simple, as long as you can really do.
• 有幾個小孩很想當天使,上帝給他們一人一個燭台,叫他們要保持光亮,結果一天兩天過去了,上帝都沒來,所有小孩已不在擦拭那燭台,有一天上帝突然造訪,每個人的燭台都蒙上厚厚的灰塵,只有一個小孩大家都叫他笨小孩,因為上帝沒來,他也每天都擦拭,結果這個笨小孩成了天使。原來當天使很簡單,只要實實在在去做就可以了。

• pig has only to make the request of the disciples of God, God is pleased to agree, just have a calf by the quagmire in climb out of the mud is all that God said to the pig: "to help him wash it down!" Small the Pig replied, surprised: "I am a disciple of God, how can it go wait on the calf so dirty!" God said: "You do not wait on others, how others know you are my disciples do ! "was very easy to become a god, as long as you can really pay.
有隻小豬,向神請求做 的門徒,神欣然答應,剛好有一頭小牛由泥沼里爬出來,渾身都是泥濘,神對小豬說:「去幫他洗洗身子吧!」小豬訝異的答道:「我是神的門徒,怎麽能去侍候那臟兮兮的小牛呢!」神說:「你不去侍候別人,別人怎會知道,你是我的門徒呢!」原來要變成神很簡單,只要真心付出就可以了。

• there is a gold digging team walking in the desert, we have the pace of a heavy, painful, and only walked one happy person, people ask: "Why are you so happy?" He says with a laugh: "Since I took things at least." Originally Happiness is very simple, with less on it.
• 有一支掏金隊伍在沙漠中行走,大家都步伐沉重,痛苦不堪,只有一人快樂的走著,別人問:「你為何如此愜意?」他笑著:「因為我帶的東西最少。」原來快樂很簡單,擁有少一點就可以了。

❹ 有沒有簡短的有哲理的英語小故事

The man who is aware of himself is henceforth independent; and he is never bored, and life is only too short, and he is steeped through and through with profound yet temperate happiness. He alone lives, while other people, slaves of ceremony, let life slip past time in a kind of dream. Once conform, once do what other people do finer than they do it, and a lethargy steals over all the finer nerves and faculties of the soul, He becomes all outer show and inward emptiness; ll, callous, and indifferent.

❺ 3分鍾有哲理小故事英語

The early years has a rightness of young men the matrimony in Alaska place in the United States, growing after getting married, his wife dies because I am difficult to proce, leaving one kid.
His favour life, and then be occupied in watching the house, because no one helps to look after child, train a dog, that dog cleverness obedient, can look after a kid, bite 著 milk bottle to nurse with milk to drink for kid, bring up a kid.
One day, the host go out go to, call it look after a kid.
He arrived another country, can't come back on that day because of meeting heavy snow.The second genius rush through to go home, the dog hears noise to greet host immediately.He opens an of doors to see, is a blood everywhere, raise head on hoping, is also a blood on the bed, the kid is missing, the dog is nearby and readily ising also a blood, the host discover this kind of situation, think the dog goes into action, eating up a kid, having a fit under, picked up knife come to once the 著 dog's head split, killing a dog.
Hear the kid's voice after and suddenly, and then see him descend to climb to come out from the bed, the 於 is to start to embrace a kid;Although the body contain blood, do not get hurt.
He is very strange, don't know to is what happened actually, seeing again a dog body, the meat of the leg had no, having a wolf side, the inside of still bites the meat of dog;The dog saved little host, but was killed one by mistake by the host, this was really the most astonishing misconstruction of world.
Note:Misunderstand of matter is a person usually Be doing not understand, have no rational, impatience, be in need of a thinking and can not make allowance for the other party in many ways, self-reflection oneself, the affection extremely excites of circumstance under take place.
Misunderstand in the beginning, namely always thoughted of the other party of thousand wrong ten thousand wrong;Therefore will make to misunderstand to sink more more deep, make not

❻ 帶有哲理的英語小故事,兩分鍾左右要帶翻譯,有哪些

(The Dog and the Shadow)It happened that a Dog had got a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat it in peace. Now, on his way home he had to cross a plank lying across a running brook. As he crossed, he looked down and saw his own shadow reflected in the water beneath. Thinking it was another dog with another piece of meat, he made up his mind to have that also. So he made a snap at the shadow in the water, but as he opened his mouth the piece of meat fell out, dropped into the water and was never seen more.

❼ 求一個英語小故事,簡短,有哲理性就可以了

The Old Cat
An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.

Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."





❽ 英語哲理小故事





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