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發布時間: 2021-01-04 07:09:21

Ⅰ 求《越獄》里的經典台詞!越多越好!

BB: Are you a religious man, Scofield?
MS: Never really thought about it.
BB: Good, 'cause the Ten Commandments don't mean a box of piss in here. We got two commandments and two only. The first commandment is you got nothing coming.
MS: What's the second commandment?
BB: See commandment number one.
BB: 信教嗎?
MS: 從來沒想過。
BB: 很好,因為十誡在這狗屁不值。我們這只有兩誡,第一誡是你在這就是暗無天日。
MS: 那第二誡呢?
BB: 參考第一誡!

I will go nowhere (sara死後scofield說的)

Ⅱ 越獄T-bag經典台詞


It』s gonna be nasty for a first-timer like you, but we』ll protect you. I』ll protect you.All you gotta do is (slaps Maytag』s hand away) take this pocket right here and your life』ll be all peaches and cream. I walk, you walk with me. Keep you real close so no one up in here can hurt you.

T-bag: I assume that』s why you』re over here. A few days on the inside any God fearing white man realizes the correctional system』s got a serious lean towards the African-American persuasion.


T-bag: Listen up bros, listen up. Bellick, I got one for ya. Whaddya call a piece of white trash who couldn』t pass the cops exam and now makes less than a mailman? A C.O.

T-bag: Why don』t you transfer us all some place cooler. Like Africa!
T-bag: We』ll move when the temperature situation is rectified.
Geary: Don』t be a baby, T-bag. It ain』t that hot.
T-bag: Not that hot?
(points to black inmate)
When this guy woke up this morning, he was white!

T-bag: Oh I can make your last few weeks on earth quite, quite enjoyable. Give you some Demerol, some X. You know, make you forget about that big, bad chair.

T-bag: You gotta learn the art of negotiating. Lesson one: the bargaining position.

T-bag: You gotta sleep with one eye open, girly.

T-bag: (singing) Oh Tweener, I』m a comin』… Oooh oohh Tweener, ooh oh Tweener, I』m a-comin』 for you… I』m a-comin』, comin』 for you… Is you』re ready, are you ready, however you wanna say it, I don't care, I』m a-comin』 for you…


C-Note: Yo. (motions for a hand) Come on.
T-bag: I don't know about you all, but uh, (helps C-Note up) this room's gettin' a little too dark for me to dig.

T-bag: (laughs) You know it vexes me that uh, that I'm made out to be the bad guy in the room. It's not like you all are incarcerated for stealin' girl scout cookies.
Abruzzi: None of us murdered any girl scouts in the process.

T-bag: Hey Sucre, I got a question about you and the rest of the Mexicans.
Sucre: I don't think I'll be able to help, seeing as I'm Puerto Rican.
T-bag: Geographical semantics, amigo. I'm speakin' about the general Latino population. How is it that a people so historically lazy ended up being such a big part of the nation's workforce?

T-bag: You know what I can't understand is why somebody like you wants to get out of here anyway. How you gonna survive, huh? The world's all different now, it's scary. They got computer phones, boobies made out of silicone, you wouldn't know what to do.

Bellick: How was this door locked?
T-bag: It wasn't locked boss, the uh, fan kept pushing it open, so we just had to wedge it closed.

Whoo! Looks like the Bank of Africa wasn't allowing any withdrawals.

Westmoreland: The psych ward?
Michael: It's the only building that shares a sub surface line with the infirmary.
T-bag: You're tellin' me, to get to the infirmary we gotta go through the wack shack?
人家都叫精神病區psych ward,小T出口就是「還得穿過那個怪人窩?」


T-bag: (humming) (to Manche) If you get stuck in one of them pipes boy...

T-Bag: Move your fat ass. (kicking Manche)
T-bag: Age, before beauty.

T-bag: Think twice, John-boy. Hmm? You shoot me, Pretty here will be draggin' around 170 pounds of dead Alabama flesh with him.
And considering how much you need him to get this little Fibonacci vendetta of yours, huh? So I just don't think you're going to be pulling that trigger.

T-bag: Sure, Pretty, We teamates. (in Abruzzi's direction) Teamates till the end!
T-bag: (seeing helicopter flying above)We got trouble, Pretty.

Ⅲ 越獄里的經典台詞

1、You come around these bleachers again,it's gonna be more than just words we're exchanging.你要是再到露天看台來的話,我們交流的就不止是語言了(michael拒絕了變態的t-bag,t-bag丟下一句文縐縐的威脅)

2、Better late than never,right?遲了總比沒有好吧。(黑大兵c-note在最後關頭才把葯給michael)

3、There's something strange about him.I gave him the results of his blood test,and there was this look on his face. It was,um...relief (美女醫生覺得很奇怪:為什麼當ms得知自己有糖尿病是臉上卻出現了釋然的表情。)

4、Michael: You and me…It's real…

5、Abruzzi: I kneel only to God. Don't see him here.

6、Friend of Sucre: You look like hell.
Sucre: I'm man from hell, puppy. Now, I just gotta go to Vegas.

7、T-bag: How about getting us to somewhere cooler, say, Africa?
Hey, this man was still white this morning!

8、Michael/Lincoln: Just have a little faith.

9、Abruzzi: Take my hand so we can put all this behind us.
Does not a warm hand feel better than a cold shark?

10、Friend of Sucre: You look like hell.
Sucre: I'm man from hell, puppy. Now, I just gotta go to Vegas.
Sucre對愛的執著讓我感動。就像他說的,"She is the love of my life". 此生摯愛。

Ⅳ 美劇中越獄的經典台詞誰給我找下謝謝!

No. 1

Michael: You and me…It's real…



No. 2

Michael/Lincoln: Just have a little faith.



No. 3

Abruzzi: I kneel only to God. Don't see him here.



No. 4

Abruzzi: Take my hand so we can put all this behind us.


Does not a warm hand feel better than a cold shark?



No. 5

Friend of Sucre: You look like hell.

Sucre: I'm man from hell, puppy. Now, I just gotta go to Vegas.



Sucre對愛的執著讓我感動。就像他說的,"She is the love of my life". 此生摯愛。

No. 6

Sucre's GF: What do you want from the future?

Sucre: Would you run if I said you?

Sucre's GF: Would you chase me if I did?


Sucre: 如果我說是你,你會逃開嗎?



No. 7

Veronica: Michael, you are where you are because of your brother.

Michael: You are telling me he's where he is because of me.

-Michael, 你能有今天都是因為你哥哥。



No. 8

T-bag: You think you are the only one who feels betrayed? I…loved you, Susan. Real love. For the first time in my life... And then…and then what you do to me like that just throw me back into the dark and toss me out of the back door...I have sins in the past. But when I met you, the person, that one who did all the terrible things, he died. And I was reborn. By the grace of your love I was a new man, a better man. When you sent me here to this place with these people, you bring that dirty bastard right home.

你認為只有你覺得被人背叛了嗎?我。。。曾經愛過你,Susan. 我生命中的第一次真愛。而你。。而你所做的,卻是把我掃地出門,重新趕回黑暗之中。我過去是有過罪惡,但當我遇見你的那一刻,那個做盡壞事的人就已經死了,而我則獲得了重生。在你愛情的光輝中,我成了一個新的人,一個更好的人。當你把我送進這里,與這些人為伍時,過去那個骯臟的罪人又將復活。


No. 9

Sucre: Why do you want to see him so hard anyway?

Michael: Because he's my brother.



總覺得He's my brother更像是一種宣誓,一種對責任的聲明與承受,一種對生命的分擔,背負與戰斗。所以他們的戰斗就此打響。

No. 10

T-bag: How about getting us to somewhere cooler, say, Africa?


Hey, this man was still white this morning!


Ⅳ 越獄第一季台詞

- The vault. Open it.把保險櫃打開
- We can't. The branch manager's not here.不行,分行長不在
- Where is he?他在哪裡?
- It's lunchtime. He's at White Castle.現在是午飯時間,他在白色城堡
- White Castle?白色城堡?
- It's a fast food restaurant.是個快餐廳
- They serve those little square burgers.供應那些方形的漢堡
- I know what it is.我知道那是什麼
- I'm not playing games. Open it.我不是在玩游戲,打開
- Sir, you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag.先生,你袋子里已經有萬美元的現金,
- Don't you think it would be better...?你不認為你可以...

- Name and back number.姓名 號碼
- Scofield, Michael. 94941.
- Are you a religious man, Scofield?信教嗎 Scofield?
- Never really thought about it.從來沒想過
- Good, 'cause the Ten Commandments don't mean a box of piss in here.很好 因為十誡在這狗屁不值
- We got two commandments and two only.我們這只有兩誡
- The first commandment is you got nothing coming.第一誡是你在這就是暗無天日
- What's the second commandment?那第二誡呢?
- See commandment number one.參考第一誡
- Gotcha.了解
- You talking out the side of your neck?你說話繞彎嗎?
- Come again?什麼?
- I said, are you being a smartass?我問你是不是喜歡諷刺人?
- Just trying to fly low, avoid the radar, boss.只不過想保持低調 不想引起注意 長官
- Do my time... and get out.服完刑 就走人
- There isn't any flying under my radar.我管轄內什麼調也沒有!
- Good to know.那更好
(一進FOX RIVER就和可惡的BELICK對上了,想低調的人絕對已經預示他的魅力了。)
- Welcome to Prisneyland, Fish.歡迎來到監獄樂園 雛兒
- I'm looking for someone.我在找人
- Guy named Lincoln Burrows.叫Lincoln Burrows
- Linc the Sink? Linc「水槽」?
- That what they're calling him now?他們現在叫他這個?
- Yeah.是呀
- As in, he'll come at you with everything but the kitchen... Snowflake.他要是找你麻煩 就差拿廚房砸你了...白鬼佬
- Where can I find him?在哪能找到他?
- Man killed the vice- president's brother.這個傢伙殺了副總統的兄弟
- and in a month, he's getting the chair,再有一個月 他就坐電椅啦
- which means no one up this river is more dangerous than him,也就是說整個監獄沒有哪個比他還危險
- 'cause he's got nothing to lose now.因為他沒什麼好損失的了
- What's another word for "love"?「愛」的近義詞是什麼?
- What's the context?什麼語境?
- Oh, you know.哦你也知道的
- The "I love you so much「我愛你呀」
- "I ain't never knocking over a liquor store again" context.「我再也不在酒店醉酒鬧事了」的語境
- Except, you know, classy.不要太花哨的
- Mmm.
- I'm proposing to my girl, if you gotta know.其實我是向我女朋友求婚
- In a letter?寫信求婚?
- You got a better way?你還有別的好辦法?
- Face- to- face works pretty good.面對面很有效呀
- This place ain't exactly the romantic spot.這種地方可不是什麼浪漫之都
- I'm gonna have her go get on the Staten Island Ferry.讓她去史坦頓島渡輪
- Then, once she can see the Empire State Building,一旦可以看見帝國大廈
- She opens the letter.她就打開信
- It's like almost being there.我就好像和她在一起了
- Except for the fact that I won't be there.當然我不是真和她在一起
- Try "passion."用「激情」一詞吧
- Ooh! Ooh! "Passion. Passion" That's dope. Passion.哦 哦 「激情」 「激情」 這個酷
- How do you spell that? Is it "pash..."?怎麼寫啊?是「pash...」?
- No "h"?沒有「h」?
- I'm Michael, by the way.我叫Michael
- Scofield. I read your report.姓Scofield 我看了你的檔案
- And you are?那你是...?
- Dr. Tancredi will do.Tancredi醫生
- Tancredi like the governor?Tancredi 跟州長一個姓?
- You're not related, are you?你們不會是親戚吧?
- Wouldn't think you'd find the daughter of Frontier Justice Frank working in a prison.只是沒想到,州長的女兒會在監獄里工作
- As a doctor, no less.還是個醫生呢
- I believe in being part of the solution, not the problem.我願意做解決問題的途徑之一 而不是問題本身
- Mmm. "Be the change you want to see in the world."欲變世界 先變其身
- What?什麼?
- Nothing. That was just my senior quote.沒什麼 碰巧是我四年級時的座右銘
- That was you?原來是你說的啊?
- This whole time, I was thinking it was Gandhi.我一直以為是甘地說的
- You're very funny.你可真逗
- Passion? What were you thinking?激情?你是怎麼想的?
- Hey, you went for it.嘿 你自己也同意了
- She probably thinks I went sissy up in here.她說不定認為我在這變得女人氣了
- "Passion." Got more than one syllable, too much talkin'.「激情」 超過一個音節了,廢話太多
- That's me from now on.現在我改規矩了
- One- syllable Sucre.以後只寫單音節的詞
- Yes. No. Love. Hate. Love.是 不 愛 恨 愛
- - Give it time.要點時間的嘛
- Are you kidding?你開什麼玩笑?
- I proposed to her.我這是在求婚!
- That doesn't take time. Si or no. One syllable, man.可不能等,是 還是 不,單音節
(SUCRE再次可愛,示愛要改成單音節的詞了,YES,NO, LOVE,HATE)
- I can't help wondering what someone with your credentials我就納悶了象你這么優秀的人才
- is doing in a place like this.跑到這種鬼地方干什麼
- Took a wrong turn a few months back, I guess.也許是幾個月前拐錯彎了
- You make it sound like a traffic infraction.你說的好像是交通違規似的
- Like all you did was turn the wrong way up a one- way street.就像在單行道上開錯方向
- Everyone turns up one sooner or later.人人遲早都會發生點意外

- Son, it's better for me to owe you one in here than it is for you to owe me one,
孩子 在這個地方我欠你個人情,絕對比你欠我個人情要好

- It's your father, isn't it?是你父親的緣故 是吧?
- I don't have a father.我沒有爸爸
- It wasn't an immaculate conception, honey. Trust me.你不是聖靈懷胎出來的 親愛的
- I totally misjudged you, Scofield.我完全看錯你了 Scofield
- I didn't think you were agitating type.我還以為你不是那種容易激動的人
- Behavior like that will not be tolerated in my prison.在我的監獄 這樣的行為是不能容忍的
- 90 days in the SHU!90天 高度安全禁閉區
- That ought to be enough time to convince you of that fact.這么長時間應該能讓你思想上重視起來
- 90 days.90天
- That's right.沒錯
- Something you want to say?你還想說什麼?
- It's just...只是...
- I'm not of much value to you in the SHU.我在高度安全禁閉區對你沒什麼價值
- Value?價值?
- Hm- mm... the Taj.恩...泰姬陵
- It'd be a shame for the 8th wonder of the modern world to collapse而讓這世界第八大奇跡倒塌了就很可惜了
- because the stress is improperly propagated.壓力分布不當?
- Improperly propagated?壓力分布不當?
- Improperly propagated.壓力分布不當
- I know Hector; I know men.我了解Hector 我了解男人
- Men and women can't be friends.男人和女人不可能成為朋友
- A guy doesn't drive a girl 500 miles across state lines一個男的跨越州界驅車英里送一個女的
- because he wants to be friends.恐怕不是為了交朋友吧
- Why did you hire him?你干嗎要雇他?
- Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.要和朋友靠在一起 而與敵人要靠的更近
- There's bigger things to worry about at the moment.目前更應該擔心的是其他事
- I've been in here long enough to know it when I see it.我待在這里已經久到一看就知道會發生什麼
- The calm before the storm.暴風雨前的寧靜
- Whites and blacks are going at each other real soon here.這里的白人和黑人很快就有一場火拚
- Everybody chooses sides, and a lot of guys bleed.每個人都會選一派加入,很多人會受傷
- There a reason?有原因嗎?
- Same reason you don't put cats and dogs in the same cage.原因就是你不能把貓和狗關在同一個籠子里
- They don't get along.他們無法相處
- You best speak with respect, Fish.你說話最好放尊重點,雛兒
- Man kidnapped half a dozen boys and girls down in 'Bama,這個人在阿爾巴馬州
- raped 'em and killed 'em.綁架了六個少男少女,強奸並殺害了他們
- Wasn't always in that order, either.當然也不並都按這個順序(這句話真是形容T-BAG形象啊,恐怖啊)
- Does T-Bag have a real name?T-Bag真名是什麼?
- That is my real name.這就是我的真名
- No, no, no. Please... sit.不,不,不,請……坐
- So you're the new one I been hearin' all the rave reviews about.你就是那個新來的,我已經聽到很多關於你的好話
- Scofield.
- One thing's for sure, you're just as pretty as advertised.有一點是肯定的你就如傳聞所言,那麼漂亮
- Prettier, even.甚至更漂亮

- Open up, Badge!開門,長官!
- You talking again?你再說一遍?
- It's my girl's birthday.今天是我女朋友的生日
- Happy birthday to her, then.那祝她生日快樂
- You gotta let me call her! Please!你一定得讓我給她打個電話!求你了!
- I'll give you a million dollars, if you let me use the phone.如果你讓我用電話的話,我可以給你一百萬
- I seen your kicks, Sucre.我見識過你的花招,Sucre
- You got something like 40 cents to your name.你的帳戶里只有40美分
- Please!求你了!
- God, no!上帝啊,不要!
-There's something strange about him.他就是有點奇怪
- What do you mean?你指哪方面?
- I gave him the results of his blood test,我告訴他驗血結果的時候
- and there was this look on his face.他的臉上出現
- It was, um...是一種,嗯…
- relief.釋然的表情

Ⅵ 越獄第四季經典台詞

和SARA 的一段對白
M-------Sara. i was gonna come down here and asked if you wanted to talk to me about what happened in Panama
but um i think i already know what you re gonna say

S-------how is that
M-------because you re a little like me
because you re gonna say you re fine.that youcan handle iy
SO Uh I will just leave it at this
i am here
whenever you wanna talk to me
S--------thank you
S--------you know that the only thing that kept me alive
when i was being held was the thought of being with you
But i also knew that if anything happened to me
you were gonna blame yourself and you would spend the rest of your life to punishing yourself for it
and i cant beat the thought of that
So can we make a deal right now and we re even,and just
wipe the slate clean.and no guilt and no responsibility?
if we gonna be together.i dont want it to be out of a
sense of obligation or-or even that we should be.because
of what we ve been through.
I-I.Ijust want to start over
M--------start over ...Okay
but uh,does that mean i have to divorce my wife?
S--------because you are still married to a Russian stripper.
M--------Well ."A".I have been a little busy
and "B" i am pretty sure she was Czech
(sara lovely smile)

MICHAEL 和SARA 的一段對白(雙語)
M-------Sara. i was gonna come down here and asked if you wanted to talk to me about what happened in Panama
but um i think i already know what you re gonna say
S-------how is that 為什麼呢
M-------because you re a little like me 因為你和我有點相似
because you re gonna say you re fine.that youcan handle iy 你會告訴我你很好,你會搞定一切的
SO Uh I will just leave it at this 我僅能在此
i am here 我在這里和你一起
whenever you wanna talk to me 不管將來任何時候如果你想對我說
I AM HERE 我會仍舊在這里
S--------thank you 謝謝
S--------you know that the only thing that kept me alive 當我被綁架的時候,唯一讓我活下去的信念就是能和你在一起
when i was being held was the thought of being with you
But i also knew that if anything happened to me 我也知道,如果我發生什麼事
you were gonna blame yourself and you would spend the rest of your life to punishing yourself for it 你會感到自責,你會在你的後半生為此而懲罰你自己
and i cant beat the thought of that 所以我不能任你那樣
So can we make a deal right now and we re even,and just 我們能不能做個約定,對於以前的事我們打個平手,我們之間再也沒有愧疚和責任
wipe the slate clean.and no guilt and no responsibility?
if we gonna be together.i dont want it to be out of a 如果我們在一起,我不想是基於這種富有強迫性甚至是因為我們共同的經歷
sense of obligation or-or even that we should be.because
of what we ve been through.
I-I.Ijust want to start over 我想我們能重新開始
M--------start over ...Okay 重新開始?好。。。
but uh,does that mean i have to divorce my wife? 那是不是意味著我先要離婚(意思指之前已經和SARA結過婚)
S--------because you are still married to a Russian stripper. 呵呵,那是你已經和脫衣女郎結過婚了(前幾季M為了越獄和脫衣女郎假結婚。。。。)
M--------Well ."A".I have been a little busy
and "B" i am pretty sure she was Czech

M-------Sara. i was gonna come down here and asked if you wanted to talk to me about what happened in Panama
but um i think i already know what you re gonna say

S-------how is that
M-------because you re a little like me
because you re gonna say you re fine.that youcan handle iy
SO Uh I will just leave it at this
i am here
whenever you wanna talk to me
S--------thank you
S--------you know that the only thing that kept me alive
when i was being held was the thought of being with you
But i also knew that if anything happened to me
you were gonna blame yourself and you would spend the rest of your life to punishing yourself for it
and i cant beat the thought of that
So can we make a deal right now and we re even,and just
wipe the slate clean.and no guilt and no responsibility?
if we gonna be together.i dont want it to be out of a
sense of obligation or-or even that we should be.because
of what we ve been through.
I-I.Ijust want to start over
M--------start over ...Okay
but uh,does that mean i have to divorce my wife?
S--------because you are still married to a Russian stripper.
M--------Well ."A".I have been a little busy
and "B" i am pretty sure she was Czech
(sara lovely smile)

MICHAEL 和SARA 的一段對白(雙語)
M-------Sara. i was gonna come down here and asked if you wanted to talk to me about what happened in Panama
but um i think i already know what you re gonna say
S-------how is that 為什麼呢
M-------because you re a little like me 因為你和我有點相似
because you re gonna say you re fine.that youcan handle iy 你會告訴我你很好,你會搞定一切的
SO Uh I will just leave it at this 我僅能在此
i am here 我在這里和你一起
whenever you wanna talk to me 不管將來任何時候如果你想對我說
I AM HERE 我會仍舊在這里
S--------thank you 謝謝
S--------you know that the only thing that kept me alive 當我被綁架的時候,唯一讓我活下去的信念就是能和你在一起
when i was being held was the thought of being with you
But i also knew that if anything happened to me 我也知道,如果我發生什麼事
you were gonna blame yourself and you would spend the rest of your life to punishing yourself for it 你會感到自責,你會在你的後半生為此而懲罰你自己
and i cant beat the thought of that 所以我不能任你那樣
So can we make a deal right now and we re even,and just 我們能不能做個約定,對於以前的事我們打個平手,我們之間再也沒有愧疚和責任
wipe the slate clean.and no guilt and no responsibility?
if we gonna be together.i dont want it to be out of a 如果我們在一起,我不想是基於這種富有強迫性甚至是因為我們共同的經歷
sense of obligation or-or even that we should be.because
of what we ve been through.
I-I.Ijust want to start over 我想我們能重新開始
M--------start over ...Okay 重新開始?好。。。
but uh,does that mean i have to divorce my wife? 那是不是意味著我先要離婚(意思指之前已經和SARA結過婚)
S--------because you are still married to a Russian stripper. 呵呵,那是你已經和脫衣女郎結過婚了(前幾季M為了越獄和脫衣女郎假結婚。。。。)
M--------Well ."A".I have been a little busy
and "B" i am pretty sure she was Czech


Ⅶ 越獄的經典台詞


"Are you redry?"" no." " you?"" no !" " let's go!" 記住:找到機會就跑,不需要准備好。


Michael: You and me…It's real…

Michael/Lincoln: Just have a little faith.

Abruzzi: I kneel only to God. Don't see him here.
我只向上帝下跪。他可不在這! 也許為了尊嚴,但更多的是贖罪。

Abruzzi: Take my hand so we can put all this behind us.
Does not a warm hand feel better than a cold shark?

Friend of Sucre: You look like hell.
Sucre: I'm man from hell, puppy. Now, I just gotta go to Vegas.
Sucre對愛的執著讓我感動。就像他說的,"She is the love of my life". 此生摯愛。

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Michael/Lincoln: Just have a little faith.

Ⅷ 越獄中michael的經典台詞(中英字幕)謝~

No. 1

Michael: You and me…It's real… 我和你。。。是真的 深情而含蓄的表白。

No. 2

Michael/Lincoln: Just have a little faith. 活得有信念點! 逆境中的精神支柱。

No. 3

Abruzzi: I kneel only to God. Don't see him here. 我只向上帝下跪。他可不在這!


No. 4

Abruzzi: Take my hand so we can put all this behind us.


Does not a warm hand feel better than a cold shark? 溫暖的手不比冷酷的人好得多嗎?


No. 5

Friend of Sucre: You look like hell.

Sucre: I'm man from hell, puppy. Now, I just gotta go to Vegas.



Sucre對愛的執著讓我感動。就像他說的,"She is the love of my life". 此生摯愛。

No. 6

Sucre's女友: What do you want from the future?

Sucre: Would you run if I said you?

Sucre's女友: Would you chase me if I did?


Sucre: 如果我說是你,你會逃開嗎?



No. 7

Veronica: Michael, you are where you are because of your brother.

Michael: You are telling me he's where he is because of me.

-Michael, 你能有今天都是因為你哥哥。



No. 8

T-bag: You think you are the only one who feels betrayed? I…loved you, Susan. Real love. For the first time in my life... And then…and then what you do to me like that just throw me back into the dark and toss me out of the back door...I have sins in the past. But when I met you, the person, that one who did all the terrible things, he died. And I was reborn. By the grace of your love I was a new man, a better man. When you sent me here to this place with these people, you bring that dirty bastard right home.

你認為只有你覺得被人背叛了嗎?我。。。曾經愛過你,Susan. 我生命中的第一次真愛。而你。。而你所做的,卻是把我掃地出門,重新趕回黑暗之中。我過去是有過罪惡,但當我遇見你的那一刻,那個做盡壞事的人就已經死了,而我則獲得了重生。在你愛情的光輝中,我成了一個新的人,一個更好的人。當你把我送進這里,與這些人為伍時,過去那個骯臟的罪人又將復活。


No. 9

Sucre: Why do you want to see him so hard anyway?

Michael: Because he's my brother.



總覺得He's my brother更像是一種宣誓,一種對責任的聲明與承受,一種對生命的分擔,背負與戰斗。所以他們的戰斗就此打響。

No. 10

T-bag: How about getting us to somewhere cooler, say, Africa?


Hey, this man was still white this morning!



No. 12

Michael: There is a plan to make all of this right.


從一牆錯綜復雜的藍圖,到七零八散的剪報;從起初的細微積累,到後來的步步為營;從隊友的背景研究,到出逃的嚴謹布局;從Michael玄妙精巧的紋身,到所有的一切一切。。。yeah, there is a plato make all of this right.


No. 13

All: Utah~~




Ⅸ 我要找些《越獄》的經典台詞

You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here and I'm never going to see it again.別告訴我一就這樣走出去而我卻再也看不到它了。(紋身店的老闆對Michael的紋身贊不絕口)
There's good chance of that ,yes極有可能,沒錯。
Sir, you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag.Don't you think it would be better...?先生,你的包里已經有50萬刀了,你不覺得...(趕緊閃)比較好么?(比較搞笑,連銀行職員都開始幫壞人出主意了)
This is the police ,you are completely surrounded。put down your weapon,put down your weapon now!我們是警察,你已經被完全包圍了。馬上放下武器(個人覺得ms在這里把槍往地上一丟的那個動作很帥。。。)
Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest我們很少見到在持槍搶劫案中主動要求不用辯護的。
Perhaps you should heed your representation's advice. take some additional time to consider your response.也許你應該聽你代理人的意見,再花店時間考慮一下你的答復。
We've been over this 我們不會再談論這個了
I've known you my entire life我認識你這么多年you don't have a violent bone in your body你的骨子裡根本就沒有暴力。
I would ask counsel to refrain from interrupting me 請辯護律師不要打斷我。
Sentence to be carried out immediately.判決立即執行。(ms「順利入獄」)
All wings,guard coming out. 警衛各就各位。
I'm telling you ,the guard are the dirtiest thing in the whole place.The only difference between us and them is the badge.告訴你吧,警衛是這里最骯臟的團伙,我們跟他們的唯一區別就是有沒有徽章。(裡面有些警衛的確不是甚麼好鳥)
I'm looking for someone,guy named Lincon Burrows.我在找一個叫Lincon Burrows 的人。
Why you wanna see Burrows so bad anyhow?為什麼你這么想見這個叫Burrows的人?
Because he's my brother.因為他是我哥哥。
But how did they get it wrong then?The courts, the appeals...但是他們怎麼會弄錯呢?法院,還有上訴...(Lincoln對Michael發誓說沒有殺人,Michael含淚問他哥哥。誰知道這後面有多大的一個陰謀)
Don't know. All I keep thinking, looking back on it ,uh...I was set up.不知道,每當我回想事情的經過,嗯...我是被陷害的
I'm proposing to my girl, if you gotta know.告訴你我在向我女朋友求婚,如果你想知道的話
In a letter? 用信?
You got a better way?你還有更好的方法么?
Face-to-face works pretty good.面對面的話成功率很高哦。(Scure絕對是個痴情男)
Abruzzi,I need you to hire me a PI. 阿布,我要你僱用我進PI。
Beat it(?不清楚具體是什麼意思,望高手指點。汗,這是老大出場的第一句台詞)
You got nothing I need.你那沒我想要的東西。
Wouldn't be too sure of that.別太肯定了。(這時候MS拿出一個紙鶴給阿布)
My mistake. Just what I need ... A ck? 我的錯,我要的是……一隻鴨子?
Tattoo looks fresh. 紋身剛紋了沒多久吧。(美女醫生出場,ps:原來fresh還可以這么用)
M:What? Dr: Nothing.That was just my senior quote. M:That was you?This whole time ,I was thinking it was Gandhi. (Michael
"Trust me" means absolutely zero inside these walls.在這圍牆里 相信我 這三個字完全等於零
He's got a lot of influence with the governor.他跟地方官的關系很鐵。
Michael. Why?
I'm getting you out of here。(兄弟倆在獄中相見)
Top of your class at Loyola,Magna cum laude,in fact.I can't help wondering what someone with your credentials is doing in a place like this. Loyola 大學的優等生,以優異成績畢業。我實在搞不懂想你這樣的人怎麼會到這里來。
Son, it's better for me to owe you one in here than you to owe me one. I can promise you that.孩子,我保證在這里我欠你一個人情比你欠我一個人情要好很多。(Scofield拒絕了監獄長要他幫忙做泰姬陵模型的請求,監獄長很不高興)
It's pretty obvious to me you need some guidance.很明顯你需要有人管教了。(Lincon的兒子LJ居然去販賣毒品)
You have got too much potential to be screwing up your life like this.你會有太多的方法(潛力)來毀掉你的生活。
It's not luck of the draw that you're in here with Lincoln.
The evidence was cooked.那些證據都是假的。(cook?)
What is it about the Burrows situation that I can help you with?關於burrows的案件我可以幫你們什麼忙?
You have a habit of answering a question with a question.你習慣用問題來回答問題And you have a way of asking questions that beg more questions.你習慣用問題來問出更多問題。(特工為了盡早害死burrows,去找主教,主教與其針鋒相對)
I heard you are D.B. cooper.我聽說你就是DBcooper。
Every new fish comes in here,first thing they hear is that Charles Westmoreland is DBcooper.每個新來的菜鳥進來聽到的第一件事就是Charles Westmoreland是DBcooper
Behavior like that will not be tolerated in my prison我的監獄可不能容忍這種行為。(Michael為了進pi跟阿布老大沖突,引起了一場騷亂,獄長如是說 )
It'd be a shame if the eighth wonder of the modern world collapsed because the stress is improperly propagated.如果世界八大奇跡之一的泰姬陵因為壓力傳播不當而倒塌,那可真是太遺憾了。(Michael開始調監獄長的胃口了)
They're putting me to death, LJ.In a month's time ,I'll be dead.You get that?
You are already dead to me .(burrows當時聽到兒子說這樣的話 肯定很傷心吧)
Your body's reacting to the insulin like you're not a diabetic.你的身體對胰島素有抵抗,似乎你不是個糖尿病患者(裝糖尿病患者,虧他想得出來啊)
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.跟朋友保持親密,跟敵人更親密。
You've seen the blueprints.你看過設計圖紙了? Better than that,I've got them on me .不止是看過,我把圖紋在身上了。Are you kidding me? Am I supposed to be seeing something here?你在開玩笑吧,我應該看出點什麼來么? Look closer.再仔細看

Ⅹ 求越獄及騎士傳奇中經典的台詞

No. 1
Michael: You and me…It's real…

No. 2
Michael/Lincoln: Just have a little faith.

No. 3
Abruzzi: I kneel only to God. Don't see him here.

No. 4
Veronica: Michael, you are where you are because of your brother.
Michael: You are telling me he's where he is because of me.
-Michael, 你能有今天都是因為你哥哥。

No. 5
Sucre: Why do you want to see him so hard anyway?
Michael: Because he's my brother.
(總覺得He's my brother更像是一種宣誓,一種對責任的聲明與承受,一種對生命的分擔,背負與戰斗。所以他們的戰斗就此打響。)

No. 6
T-bag: How about getting us to somewhere cooler, say, Africa?
Hey, this man was still white this morning!

No. 7
Sara: I believe in being part of the solution, not the problem.

No. 8

Ever hear of tensile strength? Hooke's Law of Elasticity?
What do you think?
If we drill holes in strategic locations, we compromise the load-carrying capacity of the wall.
How about speaking English?

聽說過延展強度嗎?胡克定律? 你說呢?

William: It is strange to think, I haven't seen you since a month. I have seen the new moon, but not you. I have seen sunsets and sunrises, but nothing of your beautiful face. The pieces of my broken heart are so small that they could be passed through the eye of a needle. I miss you like the sun misses the flower; like the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter. Instead of beauty to direct its light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world your absence has banished me to. I next compete in the city of Paris, I will find it empty and in the winter if you are not there. Hope guides me, that is what gets me through the day and the night. The hope that after you're gone from my sight, it will not be the last time that I look upon you.

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