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發布時間: 2020-12-18 12:06:27

『壹』 誰知道 狐假虎威英語話劇的背景音樂

荊宣王問群臣說:「我聽說中原地區的諸侯都懼怕楚國的昭奚恤,果真是這樣嗎?」群臣沒有能回答上來的。 江一回答說:「老虎尋找各種野獸來吃。捉到一隻狐狸,狐狸對老虎說:『你是不敢吃我的。上天派我做百獸之王,如果你吃掉我,就違背了上天的命令。你如果不相信我說的話,我在前面走,你跟在我的後面,看看群獸見了我,哪一個敢不逃跑?』老虎信以為真,於是就和狐狸同行,群獸見了老虎,果然都紛紛逃跑,老虎不知道群獸是害怕自己才逃跑的,卻以為是害怕狐狸。現在大王的國土方圓五千里,大軍百萬,卻由昭奚恤獨攬大權。所以,北方諸侯害怕昭奚恤,其實是害怕大王的軍隊,這就像群獸害怕老虎一樣啊。」
Once upon a time, there was a hungry tiger walking in the forest. He saw a fox and decided to catch him and eat him for lunch. He does that swiftly and without much difficulty.
"No no. Don't eat me please. I am sent by the god, and if you eat me, you are violating the authority of god." cried the fox, helpless and wigling in the tiger's mouth.
"I have doubts about that." replied the tiger.
"Here. I'll show you. Why don't we go for a stroll in the forest." exclaimed the fox, desperate now.
So the fox and the tiger went walking through the forest with the fox up front with his head held high and the tiger behind, with his attention focused on the fox so that at any sign of escape would be caught and prevented. As they were doing so, the animals in the forest fled away in all directions.
"See, I have great power and authority here." said the fox.
And so the tiger let him go, not knowing that he had been tricked by the fox.

『貳』 適合在「狐假虎威英文話劇」中的背景音樂


『叄』 英語晚會主持詞,有一個舞蹈no body 還有話劇狐假虎威 白雪公主 節目趣味英語要求寫英語串詞後主持詞

Good afternoon, ladis and gentleman, welcome to the English party. We would like to spend this wonderful time together. My name is ..., I am honored to the host of today』s English party.

now, welcome xxx and their wonderful dance Nobody.

then, let's enjoy an drama fox and tiger from xxxx

『肆』 請問狐假虎威話劇背景音樂弄什麼好


『伍』 英語話劇狐假虎威要有旁白的

你好!The fox borrows the tiger』 fierceness (by walking in the latter』s company)——bully people by flaunting one』s powerful connections.
One day, a fox ran into a tiger, which was hunting in the forest. Facing the tiger』s big hungry mouth, the fox pretended to be surprised, and said, 「How dare you eat me? I』m much fiercer than you though you have the name of 『King of the beasts』!」 「What are you talking about?」 said the tiger who couldn』t believe his ears. 「If you don』t believe me, let』s go and see other beasts』 reactions at the sight of us.」 Full of misgivings, the tiger decided to follow the fox and see what he was up to.
A strange sight was taken place in the forest: the fox was proudly marching in front and the ferocious tiger followed in a huff. Watching them, all the little beasts fled in a hurry. After a while, the fox stopped and asked the tiger, 「Now do you believe me?」 The tiger, who was fooled by this trick, believed that the little beasts feared the fox instead of himself, therefore he let him go.
The tiger lost a delicious meal, while the Chinese gained an interesting idiom.

『陸』 輕快一點的背景音樂要排一個英文小故事,大家有沒有適合英文童話劇《狐假虎威》的背景音樂啊


『柒』 關於童話劇狐假虎威的作文的開頭怎麼寫


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