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⑴ 求變形金剛3 最後擎天柱說的台詞. 英文加中文

In any war, there are calms between the storms. There will be days when we lose faith. Days when our allies turn against us… But the day will never come when we forsake this planet and it』s people.在任何世界裡,風暴中總會又平靜。可能會有一天我們會失去信念。有可能是當內同盟者容反對我們的時候。但是只要我們在這個星球上,那一天就不會到來。

⑵ 變形金剛3sam面試時台詞

話說{\r}\Just saying.
聘用一個獲得勛章的人 也是一件好事吧{\r}\It's always good to have a medal guy in the office, with a medal.
奧巴馬頒發的? - 是啊{\r}\- From Obama? - Yeah.
可公司里大部分人都是共和黨員{\r}\In this office, we're mostly Republicans.
我不太舒服 - 是嗎{\r}\- I'm not feeling to good. - o.
是 - 去找個狗食盆唄?{\r}\- o. - Why don't you get a little dipping tray.
弄點健胃消食片 總會好的{\r}\And dip the dog in the pepto, that's the solution.
糟糕 還有一場 得走了 快{\r}\Pow, I got another one, we gotta go, come on.
祝你應聘成功{\r}\Got a nice sell from this.
薩姆·威特維奇 剛畢業{\r}\Sam Witwicky, recent college graate.
工作經驗基本全無{\r}\Previous experience next to zero.
然而 卻有一封董事會給的推薦信{\r}\Yet, he has a recommend letter from our board.
還真是狗屎運啊{\r}\W.T.F. to that.
你們董事會里有我認識的人?{\r}\Do I know somebody on your board?
聽著 我們無需多介紹了{\r}\Here's the deal, we know who we are.
艾奇利塔集團是航天和電信業的領頭羊{\r}\Accuretta systems is called the leader in telecom, aerospace.
每年盈利十七億{\r}\17 billion on profit last year.
合作對象有國防部 國家航空航天局{\r}\We contract for DOP, ASA,
噴氣推進實驗室等等{\r}\JPL you name it.
在這兒可有大把的機遇{\r}\You can find here doors open for you.
總之孩子 畢業後的第一份工作十分重要{\r}\And what, first job out of college is critical, kid.
要不就是平步青雲的第一步{\r}\You either take a step down the correct career path.
要不就是一輩子的噩夢深淵{\r}\Or you fall into a life sucking abyss.
命運如何 就要取決於你如何回應我接下來的這句話{\r}\So it all depends on how you respond to my next two words.
打動我{\r}\Impress me.
打動我{\r}\Impress me.
我都沒准備...{\r}\You catch me off guard, I...
打動我{\r}\Impress me.
我沒什麼好遮掩的 您隨便問{\r}\I'm an open book, ask me any question you like.
你是個有野心 很強勢的人 - 是的{\r}\- So you're a go get a ramrod. - Yes sir.
控制欲很強{\r}\Take charge kind of guy.
我像殺手一般冷血無情{\r}\I'm a killer, a stone cold killer.
D喔 控制狂{\r}\So, take charge guy.如同海盜 野蠻人一般強勢{\r}\Take charge, Viking, barbarian.
我就是這樣的{\r}\Of course, it's me.
我行! 故我在{\r}\Pow! I'm here.
我們不需要這種人{\r}\We are 別奉承 別拍馬屁{\r}\o brown nosing, no suck up.
別像個僕人...{\r}\o toolery, I...
布拉索斯先生你好{\r}\Yes, Mr. Brazos.
為什麼香岱兒用的是 本該在紅色樓層{\r}\Um, why is Chantal using what appears to be,
才能用的紅杯子呢?{\r}\a red cup from the red floor?
我們這層是黃色主題 - 立刻處理{\r}\- When we are on the yellow floor. - I'm on it.
這簡直是從視覺到身心的背叛{\r}\It is a visual and therefore a visceral betrayal.
辦了它{\r}\Stop it.
傻女人{\r}\Such a mb ass.
謝謝{\r}\Thank you.
簡直太混亂了{\r}\It's a total anarchy around here.
郵件說招的是行政助理{\r}\The uh, email I read said administrative aid.
不 是遞送員{\r}\ope, mail room.
那我走了{\r}\I'm going to go.
你知道有多少名校畢業的{\r}\Uh, do you have any idea how many Ivy league,
榮譽學生們求著來...{\r}\Phi Beta Kappa's would kill...
先生我救過兩次你的命{\r}\Mister I saved your life twice.
我確實不能告訴你時間 經過{\r}\Okay, I can't tell you how or when.
或原因 但我做過無比重要的事情{\r}\Or why, but I have done shit that matters.
我只是想再做點有意義的事情{\r}\And I'd just kinda like a job where I matter again.
謝謝 但我不感謝您{\r}\So thank you, but no thank you.
好嗎 - 知道我怎麼想的嗎?{\r}\- Okay. -You know what I think?
干大事前總有瑣事{\r}\You want the job after this job.
孩子啊 你得先干這份眼下唯一的差事{\r}\But son, this is the job that's standing in your way.
所以你得把它做好 做的非常非常好{\r}\And that's why you're going to be so very, very good at it.
我看著你的時候{\r}\'Cause when I look at you.
我彷彿看見年輕的自己{\r}\I see a younger me.

⑶ 變形金剛3經典台詞


Buzz Aldrin: You cannot believe what we're seeing...
Mission Control: We are not alone after all, are we?
Buzz Aldrin: No, Sir. We are not alone.
Sam Witwicky: [comforting Carly] You're gonna be fine, I promise...
Optimus Prime: From here on, the fight is yours...
Robert Epps: [to Sam] It's over. I'm sorry, but it's over.
Optimus Prime:You may lose your faith in us,but never in yourselves.

⑷ 變形金剛3結尾台詞

In any war,there're calms between storms.There will be days when we lose faith,days when our allies turn against us,but the day will never come that we forsake this planet,and its people.


⑸ 變形金剛3結尾擎天柱說的話,要中英

In any war
there are calms between storms.

There wll be days when we lose faith.

Days when our allies turn against us.

But the day will never come that we forsake this planet and its people.


⑹ 變形金剛3擎天柱台詞「你可能對我們失去信心,但永遠不要對你自己失去信心。」怎麼下

在任何戰爭中,有平靜的暴風雨。將有天當我們失去信心。當我們的盟友反對我們……但這一天永遠不會來,我們這個星球和它的人民。我是擎天柱,我把這個信息到宇宙:我們在這里。我們的家。 buzz aldrin: you cannot believe what we're seeing... 奧爾德林:「你絕對不會相信我們眼前發生的這一切……」 mission control: we are not alone after all, are we? buzz aldrin: no, sir. we are not alone. 控制台:「我們終究並不孤單,對吧?」 奧爾德林:「是的,長官……我們並不孤單。」 sam witwicky: [comforting carly] you're gonna be fine, i promise... 山姆:「(安慰凱莉)我們不會有事的,我保證……」 optimus prime: from here on, the fight is yours... 擎天柱:「現在,你們開始獨自戰斗……」 robert epps: [to sam] it's over. i'm sorry, but it's over. 羅伯特·伊普斯:「(對山姆說)。一切都結束了。我很抱歉,但一切真的都已經結束了。」 optimus prime:you may lose your faith in us,but never in yourselves. 擎天柱:你可能對我們失去信心,但永遠不對你自己失去信心。

⑺ 求變形金剛3的英文台詞,全部!

第三部 開頭
Between the autobots who fought for freedom,
and the decepticons who dreamt of tyranny.
Over matched, and out numbered. Our defeat was all but certain.
But in the wars final days. One autobot ship escaped the battle.
It was carrying a secret cargo. Which would have changed our planets
A desperate mission. Our final hope.
A hope, that vanished.
We were once a peaceful raceof intelligent mechanical beings.
But then came the war. 我們是一群曾經熱愛和平的超機械生命體

⑻ 變形金剛1~3擎天柱所有台詞

Optimus Prime: At the end of the day, one shall stand, one shall fall!


Optimus Prime: A necessary sacrifice to bring peace to this planet. We cannot let the humans pay for our mistakes. It's been an honor serving with you all. Autobots, ROLL OUT!


Optimus Prime: They deserve to choose for themselves!


⑼ 變形金剛3最後1句經典台詞

I know one thing. Whatever it may hold, it is a future we』ll meet together. Our Planets, our races, united by a history long forgotten, yet to be discovered

⑽ 求變形金剛三經典台詞【中英對照】

Buzz Aldrin: You cannot believe what we're seeing...
Mission Control: We are not alone after all, are we?
Buzz Aldrin: No, Sir. We are not alone.
Sam Witwicky: [comforting Carly] You're gonna be fine, I promise...
Optimus Prime: From here on, the fight is yours...
Robert Epps: [to Sam] It's over. I'm sorry, but it's over.
Optimus Prime:You may lose your faith in us,but never in yourselves.

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