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發布時間: 2020-12-23 13:32:24

① 經典台詞英文翻譯(猩球崛起2)



② 猩球崛起題目的英文翻譯


③ 猩球崛起2的台詞至少三十句。英文加中文




④ 猩球崛起 英文簡介

The chimps ball rise "is the decisive battle simply ball" prequel. The story happened in the modern San Francisco, Caroline zoologist (fu budding of pinto act the role ofing) met gene scientists will virtuous man (James franco act the role ofing) and fell in love, will raise a clever orangutans Caesar, Caroline appears as it has been out of. Caroline learned that will to the treatment of father by accident of alzheimer's disease, drug development, and has been living in the apes Caesar gene experiment and research. The invention of the new drug will increase the orangutan Caesar's wisdom, it can understand complex human instructions also began to have his ideas. In a friendly fire humans after, Caesar was forced to separate and will be sent into the orangutan care. There he was cruel to treat, and then began to human hostility. Has a highly intelligent Caesar not only smooth away from the care, and also rescued the same imprisoned other chimps. A have to and human opposing war is about to begin, the havoc in the last game, will decide the future of the world live...

⑤ 親們幫我翻譯一段關於《猩球崛起》的話嘛。

the movie is about the civilization we have is hanging on a line .through kaser's eyes the whole story begins:he is an inteligent young chimpanzee,watching many briliant things human are capable of ,like art and ration,then he notices the darkness of humanbeing ,the impression ,and he began to rejiect what he don't understand.Another theme of this movie is about humanbeing's arrogance.差點你自己翻翻得了,我睡內覺去了哈容

⑥ 《猩球崛起2黎明之戰》紀典台詞英文




⑦ 誰能給我猩球崛起的英文台詞,有中文翻譯的更好,謝謝。

就幾句,有些事是改變不了的 Some things aren't meant be changed.

要學會接受現實You need to accept that.

2. 這都是生命啊 There are lives at stake here.

3.它還小,可能九號進來回時已經懷孕了答 所以她… 她並非突然狂躁,而是在保護孩子

It's very small. She must have been pregnant when we brought her in. So that's why ... She wasn't being aggressive. She was just being protective.

⑧ 猩球崛起1猿說的一句話

凱撒一共說了兩句,第一句是在猿類收容所中吶喊出的「No(不!)」,第二句是在主人威爾耳邊輕輕說出的「Caesar is at home(凱撒到家了)「

⑨ 猩球崛起2台詞5句英文版

Females and young stay in the woods...
We go to the city!
We Will Avenge Your Father's Death.
Humans Escaping! Capture them!
Followed the Humans here! They are escaping everywhere
We must catch them all!

⑩ 猩球崛起的英語影評

Among the trillions of binary digits skittering across screens this summer, a vibrant minority have been gathered into a shrewd, coherent, and fully felt movie. I』m speaking of the expertly crafted 「Rise of the Planet of the Apes,」 by far the best spectacle movie of the season, and one of the few films to use digital technology for nuanced dramatic effect.
「Planet,」 of course, draws on the old species-reversal conceit worked out by Pierre Boulle in his 1963 novel, 「La Planète des Singes,」a book that launched a cluster of movies and television shows, most notably Franklin J. Schaffner』s 「Planet of the Apes」 (1968). In that mock epic, the manacled, nearly naked Charlton Heston is rated an interesting specimen by a variety of simian overlords.
如你所想,「星球」一詞是援引於Pierre Boulle 在1963年寫的小說《人猿星球》,它講述了由於人類自負導致物種的逆向進化。這本小說被改編成一系列的電影和電視節目,其中最著名 的是Franklin J. Schaffner於1968年執導的《人猿星球》。電影中,Charlton Heston 被種類繁多、濟濟為患的猿猴們俘虜,他戴著腳鐐,近乎赤裸,並被看作是一個有趣的外物種標本。
The new movie draws not only on Boulle』s outrageous idea but on some of the most enringly suggestive fables we know. It begins as a benevolent version of the Frankenstein story. Will (James Franco, trying harder than usual), a young genetic engineer working for a San Francisco biotech company, creates a serum that reverses brain damage. (He wants to treat his father, Charles—played movingly by John Lithgow—who has Alzheimer』s。) The company tests the serum on apes, one of which goes mad and has to be destroyed. But Will takes home the ape』s baby, Caesar, who has inherited his mom』s supercharged gray matter, and he and Charles raise him as a pet.
而今年的新作不僅傳承了Boulle 奇異駭人的思路,也融入了我們熟悉的,最久為流傳、引人聯想的傳奇故事。電影以一個和諧的弗蘭肯斯坦式的場景開始。Will (James Franco飾演,這次他表演得更賣力),是一位年輕的基因工程師,在舊金山的一家生物科技公司工作。他發明了一種可以逆轉人腦損傷的血清。(他的父親Chales,由John Lithgow 精彩飾演,患有阿爾茨海默氏病,Will想治癒父親的病)。公司用這種血清在猿猴身上做實驗,而其中的一隻瘋掉了,必須處死。好心的Will 將它的孩子Caesar帶回了家,和父親Chales一起把他當成寵物養了起來。
Caesar swings through the house, leaping up and down stairs and throwing himself in and out of the attic, but he sits quietly at the dinner table, too. He listens, he grunts, he eats, he makes signs. He』s a darling little ape.But there』s a joke buried in our wonderment: we all anthropomorphize our pets, finding spirit, even conscience, in beautiful collies, in cool, blue-eyed Siamese cats, in potbellied pigs. Out of affection, we see what we want to see of ourselves.But Caesar really is like us, in many ways.
Caesar繼承了他母親的強健的運動體質,活動能力很強。他在屋裡亂竄,在樓梯上跳上跳下,在閣樓里蹦進蹦出,但在餐桌邊還是會安靜的坐著。他聽人講話,發出叫聲,吃喝東西,還會做肢體語言,是一隻可愛的小猿猴。在我們驚嘆於它的靈活的背後卻有些諷刺:我們都將寵物擬人化——我們在漂亮的牧羊犬,藍眼睛的暹羅貓,胖肚皮的小豬身上尋找某種精神,甚至是良心,而不是在人群中感受到這些。出於喜愛,我們從他們身上看到了一些在人類社會中想看到的東西。但是,Caesar 確實在很多方面與我們很像。
He plays and chatters like a chimp, but, like a child, he needs protection and reassurance, and then—a fellow-primate to the rescue—he rushes to the defense of Charles, his ailing 「grandfather,」 when he』s attacked by a neighbor. An empathic ape! The screenwriters, Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, and the director, Rupert Wyatt, create many small gestures, glances, and pauses that anchor the improbable turns of the story.At one point, Charles, confused, holds a fork by the wrong end, and Caesar slowly, gently takes it out of his hand and turns it around. The scene is ineffably, absurdly touching, the sweetest expression of family love seen in recent films.Pierre Boulle』s novel was sardonic, even maliciously satirical—science fiction with a tickle. But 「Rise of the Planet of the Apes」 discovers a new emotion: what you』d have to call interspecies pathos.
他像黑猩猩一樣地玩耍、喃喃自語,又像小孩子一樣需要保護和安慰,他還是一個能提供援助的靈長類同胞——在他生病的「祖父」Chales受到鄰居攻擊的時候,他迅速沖出來保護Chales。真是一隻富有感情的猿猴!電影編劇Rick Jaffa 和Amanda Silver,以及導演Rupert Wyatt為人物設計了許多細微的言行、眼神以及停頓來鎖定故事的進展(雖在真實生活中不太可能發生)。一天,Chales犯病了,他拿起叉子吃飯卻將叉尖朝著自己。這時Caesar 慢慢地輕輕地地將叉子從他手裡拿過來,反過頭去,再放回他手心。這個場景是無法言喻的感人至深,它對家庭之愛的表達是最近所有電影中最貼心的。Pierre Boulle 的原著有些嘲諷,甚至是惡意的諷刺,有一點科幻小說的味道。而《人猿星球的興起》則揭示了一種新的感情:物種間的同情愛憐。
Andy Serkis, who was the emaciated, depraved, ground-hugging Gollum in the 「Lord of the Rings」 trilogy, plays Caesar—that is, he lends his body and face, covered with reflective markers, to image-makers who then, employing the techniques of motion capture, create a digitized simulacrum of an ape, but an ape that has unrivalled flexibility and expressiveness. The filmmakers have pulled off a stunning paradox: Caesar is much more human than an entirely digitized creation, and much more apish than an actual ape—faster, stronger, more exuberant in his knuckle-dragging, chin-thrusting, lunging glory. Caesar becomes an adolescent; hormones kick in, and he turns violent, doing bongo numbers on his enemies with his fists. At last, digital fantasy means something: we are not watching a ll-brained superhero banging off walls like a fly in a bottle; we are watching an animal with suddenly enhanced powers who still behaves recognizably like an animal. But a juiced-up ape can become something more than fun for us—he can shock us with his power, even inspire terror.There』s a premonition early in the film: when a leashed German shepherd barks at Caesar, he roars back at the dog, and then, climbing into Will』s car, surly and sad, he signs with his hands that he feels like a pet—it』s a complaint, a question, and a challenge.
Andy Serkis,就是《指環王》三部曲中那個消瘦憔悴、腐化墮落、生活在社會底層的Gollum,在本劇中扮演Caesar。形象設計師用具有猿猴特徵的行頭從頭到腳裝扮Andy,然後採用動作捕捉技術製作出一電子模擬猿猴,這只猿猴行動非常靈活,亦善於表達。電影製作人成功設計出了Caeser這個引人入勝的矛盾形象:與純粹的電子製作物相比,他更富人性;而與真實的猿猴相比,他更富物種特性——指關節拖動力與咀嚼能力更強大,而且精力充沛,進攻性強。很快,Caesar 長成了青少年,由於體內激素的作用,他變得暴力起來,拳頭像敲小鼓似的打在敵人身上。這些奇妙的數字化影像最終是想揭示一些道理:我們不是在觀看一個木腦袋的超級英雄像沒頭蒼蠅一樣在瓶子里亂撞,而是一隻忽然獲得巨大力量的猿猴,卻仍表現的像個動物。一隻給電影倍添精彩的猿猴可不僅僅是個笑料,想想看:他力大無比,足以震懾我們,甚至能夠挑起暴動。其實,在電影開頭就由一個不太好的預兆:當一支被拴著的德國牧羊犬朝Caesar狂吠的時候,Caesar反咬回去,然後上了Will的車。他粗魯打著手勢,對自己是寵物的身份很不滿意——這是抱怨,是疑惑,也是挑戰。
A second fable moves into place. The violent Caesar gets sent to an ape compound, where he』s forced through steel mazes, prodded, and stun-gunned. The imprisonment is unbearable: he experiences the humiliation that a mere mb animal would never feel.Gorillas, orangutans, and other chimps live with him in the compound, and Caesar quickly becomes a leader of apes. For a while, the movie turns into the latest version of 「Escape from Alcatraz,」 reaching its climax in a single syllable, a roaring 「No!」—Caesar』s first word, a refusal that caused the audience when I saw the movie to go ape.

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