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發布時間: 2021-03-13 17:11:29

① 求一個健身勵志片的背景音樂。

② 16歲健身勵志背景音樂

下動享國 健身軟體吧 裡面有動感音樂
---1. I need a doctor http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQ2Mzc4MzA0.html
這首歌是EMINEM與他的恩師Dr. Dre 的合唱,是EMINEM寫給經歷了喪子之痛的DR.DRE,讓他能夠重新振作起來的一首歌,視屏最後有一段DR.DRE的健身,非常好聽以及好看。

2. Cleaning Out My Closet http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQwOTY0MDg0.html

3. When I'm Gone http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcwMDQyMTA4.html

4. Lose yourself http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjA4NjA3MTMy.html
EMINEM的成名曲,來此他的奧斯卡獲獎電影<8 MILE> 全美12周冠軍歌曲,格萊美04年最佳年度歌曲等等獎項,我每次聽到這首歌都會充滿激情,常常用來跑步的時候聽。

5. Love the way you lie http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTk3Mjc1Nzcy.html


③ 英文勵志短語紋身

  1. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ".凡是決心取得勝利的人是從來不說「不可能的」。

  2. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the things you did.今後二十年你會因為沒做某事,而不是做了某事而失望。

  3. The road of life is like a large river,because of the power of the currents,river courses appear unexpectedly where there is no flowing water.人生的道路就像一條大河,由於急流本身的沖擊力,在從前沒有水流的地方,沖刷出嶄新的意料不到的河道。

  4. xcellerate your efforts.加倍努力!

  5. take control of your own desting.命運掌握在自己手上。

  6. There is no elevator to success—only stairs.成功沒有電梯,只有一步一個腳印的樓梯。

  7. The secret of success is constancy to purpose.成功的秘密在於始終如一地忠於目標。

  8. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.到任何值得去的地方都沒有捷徑。

  9. You can』t have a better tomorrow if you don』t stop thinking about yesterday.如果你無法忘掉昨天,就不會有一個更好的明天。

  10. Youth means limitless possilities.年輕就有無限的可能。

④ 健身勵志男生版的背景音樂

歌名【counting stars】

⑤ NBA勵志公益廣告《夢想造就一切》的廣告詞誰有,求告訴一下,謝謝

basketball,it』s just a game 籃球,它僅僅是一場游戲
it』s simple,right?它很簡單,對嗎?
it』s just a game.它只是一場游戲
but sometimes it』s more than that. 但有時候它不僅僅是一場游戲
much more.它包含得更多,更多
playing basketball makes me feel strong.打籃球讓我覺得自己很堅強
it gives me more confidence on myself.它給了我更多的自信
it makes me wanner be something in my life.
basketball makes me feel healthy. 籃球讓我感受到健康
when I play basketball,it helps me make new friends. 當我打籃球的時候,它幫我交到新朋友
and I love being part of the team.我很喜歡作球隊中的一員
basketball brings us together.籃球將我們聯繫到了一起
we dream bigger.我們夢想更強大
we dream higher.我們夢想飛得更高
sometimes we win 有時候我們贏了
sometimes we don』t有時候我們輸了
but no matter what 但是不管怎麼樣
you always have to ….你總是需要…
basketball teaches籃球教導我們
it teaches us that even when there』s no chance to win 它教導我們即使沒有一點機會贏得比賽
there』s still an opportunity to be a hero. 我們仍然有機會成為英雄

you have to practice.你必須不斷地練習
practice reall hard. 努力地練習
you have to practice delication
teamwork 團隊精神
patience 耐性
unite 團結
and love 還有愛
and we can practice all those things to make our game better 我們可以通過這些讓我們的游戲更有意義
can we practice those things to make our word better 我們可以通過這些讓世界更美好么?
basketball,it』s just a game.籃球,它僅僅是一場游戲
but sometimes it』s more than that 但有時候,它不僅僅是一場游戲
much more 它包含得更多,更多

⑥ 關於a勵志的句子































⑦ Nike最新運動廣告 勵志努力篇下載


⑧ 【牛男健身】各種肌肉猛男健身勵志大片背景音樂是什麼

Rob ley-Beast 知音·我以前花了好長時間才找到這個歌

⑨ 健身專家greg plitt勵志演講的台詞

You don』t burn out mentally, because you』ll always burn out physically. The differential somebody winning and losing has nothing to do with the genetics, has nothing to do with the potential. You are gonna fell the sourness you never felt before. it suppose to be that way, It means you are using muscle you haven』t used before, your body is waking up. Sharpen your arsenal for perfection in what you can be. But if you didn』t know that, mentally you didn』t prepare for that. You think something is wrong, maybe it is time to stop, those are the times you need to move free and further. And even though you go to the gym and put your time in there. You check your Gym box. 『, I went to the gym man, all good.』 You come back around you go to the mirror now. I am not seeing anything, I am not seeing anything, I am not seeing anything changes at all. No! Well you haven』t push yourself for your body have a reason to change. If I give a valiant effort to something, day in and day out, I saw no change, I quite quit too.
When you embark this journey, you must know: That it is gonna go down before it comes up, and when it comes up, it is gonna go so much higher than you have ever been.
Sacrificing today for tomorrow. I couldn』t hold myself up. Hitting the pavement. I am OK with that cause tomorrow I will get back up , and do it again. I am gonna tried to beat my last performance. In life, It』s not the genetic guy who wins or the guy who has the most potential to win, is the person with great perseverance. Always wants to get up and go at it again! Go at it again! That』s the guy who has his hands raised later in life. That』s the guy you guy need to be.
Record everything. What you eat, your training habits, how you feel. You take a picture of yourself on day one and put it on the mirror. That』s who I will never be again. That』s day one. Say good bey him. Behind back the picture you write down your weight, your height, all your information, your body fat, tape tape around your arms, your waist, your thigh. Record where you have been. When the struggle gets hard, you felt that you are not going anywhere. Go back to the day one and remeasure it FXX, you will find your effort is paid off.
It』s not an easy path.
Ninety days out man I gotta run a marathon. Ninety days out I am gonna enter bodybuilding contest. Ninety days out I gotta family reunion, high school reunion. I want to look my best. Ninety days to become that person I wanna be. To turn the dream to the reality I got ninety days. Today is one ninetieth of that opportunity. You guys gonna find fear, that fear will either create you or destroy you. I love fear. Reason why? Behind every fear is the person you want to be. Fear is self-impose. Meaning it doesn』t exist. You created it you can destroy it too, It』s intangible. And you face your fears guys, you will realize is not that big. And Once you face it, you are gonna 『oh my god』 man, all this time I have been running from. You know it is so small. When If I just stay still 『oh my god』, not only did I face it and I beat it back. Energy never lost transferred. That negative energy, That fear, is destroyed and comes back with confidence. What else am I, what else an I capable of? What else holding my back from? That I am capable of more. What am I running from that I don』t need to? What else can I overcome? You go after and you give it all you have. If you lost it, at least you tried, man. I failed is ten times more a man than someone who said what if. Cause what if never run to the arena.


⑩ 百度雲盤資源多的親,快來資源共享吧,本人喜歡收集資源,保健類勵志類健身類等等正能量的東西!讓生活更


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