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發布時間: 2020-12-19 04:55:59

A. 請問小說懸疑恐怖小說天眼的寫完了嗎大結局是什麼講的是一個關於皇太極有三隻眼的故事,請各位幫幫忙!!


B. 一隻眼兩隻眼三隻眼的故事說明了什麼


C. 神話故事中的楊戩、馬王爺、聞仲都有三隻眼,三人中誰最厲害



D. 神話故事中,為什麼馬王爺、聞仲、楊戩都有三隻眼睛






E. 一隻眼兩隻眼三隻眼 英語故事版

In the past there is a woman, her three daughters. Daughter called an eye because she is only a one-eyed, long in the central forehead; second daughter, called Liang Zhiyan, because she, like ordinary people and only two eyes; youngest daughter called three eyes, because she has three eyes , In addition to ordinary people and the same two eyes, that third eye is also long in the central forehead. However, precisely because of Liang Yan and look no different from ordinary people, her mother and sisters are all hate her. They told her: "Do you long

With two eyes, than those where less than a good man, you is not our home! "In this way, they call her Laihuan to just throw some old clothes to wear to her, let her eat them the rest of the disabled Leftovers, and to find ways to torture her.

One day, Liang Zhiyan sisters only eat a few little things, she called an empty stomach to outdoor sheep. As a result, she sat on the ridge and sad tears, crying tears as two straight stream like to continue to flow from the eyes down. When she is sad to hold his head, was found standing next to a woman, she is a witch. Just listen to that woman said to her: "Liang Zhiyan, why do you cry?"

Liang Yan replied: "How can I tell them cry? On ordinary people and because I have the same eyes, my mother and sisters do not like me. They put me in a corner to the other corner, Just throw some old clothes to wear, I just let me eat them the rest of the leftovers. Today, they only give me a little something to eat, I was very hungry. "

At this time, the Witch and said: "Liang Zhiyan lovely, dry your tears, let me teach you one way, you will not starve after the. As long as you have on your Yanger said:

"Yanger, called Mie Mie, called Mie Mie,

Small table, I would like to lunch. "

So you will appear before a table covered with a clean table cloth, filled with delicious food above, you can enjoy eating Gebao. After eating, you no longer need a table, said only:

'Dear small Yanger, called Mie Mie,

Small table, you disappeared. '

In this way, it will disappear in front of you. "Finished, the Witch left.

Liang Zhiyan thought: "I have to immediately try to see if she is not really, not to mention I am too hungry." As a result, she said:

'Small Yanger, called Mie Mie, called Mie Mie,

Small table, I would like to lunch. '

If just one export, covered with a white table cloth, there is a small table in front of her. Them on the table a set of plates, knives and forks and silver spoons, Manzhuo the delicious taste is hot and their hot air, as if the kitchen is just out of the same side.

As a result, she Nianleyiju Liang Zhiyan know the simplest words of the prayer: "Lord, ah, I sincerely thank you, Amen!" And then began to eat up with relish. Full, in accordance with the witch, she taught her, said:

"Dear small Yanger, called Mie Mie,

Small table, you disappeared. "

The twinkling of an eye, small tables and above all things disappeared. "This life was the Tingmei ah!" Liang Yan Mei Zizi to think, feel very comfortable.

In the evening, she Yanger order to catch a small home, to see her sisters in the pottery bowl, leaving only a little food, they did not touch you touch. The next day, she went to the sheep, did not go out when she left to bring the crumbs. The beginning of several sisters did not care, but every time, so they started up the alert. They talk: "Liang Zhiyan some wrong, do not touch each of those touch food left. But she used to give her what she would eat it Jingguang months. She certainly has its

It's looking for ways to eat. "In order to understand how it is going on in the end, an eye she decided to go with her sheep to see if there is not anyone to send food to her.

When Liang Zhiyan out to be sheep, an eye on the past will be on the road, she said: "Today I want you to the field together, you can put sheep well, is not Yanger rushed to the place where the grass more . "

However, Liang Zhiyan suddenly seen through her mind, then rushed to the Yanger deep in the bushes, and then told her: ", an eye, let's sit down, and I would like to sing a song to you. "An eye sat down, she is very tired because she was not accustomed to the way step, and the sun and the sun much, along with Liang Yan Yi Gejin to sing again:

"One eye, do you awake?

An eye, you fell asleep? "

As a result, one eye will be graally closed her eyes only, and fell asleep. At this time, her sleep is Liang Yan Hong, never found any secret, then said:

"Yanger, called Mie Mie, called Mie Mie,

Small table, I would like to lunch. "

Then she would come to the table to suck up. To eat, she said:

"Dear small Yanger, called Mie Mie,

Small table, you disappeared. "

Between the twinkling of an eye, everything disappeared.

At this time, Liang Zhiyan ocular a wake-up: "an eye, you have to sheep, but fell asleep, then Yanger strange if it does not run everywhere!, Us in the home."

They returned home, Liang Zhiyan about those who do not have to touch food. However, one eye had no opportunity to explain to the mother why she did not eat for only defended himself by saying:

"I fell asleep in the outdoors, nothing was found."

The next day, the mother of three eyes, said: "This time you have to go with her to see a Liang Yan did not eat outside, is not what people gave her food, you know, she must secretly eat , To drink enough. "

As a result, 3 eyes will be on the road for the past Liang Yan said: "I would also like sheep to you, you can put well, is not Yanger rushed to the place where the grass more."

However, Liang Zhiyan also seen through her mind, then the sheep arrived in the deep grass, and then she said: "We sit here like it, three eyes, I would like for you to sing only the song." As a result three Just sat down, so take the long way, the sun and drying so that she is simply tired. Liang Zhiyan also sang the last song of the same:

"Three eyes, are you awake?"

But then the sings her this:

"Three eyes, are you asleep?"

Due to carelessness, as she sang:

"Liang Yan, you have fallen asleep?"

She repeatedly kept singing:

"Three eyes, you are awake it?

Liang Zhiyan, you fell asleep right "

Singing, singing, the three eyes of two eyes closed fell asleep. But that song did not eye Chang third did not fall asleep. Despite that third eye really close, but in the cunningly Zhuangshui, Mi Zhaoyan In fact, it is necessary to see everything so clearly. At this time, Liang Zhiyan ocular 3 that had been asleep, they read:

"Yanger, called Mie Mie, called Mie Mie,

Small table, I would like to lunch. "

Then she would enjoy eating together. She also called the withdrawal of a small table:

"Dear small Yanger, called Mie Mie,

Small table, you disappeared. "

Unexpectedly, all three of these eyes to see clearly.

At that time, Chao Liang Zhiyan ocular went 3, wake up, she said: "Hey, three eyes, you fell asleep? Sheep you can put a really good!, We go home now."

They returned home, and Liang Zhiyan nothing to eat. As a result, three eyes, told his mother: "I now know why the guy is not arrogant to eat, she said Yanger outdoors at:

'Small Yanger, called Mie Mie, called Mie Mie,

Small table, I would like to lunch. '

"So she appeared before a delicacy filled with small tables, those who eat food than we still miles better! To feed her, said:

'Dear small Yanger, called Mie Mie,

Small table, you disappeared. '

"So these things disappear again. I can see everything clearly. Spell urge to sleep, she read my eyes, I could be on his forehead thanks to the Third Eye has been awake."

After listening to his mother, jealousy and roared loudly: "How dare you eat well than we do? My name is no longer wishful after you!" Said she would come to a butcher's knife, knife in the heart of the sheep only Chuojin , Yanger saw it on the floor dead.

Xianci circumstances, Liang Zhiyan very sad to go out and sit on the ridge up the cry.

Suddenly, the Witch appeared before her, asked: "Liang Zhiyan lovely, why do you cry?"

"I can not cry right?" She replied: "That every time I Love You taught me the spell would be for me to get a good table before a small goat so that my mother to cut the death. Now, I will be thirsty, hungry but also of. "

Witch said to her: "Liang Zhiyan, I would like to teach you a good idea - you go for your sisters, it is necessary only to their sheep offal to you, then you put them in front of your house buried in the underground. In this way, it will bring you the best of luck. "

Finished, the Witch will be gone. Liang Zhiyan then returned home, her sisters said: "The good sister, a good sister, I invited you to give me a little sheep, and I do not want good things, as long as sheep offal on the line."

After listening to them, more than laugh: "If you only want the sheep offal, you just had Nahao."

As a result, the dead of night, then quietly Liang Yan Zhao said that witches, sheep offal to be buried in front of the house.

The next morning, when her daughter woke up several hours outside the home, they found that they stand in front of a wonderful tree. The tree is really beautiful, full of tree-leaf sparkle of silver and golden apple of Huang Cancan, certain that the world is no more beautiful than it is, the more valuable things. They can get it do not understand how overnight the president to a tree so. Liang Zhiyan only was clear that this tree is from sheep offal, long out because it is her long-buried those things.

At this time, the mother of one eye, said: "The quick climb to the children! For us to come off the tree's fruit." Climbed up one eye, whenever she can reach out and pick those apples, but the branches Always will slip from her hands away. In this way, no matter how frustrating that she is not picking a Golden Apple.

As a result, his mother said: "Three eyes, you go, do you have three eyes, one eye Kendingkuaibi take a look at some more potential!"

An eye to climb down from the tree, 3 eyes and a climb up. But she is not much better than the one eye because of her no matter how hard enough to reach out, always go back to those golden apple.

Finally, the mother is impatient, then climbed up myself. But she is also the same as they always grasp an empty one, that is, could not pick Golden Apple. At this time, opening Liang Yan said: "Let me try, perhaps I can do it miles."

After listening to this, the sisters began shouting: "You, you Liang Zhiyan this guy, you can do?"

However, Liang Zhiyan has climbed up. Strange to say, this is no longer to retreat back to the Golden Apple, it seems to drop into her own hands the same. As a result Liang Yan then one after picking up a full bib. From the hands of her mother to pick apples in the past, she can not be good in this poor little girl, on the contrary, they are only jealous because she was a person able to take off his fruit, she is more vicious than before. In this way, Liang Zhiyan the situation on the more difficult.

One day, when a mother and her daughter a few trees standing, far from coming to a young knight.

"Fast! Liang Yan, Dun Xiaqu fast, we Biejiao ashamed for you!" One eye and three eyes quickly Bianhan edge of a tree is on the air in the heads of the poor girl who was also To just come off a few of the golden apple thrown inside.

When Knight came to their side, they found that he is a very handsome young man. He only stopped to watch a beautiful tree fruit gold silver Stella, and then to the sisters asked: "Who is this tree? Anyone who can give me a tree, she will do what you want."

An eye and three eyes told him that this tree is that they, and they are also very happy to break under a tree to him. She resorted to all means they will want a discount to the next, but no matter how hard they is not folded, as always from the branches and fruit in front of them in the future to Tuikai.

Knight met, they said: "This is really strange, since the tree is yours, and that is why you can not break under a tree?"

Two sisters, or insist that their tree is, however, in their words, Liang Zhiyan let a few barrels per day from under the Golden Apple rolled out, because she was an eye and three eyes are not telling the truth Very angry. Those who rolled Apple has been a Knight of the feet, to see Knight Golden Apple, very surprised. Apple asked from where they come from, an eye and three eyes told him that they have a sister, but she did not want other people to see her, because she and ordinary people have the same eyes. Can be

Knight, however, want to see her, they cried: "Liang Zhiyan girl, you come out!"

As a result, Liang Zhiyan assured that the girl boldly from the drilling under the barrels out. She's so beautiful Knight shocked, just listen, he said: "Liang Zhiyan girl, you must be able to give me a break from a tree next to a tree, right?"

"Yes," Liang Zhiyan replied, "I do not think I can do that, because of my tree." Then, she climbed up, easily folded on a covered with a silver Yergin The fruit tree branches, it gave the Cavaliers. He said: "Liang Zhiyan girl, how can I repay you?"

"Oh!" Liang Zhiyan replied, "I am here from morning to night hungry, suffering, if you can take me to leave here, I feel so excited."

As a result, Knight put on hold girl Liang Zhiyan own horse, her father back to the castle. There, he put on a pretty girl's clothes, much to let her eat all she wanted to eat. And he is so loved her, and she decided to get married, their wedding extraordinary excitement.

When the handsome knight Liang Yan was taken away, the sisters are very jealous of her good luck. "However, we still have a tree odd tree," they would like, "Even if we could not pick fruit can be any one of the city to a halt in front of us, and spread its good name, maybe we will hand in Good Luck! "

But the next morning, the tree will be gone, their hopes were dashed also. When Liang Yan said from his room looking out, she pleasantly surprised to find that Shuzheng tree standing in front of her, that she followed it up here.

In this way, Liang Yan lived a very happy life. One day, two Jiaohua woman came to live in her castle, and her charity. When she had to see their faces when they recognize that their sister is an eye and three eyes, now they are extremely poor, the homeless have to go, house to house to beg for a living. However, Liang Zhiyan not only welcome them, but also very concerned about treating them. They both also from the heart of a young man who abused his own sister was very remorseful.

F. 一隻眼兩隻眼三隻眼的故事說明了什麼


G. 神話故事中馬王爺、聞仲、楊戩都有三隻眼睛,誰最厲害




H. 求一本很久以前的格林童話,綠色硬皮封面,封面是七個小矮人白雪公主還有王子,裡面故事有三隻眼的故事,


I. 和田薰的演藝經歷

和田薫的配樂明顯屬於正統一派的,多用號,管弦來表現雄赳赳,氣昂昂的英雄氣概,緊張時刻的音樂也是影視中用慣了的手法:扣人心弦的提琴顫音,不規則的鼓點,低沉的圓號在不同音階慢慢重復一段曲調,再么就來個蜂鳴似的大混亂,效果倒是相當好。他的舒緩部分,古樸的幻想氣味,彷彿凈化在女神散發的聖潔氣息里. 而且在<犬夜叉>的配樂中保持了鏗鏘激昂外,特有的日式古典韻味的抒情 和田薫本人所參與的音樂創作十分多元化,不僅僅是在純音樂性質的交響樂團、日本傳統音樂、管樂、打擊樂團等等,甚至可以在日劇里、流行歌手的專輯中或是動畫的配樂里欣賞到。
如:日本動畫「犬夜叉(Inuyasha)」的音樂製作,並且為電影、電視、錄像帶、CD、戲劇與舞台劇進行音樂創作。1995年,為松竹(Shochiku)電影公司出版的「四谷怪談(Crest of Betrayal)」所作的電影音樂獲得「日本電影大賞」。在動畫部分,包括台灣觀眾耳熟能詳的動畫「犬夜叉」外,更有在日本風靡一時的動畫作品「三隻眼」,還有在台灣也受許多人喜愛的「聖鬥士星矢」、「機神兵團」、「新吸血姬美夕」、電影「金田一少年事件簿」等等。除了富有盛名的動畫配樂,和田薫也曾幫日劇「To Heart」以及由日本女星廣末涼子所演出電影「秘密」製作背景音樂,為日本知名流行女歌手小柳由紀作曲,作品當中,可以聽見各種社會文化相互撞擊所產生出的生命力,蘊涵著各種風味。
關於和田薫創作過的動漫遊戲音樂拉出個單子就足以說明一切:『To heart』、『羅德斯島戰記-英雄騎士傳』、『三隻眼』、『王國之心』、『金田一少年事件簿』、『獸兵衛忍風帖』、『魔法陣都市』、『新吸血姬美夕』、『銃夢』、『侍魂OVA』、大紅大紫的『犬夜叉』以及剛完結不久的『吉爾伽美什』等。相對於菅野洋子這位善於從世界各國民樂中收集素材的作曲家,和田薫更為偏傳統音樂一些,日本傳統的簫、笛、太鼓乃至中國的二胡都能在他的音樂中找到發揮空間。
同樣是以交響樂風格為主的作曲家,和田薫的音樂風格卻和大島ミチル(代表作:妖精戰士TV版,鋼之煉金術師)形成了很鮮明的對比。 大島氏的風格偏重於傳統式的古典交響樂,使用的樂器也以歐式樂器居多,因而營造出一種肅穆沉重的氣氛。 而和田薫的風格相對而言就輕快了很多,尤其是他擅長使用和式樂器(例如和太鼓,能管,三弦,薩摩琵琶等),與傳統的歐式交響樂相結合,從而創作出一種獨一無二的「和式交響樂」風格。不同性質的民族樂器被巧妙結合在一起,創作出的樂曲既不失民族音樂的輕快,也不失交響樂的深厚凝重。 更值得一提的是,和田薫所創作的劇伴音樂和作品本身都結合得十分出色。就曲式結構來說,和田薫的樂曲比較接近電影音樂的風格,即比起樂曲自身的獨立程度,更加註重配合作品中的故事情節而創作出的音樂。 這類曲子比較典型的例子就是「時代を超える想い2」,「優しさ、ありがとう」,「祈り,願い」,「三隻眼メインテーマ」等等。
在和田薫的筆下,不論是《犬夜叉》中犬夜叉和戈薇穿越時代的思念,桔梗那悲傷的巫女,還是「三隻眼」中八雲和佩沉重悲哀的宿命,抑或是「To Heart」中輕快和緩的校園生活,都被描繪得那麼惟妙惟肖,那麼令人難以忘懷。在他的音樂中,能尋到心中的久久平靜。所以,欣賞和田薫的音樂是不應該脫離開原作的;和田薫的音樂在這些作品裡和故事情節配合的是那麼的完美。 在「犬夜叉」的前兩部劇場版和「三隻眼」的OVA中,這些樂曲都在故事情節達到頂點的同時也達到了最高潮,那出色的演出效果使得無論是作品本身還是和田薫的音樂都給人留下了深刻的印象。 06年10月開播的《驅魔少年》配樂不甚理想,與其之前在《犬夜叉》中的配樂相去甚遠。(轉)

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