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發布時間: 2021-01-26 00:11:09

❶ 求電影《生命中的故事.......食物紊亂症》

不一定是電影名字的原因 你說的這個我也看過、

很老的電影了 現在網上很多原來正大綜藝播過的都找不到

❷ 誰知道電影《生命中的故事……食物紊亂症》哪裡能看


❸ 很早正大劇場播的一個電影<生命中的故事-食物紊亂症>,英文原名叫什麼

你說的可能是這個電影,關於Eating Disorders的,就是翻譯過來的食物紊亂症,譯名叫做「她的秘密」,我在youtube上找到了片段,你先看看是不是

Sharing the Secret (TV)

By rights, child psychologist Dr. Nina Moss should be pleased and proud that her daughter Beth is a slim, eternally upbeat overachiever. But Nina suspects that all is not well with Beth–and she』s right. Desperate to be accepted by her family and friends, and determined to be fully in control of her own destiny, Beth has become bulimic, 「binging」 and 「purging」 whenever things threaten to get out of hand in her life–or whenever she gains a single pound beyond her 「ideal」 weight. The winner of a 2001 Peabody Award.

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