A. 求簡單易學的英文歌曲和英文小故事
No.1 Cara Dillon《The Lark in the Clear Air》
Cara Dillon的聲音清澈美麗,猶如天籟,不可否認Cara Dillon擁有極少數人才有的美妙嗓音。The Lark in the Clear Air里,Cara Dillon的聲音伴著鋼琴娓娓道來,除了陶醉還是陶醉。我非常喜歡在心情煩躁的時候聽這首歌,她能立刻讓我回復平靜。
《Craigie Hill》應該是大家更為熟悉的Cara Dillon的一首歌曲,一樣的動聽,聽著如此純凈的聲音,真的彷彿周圍的一切也變得如此簡單,美麗。
No.2 The Bangles《eternal flame》
The Bangles的聲音同樣清澈動聽,《eternal flame》好像也被梁詠琪翻唱過,不知道別人聽這首歌是什麼感覺,我聽這首歌的時候精神是亢奮的,情緒隨著歌曲推進,最喜歡那句is this burning an eternal flame,靈魂彷彿隨著歌聲沖出體外。
No.3 Cranberries《Dying In The Sun》
小紅莓樂隊女主音Dolores的聲音非常動聽,這首歌的感動來自那幾句不停吟唱的Like dying in the sun Like dying in the sun Like dying in the sun Like dying... I wanted to be so perfect Like dying in the sun 彷彿那個為了愛情幸福的在陽光中離開的女孩就站在你面前安靜的微笑。
No.4 Whitney Houston 《I have nothing》
Whitney Houston 就不用多說了,這首歌阿妹也翻唱過,真的很經典,我最喜歡的當然是i have nothing nothing noting這里了。
No.5 Mariah Carey《when you believe》
No.6 Lene Marlin《 Sitting Down Here》
No.7 Christina Aguilera 《come on over》 CA的一首極具拉丁風情的歌曲,很好聽,
No.8 Sarah Connor & Natural 《Just One Last Dance》
經典抒情對唱曲目,剛開始的哼唱很有感覺,干凈,明亮,帶著依依不捨的深情.略帶沙啞的合唱部分再次唱出不忍分離,尤其是聽到turn round and round and round ,感覺自己彷彿也隨著音樂旋轉,,,
No.9 Shania Twain《 Any Man Of Mine》
在我看來,這是一首非常性感的歌曲,Shania Twain性感的聲音,總是感覺彷彿周圍立刻彌漫上一層粉紅色。
No.10 Lene Marlin《 A Place Nearby》
Lene Marlin很純美的女聲彷彿來自天堂,這首歌聽得我心碎,那種生離死別的不舍, 天堂是個很近的地方Heaven is a place nearby.So I won』t be so far away,
No.11 Christina Aguilera 《Believe Me 》
CA的這首歌不知道有多少人聽過,我很喜歡,尤其是You believed in me When no one else did,,,You will always be
No.12 Mariah Carey《hero》
MC的這首歌太經典了,不知道有多少人在情緒低落的時候會因首歌收到鼓舞,,也許be a hero是每個人都有過的夢想
No.13 Timo Tolkki《Are you the one》
這首歌的歌詞很美,旋律也很美,因愛受過傷害的人,他們的心靈是脆弱的,然而他們對愛仍然嚮往,嚮往卻怕傷害,這是一首會讓我落淚的歌,Are you the one? The traveller in time who has come To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun To walk this path with me until the end of time,是的,很想問一句,are you the one,,,
No.14 Shawn Colvin 《Sunny Came Home》
No.15 Ronan Keating 《When You Say Nothing At All》
No.16 Caron Nightingale《 Promise Don't Come Easy》
No.17 Sinead O』Connor《A Perfect Indian》
No.19 Groove Coverage 《God Is A Girl》
這首歌我聽第一遍的時候,居然沒有聽完,不知道為什麼有一種讓我窒息的感覺,尤其是這段反復的詢問,god is a girl,wherever you are,do you believe it, can you recieve it? god is a girl,whatever you say,do you believe it, can you recieve it?
No.20 有里知花《I cry》
第一次聽到這首歌的時候,我並不知道它的演唱者是一個日本歌手,聲音清新脫俗,整首歌如此柔美的歌聲,屬於一個同樣柔美的日本歌手確實是在合適不過了,恐怕有里也沒有想過她的這首歌不僅風靡了日本,還遠渡重洋,以外國歌手之姿拿下夏威夷No.1電台102.7 Da Bomb點播第一名,並於當地發行同名限定單曲,this feeling's still burning strong can't get you out of my head can't get you out of my heart can't get you out of my life no matter if we're apart,多少痴情的女子都曾經有如此的感受,不能揮揮手,瀟灑的繼續走,就只好,I cry, it's my only solution
No.21 Dido《Thank you》
Dido是一位非常有才華的女歌手,她的嗓音也非常的有特點,既有高音時候的高亢,又有略帶沙啞,慵懶的聲音,非常好聽,Thank you這首歌的旋律非常優美,明快,Dido唱出了一個戀愛中的小女人的心態,相信你聽了後同樣也可以感受到戀愛的美好。
No.22 Dido《This land is mine》
Dido的另一首歌,雖然這首歌旋律簡單,歌詞也簡單直白,但是越簡單的東西越能感動人,一個女子縱然再驕傲,當她遇到心愛的男子的時候,恐怕都會將自己的世界全盤割讓把,This land is mine but I'll let you rule I let you navigate and demand
No.23 Lene Marlin《One year ago》
多少人曾經在獨自一個人的時候,會回憶,會緬懷已經逝去的愛情和美好時光,會幻想可以回到過去,回到一年之前。Lene Marlin用她清澈動聽的聲音唱出了對往日的懷念和遺憾。And she wishes today Was one year ago When you cared so much for her
No.25 Emilla 《Big Big World》
No.26 Angelica 《blue ghost》
No.27 Christina Aguilera《beautiful》
No.28 Whitney Houston《I Will Always Love You》
No.29 Mariah Carey 《without you》
No.30 Carpenters《close to you》
B. 聽簡單的英語小故事
C. 急!英語小故事 一定要帶音頻文件!!!
Giving the Seeding a Hand
Long long ago, in ancient China, there lived a farmer .He was worried about his seeding growing too slowly .
One day ,he went to the farmland and pulled up the seeding one by one .When he returned home ,he was very exhausted."I am tired out today,」he said to his family ,"I helped the seeding to grow."
His son was surprised . He hurried to the fields to see what had happened .It turned out that all the seeding had shriveled up.
D. 簡單的英語小故事(初級版的)
A fox and a goat
An unlucky fox fell into a well, It was quite deep, so he could not get out by himself.
A goat came. He asked the fox:」what are you doing? The fox said : "There will be no water, so I jumped down to get some water. Why don』t you jump down, too?"
The goat jumped into the well.
But the fox jumped on the goat』s back and out of the well. "Good-bye, friend," said the fox. "Remember next time don』t trust the advice of a man in difficulties."
Thank you!
E. 美國英語小故事,有音頻
The first of the British colonies to take hold in North America was Jamestown. On the basis of a charter which King James I granted to the Virginia (or London) Company, a group of about 100 men set out for the Chesapeake Bay in 1607. Seeking to avoid conflict with the Spanish, they chose a site about 60 kilometers up the James River from the bay.
Made up of townsmen and adventurers more interested in finding gold than farming, the group was unequipped by temperament or ability to embark upon a completely new life in the wilderness. Among them, Captain John Smith emerged as the dominant figure. Despite quarrels, starvation and Indian attacks, his ability to enforce discipline held the little colony together through its first year.
In 1609 Smith returned to England, and in his absence, the colony descended into anarchy. During the winter of 1609-1610, the majority of the colonists succumbed to disease. Only 60 of the original 300 settlers were still alive by May 1610. That same year, the town of Henrico (now Richmond) was established farther up the James River.
It was not long, however, before a development occurred that revolutionized Virginia's economy. In 1612 John Rolfe began cross-breeding imported tobacco seed from the West Indies with native plants and proced a new variety that was pleasing to European taste. The first shipment of this tobacco reached London in 1614. Within a decade it had become Virginia's chief source of revenue.
Prosperity did not come quickly, however, and the death rate from disease and Indian attacks remained extraordinarily high. Between 1607 and 1624 approximately 14,000 people migrated to the colony, yet only 1,132 were living there in 1624. On recommendation of a royal commission, the king dissolved the Virginia Company, and made it a royal colony that year.
F. 求簡單的英語小故事,最好是能和聽者互動的.
As I Was Going
As I was going o'er(on the) London Bridge,
I heard something crack;
Not a man in all England
Can mend that!
As I was going to St Ives,
I met a man with seven wives.
Each wife had seven sacks,
Each sack had seven cats,
Each cat had seven kits:
Kits,cats,sacks and wives,
How many were there going to St Ives?
As I was going up and down,I met a little dandy,
He pulled my nose,and with two blows,
I knocked him down quite handy.
As I was going to sell my eggs,
I met a man with bandy legs;
Bandy legs and crooked toes,
I tripped up his heels and he fell on his nose.
As I was going o'er Tipple Tine,
I met a flock of bonny swine;
Some yellow necked,
Some yellow Backed,
They were the very bonniest swine
That ever went over Tipple Tine.
As I was going by Charing Cross,
I saw a back man upon a black horse;
They told me it was King Charles the First-
Oh dear,my heart was ready to burst!
The people of Nursery Rhyme tralled to lots of different places,didn't they?See how many of these questions you can answer about them:
1.Where was the man going over when he heard something crack?
2.Where was I going when I met a man with seven wives?
3.Who did I meet when I was going up and down?
4.What was I going to do when I met a man with bandy legs?
5.What did I meet as I was going o'er Tipple Tine?
6.As I was going by Charing Cross,who did I see?
You will be able to find all the answers to these questions in the rhymes above.
G. 誰推薦幾個在線聽的簡單英語小故事