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發布時間: 2021-01-08 00:53:07

㈠ 女媧補天英語作文50字

Nüwa,mending the heaven. 女媧補天In very ancient times, Heaven broke and fell, 在極其遙遠的古代,天空發生了坍塌,leaving a huge black hole. Humans were faced with the risk of extinction. 形成巨大的黑洞.人類面臨滅絕的危險.Nüwa, the great mother of the human race, 偉大的人類之母女媧had to reorganize the Universe. 不得不整頓宇宙秩序.Nüwa brought five-coloured stones, 這時,女媧取來五種顏色的石頭,melted them and used the colourful magma of Heaven to mend the black hole. 把石頭熔煉成五彩岩漿,然後把岩漿塗抹在天空,補上了黑洞.Later,Nüwa repaired Earth, too. 補完天空以後,女媧又修補大地.In the end, Nüwa killed the black dragon that was threatening human beings. 最後,女媧擒殺了危害人類的黑龍.With the protection of Nüwa, 人類在女媧的保護下,human beings once again began to lead a happy and peaceful life. 重新過上了平安幸福的生活. 精衛填海The bird Jingwei trying to fill the seaOnce upon a time, the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan went boating on the Eastern Sea. While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized. Just before she was buried by the surging waves, her spirit turned into a beautiful bird. As it flew over the roaring sea, it cried sadly in the sound "jinwei, jingwei". That was why people called it "Jingwei".
The bird lived on a mountain near the sea. It hated the sea so much that it decided to fill it up. Every day, it flew between the mountain and the sea, carrying in a twig or a pebble from the mountain and dropping it into the sea.
One day, the roaring sea said to Jingwei, "Poor little bird, stop doing that meaningless thing! You'll never fill me up." Jingwei replied, "I'll fill you up no doubt! I will, even if it'll take me thousands of years! I'll fight on until doomsday!"
The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles from the mountain to the Eastern Sea without taking a rest.

㈡ 幫我找一下女媧補天的英文版故事

Distant past, supported the Quartet's four pillars heaven and earth upside down, the earth split; days can not be universal coverage of all things, real things can not be a comprehensive capacity-load; burned fiercely but not extinguished, the water flooded and not stop; ferocious beast eat good people, fierce birds with claws grab the elderly and children. At this point, Nu Wa smelting colored stones to mend the loopholes in heaven, cut off the feet of giant tortoises do prop up the Quartet, Optimus Prime, killing Black Dragon to save Jizhou, reed-gray to plug the flood. The sky has been repaired, re-erected the pillars of heaven and earth Quartet up, the waters receded, China's land restored formation, ferocious animals and birds are all dead, and kind-hearted people survive.

㈢ 要愚公移山的英語故事,要翻譯成英語的,最後來一句感言。 和女媧補天的英語故事,也要感言。急!

The foolish old man in front of a big two mountain in the way, he decided to send the Shan Ping away, another"smart" wise old man laughed at him stupid, don't think. The old man said: "I'm dead son, son and grandson, generation after generation of descendants of the inexhaustible, two mountains will eventually chipping." After moved heaven, so the God Hercules moved two mountains.
China's ancient myths and legends, there is a goddess, her name was wa. Nuwa is what kind of? She is a legend in the first person yishen. She is a good God, she did a lot ofgood for humanity. For example, she taught people marriage, also he made an instrument called a makes. Andmake it the most touching story, is the goddess patching the sky.
Legend when human multiply, suddenly the water godVulcan zhurong Gong Gong and fought from heaven, theyhave been hit by underground, a restless, the Vulcan won,refuses to accept, but defeated Gonggong angry, hit his head to not week mountain. Don't Zhoushan split, hold alarge column between heaven and earth broke down, halfday, there was a large hole, also sank into a large crack,forest on fire, flood poured out of the ground, snake beastalso came out to eat people. Mankind is faced with an unprecedented catastrophe.
Nuwa saw human was so Qihuo, feel pain, so he decided to terminate the sky, this disaster. She used a variety ofcolored stones, set up fire will melt into a slurry, this stone slurry will be broken days hole filling, then cut off a bigturtle legs, as the four pillars of the sky up collapsed. Shealso captured and killed the Dragon stopped killing people,snakes arrogance. Finally, in order to block does not floodflow, Nu Wa also collected a lot of reeds, burn them to ashes, buried plug to spread around the torrent.
After a lot of hard work - Nu Wa, the heaven was filled, andfilled in, the water stopped, snake beast all owe trace,people once again lead an easy life. But this devastatingdisaster after all traces. From this day is some to the northwest tilt, the sun, moon and stars are so naturally tothe west, and because the tilted to the southeast, so all the rivers go there bus.

㈣ 英語作文,女媧補天,60詞,帶中文翻譯

  • Chinese mythology, the water god Gong Gong rebel war with Vulcan Vulcan, Vulcan total of workers was defeated, he was so angry with the head against the Western world pillar ill-Hill, leading to days of collapse, Tianhe water into the earth. Nuwa bear human disaster, so refining colored stone mended sky god turtle off the foot brace quadrupole, flat flood kill the beast, humans may only to homes.

  • 中國古代神話傳說,水神共工造反,與火神祝融交戰,共工被祝融打敗了,他氣得用頭去撞西方的世界支柱不周山,導致天塌陷,天河之水注入人間。女媧不忍人類受災,於是煉出五色石補好天空,折神鱉之足撐四極,平洪水殺猛獸,人類始得以安居。

㈤ 女媧補天故事的縮寫











㈥ 精衛填海,女媧補天,白雪公主的英語故事梗概


㈦ 女媧補天神話故事縮寫250字

傳說盤古開天闢地之時,女媧用黃泥和泥造人,百姓安居樂業。後共工與顓頊爭帝位,共工大敗,惱羞成怒,一頭向擎天柱不周山,致山體崩塌,天柱折斷,大地向東南傾斜,海水向陸地上倒灌,人類遭遇到了空前的災難。女媧看到她的子民們陷入巨大災難之中,決心煉石以補蒼天,以終止這場災難。於是她游便四海群山,選用各種各樣的五色石子,借來太陽神火將它們熔化成漿,用這種石漿將殘缺的天窟窿填好,隨後又斬下一隻神鰲的四足,當作四根柱子把倒塌的半邊天支起來。女媧還擒殺了殘害人民的黑龍,剎住了龍蛇的囂張氣焰。最後為了堵住洪水不再漫流,女媧還收集了大量蘆草,把它們燒成灰,埋塞向四處鋪開的洪流。 女媧補天台女媧補天之後,天地定位,洪水歸道,烈火熄滅,四海寧靜。後來人們為了紀念女媧建立了女媧廟,世代供奉,朝拜者絡繹不絕,香火不斷。


女媧補天是中國上古神話傳說之一,創世女神女媧是華夏民族人文先始,福佑社稷之正神。 相傳女媧摶土造人,並化生萬物 ,使天地不再沉寂。女媧氏,開世造物,因此被稱為大地之母 ,她是一位美麗的女神,身材像蛇一樣苗條,以致有些神話學家堅稱她根本就是蛇身。



㈧ 英語作文神話故事五六句 女媧補天

Nüwa,mending the heaven( 女媧補天)
In very ancient times, ,eaven broke and fell,( 在極其遙遠的古代,天空發生了坍塌),leaving a huge black hole. Humans were faced with the risk of extinction。( 形成巨大的黑洞.人類面臨滅絕的危險。)Nüwa, the great mother of the human race,,(偉大的人類之母女媧)had to reorganize the Universe. (不得不整頓宇宙秩序).Nüwa brought five-coloured stones,( 這時,女媧取來五種顏色的石頭)melted them and used the colourful magma of Heaven to mend the black hole. (把石頭熔煉成五彩岩漿,然後把岩漿塗抹在天空,補上了黑洞)Later,Nüwa repaired Earth, too. 補完天空以後,女媧又修補大地.In the end, Nüwa killed the black dragon that was threatening human beings.( 最後,女媧擒殺了危害人類的黑).With the protection of Nüwa, (人類在女媧的保護下)human beings once again began to lead a happy and peaceful life.。(重新過上了平安幸福的生活。)

㈨ 用英語寫女媧補天這個故事的內容30字

The water god collided with Zhoushan Mountain, which led to the collapse of the sky, and the water of the Tianhe River poured into the world.


Nuwa could not bear the human disaster. She refined five colored stones to fill the sky, folded the feet of the soft-shelled turtle to support the four poles, and killed the beasts in the flood, so that human beings could settle down.




稱號亦有媧皇、靈媧、帝媧、風皇、女陰、女皇、女帝、女希氏、神女、陰皇、陰帝、帝女等,史記女媧氏,風(或為鳳、女)姓,是古代傳說中的大地之母 。



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