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『壹』 急求幾篇中篇的英語故事

The Close Alliance
One day a farmer went with his bullocks to plough his field. He had just turned the first furrow, when a tiger walked up to him and said, "Peace be with you, friend! How are you this fine morning?"

"The same to you, my lord, and I am pretty well, thank you!" returned the farmer, quaking with fear, but thinking it wisest to be polite.

"I am glad to hear it," replied the tiger cheerfully, "because Providence has sent me to eat your two bullocks. You are a God-fearing man, I know, so make haste and unyoke them."

"My friend, are you sure you are not making a mistake?" asked the farmer, whose courage had returned now that he knew it was merely a question of gobbling up bullocks, "because Providence sent me to plough this field, and, in order to plough, one must have oxen. Had you not better go and make further inquiries?"

"There is no occasion for delay, and I should be sorry to keep you waiting," returned the tiger. "If you'll unyoke the bullocks I'll be ready in a moment." With that the savage creature fell to sharpening his teeth and claws in a very significant manner.

But the farmer begged and prayed that his oxen might not be eaten, and promised that if the tiger would spare them, he would give in exchange a fine fat young milch cow, which his wife had tied up in the yard at home.

To this the tiger agreed, and, taking the oxen with him, the farmer went sadly homewards. Seeing him return so early from the fields, his wife, who was a stirring, busy woman, called out, "What! lazybones!-- back already, and my work just beginning!"

Then the farmer explained how he had met the tiger, and how to save the bullocks he had promised the milch cow in exchange. At this the wife began to cry, saying, "A likely story, indeed!--saving your stupid old bullocks at the expense of my beautiful cow! Where will the children get milk? and how can I cook my pottage and collops without butter?"

"All very fine, wife," retorted the farmer, "but how can we make bread without corn? and how can you have corn without bullocks to plough the fields? Pottage and collops are very nice, but it is better to do without milk and butter than without bread, so make haste and untie the cow."

"You great gaby!" wept the wife, "if you had an ounce of sense in your brain you'd think of some plan to get out of the scrape!"

"Think yourself!" cried the husband, in a rage.

"Very well!" returned the wife; "but if I do the thinking you must obey orders; I can't do both. Go back to the tiger, and tell him the cow wouldn't come along with you, but that your wife is bringing it."

The farmer, who was a great coward, didn't half like the idea of going back empty-handed to the tiger, but as he could think of no other plan he did as he was bid, and found the beast still sharpening his teeth and claws for very hunger; and when he heard he had to wait still longer for his dinner, he began to prowl about, and lash his tail, and curl his whiskers, in a most terrible manner, causing the poor farmer's knees to knock together with terror.

Now, when the farmer had left the house, his wife went to the stable and saddled the pony; then she put on her husband's best clothes, tied the turban very high, so as to make her look as tall as possible, bestrode the pony, and set off to the field where the tiger was.

She rode along, swaggering and blustering, till she came to where the lane turned into the field, and then she called out, as bold as brass, "Now, please the powers! I may find a tiger in this place; for I haven't tasted tiger's meat since yesterday, when, as luck would have it, I ate three for breakfast."

Hearing these words, and seeing the speaker ride boldly at him, the tiger became so alarmed that he turned tail, and bolted into the forest, going away at such a headlong pace that he nearly overturned his own jackal; for tigers always have a jackal of their own, who, as it were, waits at table and clears away the bones.

"My lord! my lord!" cried the jackal, "whither away so fast?"

"Run! run!" panted the tiger, "there's the very devil of a horseman in yonder fields, who thinks nothing of eating three tigers for breakfast!"

At this the jackal sniggered in his sleeve. "My dear lord," said he, "the sun has dazzled your eyes! That was no horseman, but only the farmer's wife dressed up as a man!"

"Are you quite sure?" asked the tiger, pausing.

"Quite sure, my lord," repeated the jackal, "and if your lordship's eyes had not been dazzled by--ahem!--the sun, your lordship would have seen her pigtail hanging down behind."

"But you may be mistaken!" persisted the cowardly tiger, "it was the very devil of a horseman to look at!"

"Who's afraid?" replied the brave jackal. "Come! don't give up your dinner because of a woman!"

"But you may be bribed to betray me!" argued the tiger, who, like all cowards, was suspicious.

"Let us go together, then!" returned the gallant jackal.

"Nay! but you may take me there and then run away!" insisted the tiger cunningly.

"In that case, let us tie our tails together, and then I can't!" The jackal, you see, was determined not to be done out of his bones.

To this the tiger agreed, and having tied their tails together in a reef-knot, the pair set off arm-in-arm.

Now the farmer and his wife had remained in the field, laughing over the trick she had played on the tiger, when, lo and behold! what should they see but the gallant pair coming back ever so bravely, with their tails tied together.

"Run!" cried the farmer, "we are lost! we are lost!"

"Nothing of the kind, you great fool!" answered his wife coolly, "if you will only stop that noise and be quiet. I can't hear myself speak!"

Then she waited till the pair were within hail, when she called out politely, "How very kind of you, dear Mr. Jackal, to bring me such a nice fat tiger! I shan't be a moment finishing my share of him, and then you can have the bones."

At these words the tiger became wild with fright, and, quite forgetting the jackal, and that reef-knot in their tails, he bolted away full tilt, dragging the jackal behind him. Bumpety, bump, bump, over the stones!--crash, scratch, patch, through the briars!

In vain the poor jackal howled and shrieked to the tiger to stop,--the noise behind him only frightened the coward more; and away he went, helter-skelter, hurry-scurry, over hill and dale, till he was nearly dead with fatigue, and the jackal was quite dead from bumps and bruises.

《The Close Alliance》

『貳』 中篇寓言故事


『叄』 急求中篇勵志故事,





『肆』 一篇英文中篇故事,外帶中文翻譯的

Be Happy!

「The days that make us happy make us wise.」----John Masefield

when I first read this line by England』s Poet Laureate, it startled me. What did Masefield mean? Without thinking about it much, I had always assumed that the opposite was true. But his sober assurance was arresting. I could not forget it.

Finally, I seemed to grasp his meaning and realized that here was a profound observation. The wisdom that happiness makes possible lies in clear perception, not fogged by anxiety nor dimmed by despair and boredom, and without the blind spots caused by fear.

Active happiness---not mere satisfaction or contentment ---often comes suddenly, like an April shower or the unfolding of a bud. Then you discover what kind of wisdom has accompanied it. The grass is greener; bird songs are sweeter; the shortcomings of your friends are more understandable and more forgivable. Happiness is like a pair of eyeglasses correcting your spiritual vision.

Nor are the insights of happiness limited to what is near around you. Unhappy, with your thoughts turned in upon your emotional woes, your vision is cut short as though by a wall. Happy, the wall crumbles.

The long vista is there for the seeing. The ground at your feet, the world about you----people, thoughts, emotions, pressures---are now fitted into the larger scene. Everything assumes a fairer proportion. And here is the beginning of wisdom.


『伍』 求《故事會》中篇故事合集


『陸』 幽默中篇的故事

A businessman walks into a bank in San Francisco and asks for the loan officer. He says he is going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for such a loan.

So the businessman hands over the keys to a Rolls Royce parked on the street in front of the bank. Everything checks out, and the bank agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. An employee drives the Rolls into the bank's underground garage and parks it there.

Two weeks later, the businessman returns, repays the $5,000 and the interest, which comes to $15.41.

The loan officer says, "We are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled.

While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is why would you bother to borrow $5,000?"

The businessman replied, "Where else in San Francisco can I park my car for two weeks for $15 bucks?"
Once upon a time two brothers who lived on adjoining farms fell into conflict.
It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch.

Then the long collaboration fell apart. It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major difference, and finally it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence.

One morning there was a knock on John's door. He opened it to find a man with a carpenter's toolbox. "I'm looking for a few days work" he said.

"Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there I could help with? Could I help you?"

"Yes," said the older brother. "I do have a job for you. Look across the creek at that farm. That's my neighbor, in fact, it's my younger brother.

Last week there was a meadow between us and he took his bulldozer to the river levee and now there is a creek between us. Well, he may have done this to spite me, but I'll go him one better. See that pile of lumber by the barn?

I want you to build me a fence - - an 8-foot fence -- so I won't need to see his place or his face anymore."

The carpenter said, "I think I understand the situation. Show me the nails and the post hole digger and I'll be able to do a job that pleases you."

The older brother had to go to town, so he helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day. The carpenter worked hard all that day measuring, sawing, nailing, and hammering.

About sunset when the farmer returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. The farmer's eyes opened wide, his jaw dropped. There was no fence there at all.

It was a bridge -- a bridge stretching from one side of the creek to the other! A fine piece of work handrails and all -- and the neighbor, his younger brother, was coming across, his hand outstretched.
"You are quite a fellow to build this bridge after all I've said and done."

The two brothers stood at each end of the bridge, and then they met in the middle, taking each other's hand. They turned to see

the carpenter hoist his toolbox on his shoulder.
"No, wait! Stay a few days. I've a lot of other projects for you," said the older brother.

"I'd love to stay on," the carpenter said, "but, I have many more bridges to build."

『柒』 求《故事會》100篇好的中篇故事的名字


看就要看全集 裡面所以的文章都有 哈哈

『捌』 中篇英語故事帶翻譯的


The Magic Mill

A long time ago, far,
far away, there lived two brothers. One of them was quite rich: the other was
very poor. The rich brother lived on a little island; he was a seller of salt.
He had sold salt for many years and had got a great deal of money. The other
brother was so poor that he had not got enough food for his wife and
His wife said, "What will happen to us? Do you want me and the
children to die? There is nothing to eat. Why don't you go and ask your brother
for some money."
"My brother loves his money very much. I'm sure that he will
not give me any. Perhaps he will want to give me a handful of salt. But I will
go and see him."
He got into his boat and sailed across to the island where
his brother lived.
He found his rich brother at home, counting his
"What is the matter? Why have you come here?"
"Please, brother, I
have no food in my house. Please give me one of those gold pieces you are
"No. These are mine. You are very lazy. Why do you not go and
"I have tried to find some work, but I cannot. Now there is no bread
in my house for my children."
"I will not give you any money, but I'll give
you some bread. If I give you a loaf of bread, will you go away and not come
"Yes. Please give me the bread."
The rich man threw a loaf of bread
to him, and he went away.
While he was on his way to his house, he came to an
old man sitting by the side of the road.
"What is that you are carrying?"
said the old man. "Is it bread? I have not had any thing to eat for two
He cut a piece of the loaf and gave it to the old man, who thanked him
and began to eat. When he had finished, the old man said, "Now I will do
something for you. I will show you the home of the fairies who live underground.
If you show them the bread, they will want to buy it from you. But do not let
them give you any money. Ask them for the little mill that stands behind their
door. Do as I say, and you will become rich. When you come back, I will show you
how to use it."
The old man then led him into a wood. He pointed to a hole in
the ground. It looked like the hole made by a big rabbit. Inside, the hole grew
bigger and a little stone door could be seen.
"That is the fairies' home. Get
in and open the door. I will wait until you come out," said the old man.
poor man got into the hole, opened the door, and went in. It was dark inside the
door: for some time he could see nothing. Then, when he could see more clearly,
he saw many little fairies: they came and stood round

quot;What is that?" said one of them. "Is it white
bread? Please give it to us, or sell it to us."
"We will give you gold and
silver for it," said another.
"No," said the poor man. "I don't want gold or
silver. Give me that old mill that stands behind the door, and I will give you
the loaf of bread."
At first they did not want to give him the mill for the
bread, so he turned away.
But some of the fairies began to cry, "Let him have
the old mill. We never use it now. And only good people can make it
Then they gave him the mill. He put it under his arm and went out of
fairy-land. He fount the old man waiting for him.
"That is it," the old man
said. "This is how to use it. Only good people can use it. You must never let
any other person use it."
It was quite late when the poor man reached
"Where have you been?" said his wife. "There is no fire and no food in
the house. The children are cold and crying for food. What is that you are
carrying. It looks like an old mill."
"It is a mill," he said. "Now watch.
Say what you want, and you will have it."
He put the mill on the table and
began to turn it. Out of the little mill came wood for the fire, oil for
lighting and cooking, clothes, corn, and many other good things.
"It is a
magic mill," said his wife. "Now we are rich."
"Yes, but no-one must know
about it. We must hide it and use it only when no-one is watching."
The poor
man soon became as rich as his brother. He did not keep all the good things for
his own family. He gave many things to poor friends.
When his brother heard
about this, he said to himself, "I do not know why my brother has become rich. I
must find the reason for his riches."
For a long time he tried to find the
reason, but he could not. But one day he gave a servant some money and ordered
him to watch the house of his brother at night. That night, the servant looked
through the window and saw the family standing round the mill, which was
working. He went back and told what he had seen.
The next day the brother got
in his boat and sailed across the water. He said to his brother, "I see that you
are now quite rich, and I know the reason. You have a little magic mill. Sell it
to me. How much money do you want for it?"
"I cannot sell it," said the poor
man. "It must never leave my hands. The old man said, 'There will be great
danger if you sell it or give it to any other person.' That is what he
Then the rich brother sailed away home. But later, one dark night, he
came back, went very quietly into the house, and stole the mill. He quickly
carried it to the sea, where his boat was waiting. The

n he sailed
away to his island.
But the bad brother wanted very much to make the mill
work. He did not wait until he reached home. While he was sailing in the boat,
he tried to make it work.
"Salt," he said. "Salt is what I sell, and salt is
what I want." Then he began to turn the mill.
Then salt bean to come out of
the mill. He laughed and began to sing. Masses of salt came out and began to
fill the boat. The boat became low in the water. He tried to throw some of the
salt into the sea. But more came in, masses of it. He stopped laughing and
singing. Then he began to be afraid.
More salt came out of the mill, and soon
the boat was full of it. Then water came in and filled the boat. The boat went
down, down to the bottom of the sea, carrying with it the thief and the magic
There, at the bottom of the sea, the mill is still turning, making more
and more salt.
That is the reason (some people say) why the water of the sea
is salty.

I. Translation for


『玖』 求故事會中的2篇中篇故事


『拾』 很感動的中篇故事,最好可以哭的

給你一篇! 如果在天堂遇見你,你還記不記得我是誰?
>>> 如果在天堂遇見你,你還記不記得我是誰?
>>> 如果在天堂遇見你,你是否還像過去?
>>> 我必需堅強,但我做不到,我不屬於這兒,我只屬於你。
>>> 如果在天堂遇見你,你會不會緊握我的手?
>>> 如果在天堂遇見你,你會不會幫助我堅強?
>>> 我要尋找從黑夜到白晝的路,因為我知道我要找到你。
>>> 請帶我走吧,我相信天堂里定會有安寧。
>>> 請帶我走吧,我知道天堂里不再有眼淚。

>>> 當這棟五層的樓房倒塌時,霜正在一樓的辦公室里加班,吃著石給她送來的夜宵。他倆是一對新婚數月的小夫妻,恩愛非常。石比霜大八歲,從三年前認識起便對霜如珠似寶地寵愛著。由於兩人不在一個城市,幾經努力仍無法調動到一個城市。直到半年前,石才辭去了工作,隻身到霜所在的城市。
>>> 霜有一份報表必須在明天上交,但因為搞錯了一個數據,使得總數一直對不 上。不得不在晚上繼續加班,到了10點半卻還沒找出問題出在哪,於是打了個電話向丈夫訴苦撒嬌。於是石帶了夜宵來陪她的妻子,並和她一起查對著文件中的數據。見丈夫走進辦公室里,霜滿肚的煩亂立刻煙消雲散。石,一直是她的支柱,在外人看來,她是位很能乾的女孩子,但在石前面,她永遠是個小女人。看著丈夫的英俊的臉龐,心情就象窗外的星空一般,燦爛無比。石憐愛的摸著她的頭發,命令著說:「乖,去吃東西。我來查。」於是霜乖乖的端著夜宵坐到石的對面,一邊吃著一邊滿含柔情地盯著他,他的臉,他的一切,是她永遠都看不厭的。她相信,只要丈夫出馬,這世上便沒什麼辦不到的事。果然,不到一刻鍾,石便找出了那個錯誤,正微笑著想調侃他的妻子幾句。而就在此時,這棟早在一年前便說要拆而勉強使用至今的辦公樓,似乎在此時再也承受不起負荷,竟毫無徵兆的轟然一聲倒塌了。
>>> 幾秒鍾之內,兩人便被埋在了廢墟之中。不知過了多久,當霜從昏迷中醒來
>>> 「石!石!你在哪?」霜猛然想起了她的丈夫,叫著。沒有反應,她怕極了,嚶嚶哭泣起來。
>>> 「霜,我在這……你怎……怎麼樣?有……有沒有……受傷?」石微弱的聲音從她邊上傳了過來。她記起來了,在倒塌的一瞬間,石是撲過來一下壓在她的身上的,但現在怎麼會分開,她已經想不起來了。
>>> 「老公!你……你怎麼樣?!」霜聽著丈夫的聲音大異平時,驚恐地叫著。
>>> 「我沒事。只是被壓著動不了。」石忽然平靜一如平時,說著:「寶貝,別怕,
>>> 「我的小腿好象在流血……」霜繼續說著:「一條石板壓在我的大腿上。老公,我們是不是要死在這了?」
>>> 「怎麼會呢?一會兒就會有人來救我們了。」石緊了緊握著妻子的手:「用我的領帶綁住你流血的腿,夠不著小腿就綁大腿,越緊越好。」說完抽回手,將領帶遞了過來。霜照丈夫的話,把流血的腿給綁住,但由於力氣不夠,並不能有效的止住血流。如果沒人來救他們的話,豈不是流血都會流死了嗎?霜恐懼的想著。再伸過手緊緊的拉著石的手,只有這樣,她才能不那麼害怕。她突然覺得丈夫的手在抖,難道石也在害怕嗎?這時,不知道從哪傳來一聲老鼠的叫聲,霜尖叫了一聲。她生平最怕的就是老鼠,現在這情形,老鼠就算爬到她頭上,都無力抗拒。
>>> 「老婆,別怕。有我在呢,老鼠不敢過來的。過來我就砸死它!」石知道霜在怕什麼,故意輕松的說著:「老天故意找個機會讓我們患難與共呢。你的血止住了嗎?」
>>> 「沒有,還在流。」在石的玩笑話中,霜也輕鬆了不少:「唉,死就死吧。反正你跟我在一起,我什麼都不怕!」
>>> 霜想起了三年前和石認識的情景,那是她大學最後一年的實習期,在石所在的城市的一個公司里工作。有一日,兩人在一部電梯里偶遇,石的臉上充滿著驚艷的神色霜彷彿視而不見。只有兩種男人能引起她的關注,一種是聰明的,另一種是英俊的。而在電梯里呆望著她的男人,霜在他英俊的面龐里明顯地看出了智慧。似乎很玄妙但後來的了解也證明了她看人的眼光,石無疑是一位極其聰明的男人。但只有對著她時,才會顯出些傻樣來。霜想著想著,幾乎快要笑出聲來。
>>> 有一次,霜的肚子痛極,倒在床上臉色煞白。石坐在她的床邊,心痛使得他的臉色比她還白。他脫去外衣,躺在她的身側,將她緊緊的抱在懷里。一絲一絲的溫暖從他的身體傳至她的體內,她沉醉在他的懷抱中,竟忘了那本是難以忍受的痛楚。愛情的力量,有誰能解釋的清楚呵。
>>> 兩人靜默著,都知道除了等待之外,他們毫無辦法。霜感受著丈夫的手,繼續想著以前的往事。其實從嚴格意義上說,是她追的他。那次邂逅後,她便終生不悔,而石卻一直以為是他在苦追她,這傻子哦,我不給你製造機會你怎麼追啊,霜微微的笑著想。兩人在不同的城市,彼此的父母也都不是很贊成,但他們心裡都知道,這一生只會愛對方。這種愛,只有當事人才會明白。在漆黑一團不聞一點聲響的廢墟里,霜卻沉浸在回憶中,柔情似水地輕聲對丈夫說:「石……我愛你!」石緊了緊握著妻子的手作為回答。霜繼續回想著以往的點點滴滴。石每隔幾分鍾便會跟她說話,使她不感害怕。但是,她想睡了,感到很睏倦。
>>> 「石,我累了,我睡一會兒……」霜低低的說。
>>> 「不能睡!!」石大聲的喝道。反應如此強烈令霜吃了一驚。石緊緊的握著霜的手,說:「聽我說,你要控制自己,千萬不能睡!你在流血,睏倦不是因為疲累,而是因為失血,如果睡了,就不會再醒!知道嗎,千萬不要睡。跟我說話。」
>>> 霜想控制睡意,但那種強烈的睏倦,卻似乎抵擋不了,真想就此沉沉睡去。石不斷跟她說著話,說起以往的點點滴滴,真想睡,真想讓石閉嘴,但她似乎連說話的力氣都使不上來。她迷迷糊糊的聽著,一直處在半昏半醒之間。不知道過了多久,她聽到那外面有一聲沉悶的敲擊聲,終於有人來救他們了!她興奮地握緊丈夫的手,叫道: 「你聽,有人來了!有人來了!!」石的手卻松開了,傳入她耳邊的是一聲似嘆息似呻吟的聲音。她也終於昏迷了過去。
>>> 這棟樓倒塌是在深夜,沒有人想到會有人在裡面。直到早上,城建處才有人來勘察,才聽到附近的人說昨晚似乎看到有間辦公室一直亮著燈,但不知道有沒有
>>> 搶救是順利的,當挖開一塊一塊的水泥板,撬開一根又一根的鋼筋後,施救人員首先發現了石。當抬他上來時,石的神智還是清醒的,他拒絕現場醫護人員的救治,並不肯上救護車,躺在廢墟邊的擔架里,嘴裡不斷喃喃的說著:「救她……救她……」在場的一位經驗豐富的醫生當看到石時,已經知道無救了,也不勉強將其抬上救護車,因為可能稍一移動便是致命的。只示意護士給他輸血,但針管插入後血已輸不進去了。他的嘴邊不斷溢著血,這是內臟受了嚴重外傷的反映,估計是肋骨斷裂後插入。一隻手已經斷了,斷裂處血已停流,兩條腿的骨頭也全是粉碎性骨折。致命的是,從他的臉色中看出,血幾乎已經流盡了。令這位醫生奇怪的是,按這種傷勢是不可能堅持到現在的。
>>> 石的眼睛眨也不眨的看著施救人員的舉動,很快昏迷中的霜也被救了出來,石轉向了醫生,眼光里竟流露出乞憐的神情,嘴裡已經說不出話來。醫生現在有點明白為何他能堅持到現在了,給了他一個安慰的眼光,迅速走到霜的身邊給她作了一些檢查和必要的治理,然後讓救護人員將她抬上救護車,回到石的身邊,蹲下身來看著他急切的眼光說:「你放心,她沒有生命危險,也沒有嚴重的內傷,失血有點嚴重,但沒關系,救護車上就有輸血設備。」
>>> 當聽到醫生的話時,石剎那間似乎綳緊了的眩一下放鬆了,便委頓了下去,眼光追隨著抬著霜的擔架。醫生不忍的看著,轉頭叫抬擔架的人給先抬過來,將霜平放在石的邊上。在場的所有人的眼光都聚集在了這里,偌大的一塊地方,沒有一個人發出一點聲音。石用著生命的最後一絲力氣,依戀地看著霜,看著他深愛著的妻。那眼光流露出疼愛,流露出萬般的不舍,深深的看著,彷彿要將她的影象永遠映在眼裡。他竭盡力想將那隻沒斷的手抬起來,但只能使手指微微動了動,醫生噙著淚將他的手蓋在了她的手上。石張著嘴,似乎在說著什麽。一滴淚,從他的眼裡流了出來,而淚卻使他的眼睛模糊,他想看她,他想看著她啊!醫生懂他的心思,抖著手替他抹去了那滴淚,但他的眼睛大張著,卻永遠也看不見他的妻子了。他走了。
>>> 只有看過石的傷勢的這位醫生知道,為了妻子不感恐懼,為了他深愛的妻子不因失血致死,在生命的最後關頭,他硬是抗拒了死神幾個小時,他受的傷,是要忍受幾個小時生不如死的痛楚啊。上了年紀的醫生也再控制不住,為這位素不相識的人老淚長流。邊上的幾個小護士,早已失聲痛哭。
>>> 直到霜的傷勢全部復原後,她的父母和哥哥才將石的死訊告訴了她。當明白這是真的時,霜以妻子的身份要來了石的死亡通知和病歷。她一字一字的看著,臉上的神色很平靜,令她的家人都鬆了一口氣。她哥哥說,:「聽在場的人說,妹夫在走之前,曾經跟你說過什麼,但只有那位老醫生聽到了。」她一言不發,獨自出了病房,她的母親在她身後跟著她,見她徑直走進了那位老醫生的辦公室,坐在他的對面。
>>> 老醫生見是她,微笑地說:「你的傷好了?還該注意休息,不該到處亂跑的。」
>>> 「我丈夫跟我說了什麼?」她直視著醫生,語氣大異平時,連起碼的禮貌也不顧了。她此刻只想知道石跟她說了什麼,不想寒喧,不想說廢話。
>>> 老醫生詫異地看了她一眼,但瞬間便理解了她。盡量的和緩的說:「他那時已說不出話了,口腔里的水份已不足,所以我只能看到他的口型。」霜也不繼續問,只是仍舊盯視著他。醫生嘆口氣,似乎回到了當時,神情也變的很悲戚,說:「如果我沒有看錯的話,當時他看著你,說的是:『我愛你』,然後就……」
>>> 霜沉默著,臉色變的雪一般白。醫生正想著怎麼安慰她時,只見她一張口,竟噴出了一口鮮血。
>>> 半年多過去了,霜的父母將她接回了家住。在這半年,她沒有跟人說過一句
>>> 看著自己的女兒成了這副樣子,霜的父母在半年裡似乎一下老了十歲。所有醫生對霜的病症都搖頭,也去看過心理醫生,但不管醫生跟她說什麼話,她都是完全沒聽到的樣子。
>>> 就這樣又快過了半年,霜的哥哥的小女兒來外婆家吃飯。六歲的孩子看著跟以前完全不一樣的姑姑,拉著她的手也沒反應,不禁急了:「姑姑,姑姑!你以前說要帶我去公園玩的,你騙人!」外婆外公拚命的打眼色,但那孩子哪去理會,繼續嚷道: 「還有姑父,他也答應過我的,哼,全說話不算話!」聽到「姑父」兩字,霜渾身一震,在她的身邊,沒有一個人敢提石,這是她快一年第一次聽到有人提到他。竟也拉著小侄女的手說:「姑父答應過你的?好,我馬上帶你去。」霜的母親第一次聽到她跟人說話,不由激動的哭了起來。霜的父親馬上想到女兒的病情可能有轉機了,竭力壓抑著顫抖的語氣,平靜的說:「那好,霜,你就帶她去吧。」
>>> 在公園,小侄女牽著姑姑的手,張大眼睛問道:「姑姑,姑父呢?爸爸說他去了很遠的地方,但我又聽見他跟媽媽說下星期是姑父的周年,要去祭他。姑父是死了嗎?」
>>> 「姑父死了?嗯,是吧。」霜若有所思。
>>> 小侄女來後的幾天,霜明顯恢復了許多。跟父母不斷的說著話,但他們都迴避著石這個話題。到了石的周年這一天,中午母親去叫霜吃飯時,卻發現霜不在家裡。正狐疑時,兒子的電話來了,霜在石的墓前。
>>> 當父母趕到時,只見霜靠坐在墓碑前,穿著結婚那天穿的禮服,眼睛閉著但嘴邊卻帶著微笑。她的哥哥和嫂子站在她的前面,眼睛都已哭的紅腫,霜的母親一下便暈了過去,父親渾身顫抖著走近,看到幕碑上霜用血寫下了幾句話:

>>> 如果在天堂遇見你,你還記不記得我是誰?
>>> 如果在天堂遇見你,你是否還像過去?
>>> 我必須堅強,但我做不到,我不屬於這兒,我只屬於你。
>>> 如果在天堂遇見你,你會不會緊握我的手?
>>> 如果在天堂遇見你,你會不會幫助我堅強?
>>> 我要尋找從黑夜到白晝的路,因為我知道我要找到你。
>>> 請帶我走吧,我相信天堂里定會有安寧。
>>> 請帶我走吧,我知道天堂里不再有眼淚。……

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