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發布時間: 2020-12-27 00:10:01

㈠ 英語小故事(帶中文翻譯)

1、A cat goes to a river every day. He wants to go fishing. But he can』t catch any fish.


One day, he goes to the river as usual. Suddenly a fish comes out. He catches the fish. He is very happy. He forgets to put the fish in the basket. He dances and sings. He shouts, 「I have a fish! I have a fish!」 All his friends come to see him.


「Where is your fish? Let us have a look at it. 」 his friends say.


「It』s there, near the bank.」 the cat answers. But he can』t find the fish. When he sings and dances, the fish jumps back into the river.


2、Wang Xi- is one of the most famous calligraphers ring the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China. When he was very young, he practiced his art every day and never stopped.


absorbed the strong points of all the other schools of calligraphy, and developed his own unique style of writing. Because of his achievements, he has been honored as one of China's sages of calligraphy.


One time, Wang Xi- sketched in wood for an engraver to cut. Then the engraver found the ink had penetrated one centimeter into the wood.


"Ru Mu San Fen" is got from this story, which means the calligraphy is penetrating.


3、I have nine little goldfish .Eight goldfish are all orange and one isblack .I like the black one best.


We call it Xiao Hei .Its body is black .It hastwo big and round eyes, a small mouth ,and a big tail. Though it's very small ,itswims fast .


I often feed them and change water for them. We are good friends .


4、For months I hinted that I needed a new wedding ring, since I had developed an allergy to gold.


On my birthday, while I was gardening, my husband asked me for gift suggestions.I held my hands up and said, "Well, you『ll notice that my hands are bare."


Later that evening I opened my present with enthusiasm. "Happy birthday," he said, as I unwrapped a new pair of gardening gloves.


5、A panda looks like a little bear. It has black and white fur. It lives only in China, so it is called the national treasure of China and protected by the law.

熊貓看起來好像一隻小熊。它的皮毛是黑白相間。 它只居住在中國,因此,它是中國的國寶,受到國家法律的保護。

We all see panda on TV or in the zoo. They look stupid and walk slowly, but they are lovely and everyone likes them.

A panda is lucky animal. We Chinese like it, and people of the world like it, too.


Now there are China』s pandas in many other countries, such as Japan and the USA…


A panda isn』t a common animal, it is bridge of friendship.


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